--- layout: "home" title: "some data" --- # toffee wiki Official WIP wiki!! ## Stuffs Some wiki stuff will go here Check out an actual example page [over here](/wiki/en/ex/next/) 多[言語](/wiki/ja/)化!? ## Markdown Support ```jsx export default function RenderMarkdown({ children }: RenderMarkdownProps) { return ( <ReactMarkdown remarkPlugins={[remarkGfm]} rehypePlugins={[rehypeHighlight, rehypeSlug]} > {children} </ReactMarkdown> ); } ``` ## GFM ### Autolink literals www.example.com, <https://example.com>, and contact@example.com. ### Footnote A note[^1] [^1]: Big note. ### Strikethrough ~one~ or ~~two~~ tildes. ### Table | Syntax | Description | | --------- | ----------- | | Header | Title | | Paragraph | Text | ### Tasklist - [ ] to do - [x] done