import { m, Variants } from "framer-motion"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import { ReactElement, useEffect, useState } from "react"; import DashLayout from "../../../layouts/DashLayout"; import Image from "next/image"; import Loading from "../../../components/common/Loading"; import { GetServerSideProps } from "next"; import UserJSONEntry from "../../../interfaces/UserJSONEntry"; import APIError from "../../../interfaces/APIError"; import RankChart from "../../../components/userpage/RankChart"; import RankHistoryJSON from "../../../interfaces/ChartRankHistoryJSON"; interface EmoteURLs { "7tv": { [key: string]: string }; bttv: { [key: string]: string }; ffz: { [key: string]: string }; twitch: { [key: string]: string }; [key: string]: { [key: string]: string }; } interface UserPageProps { userData: UserJSONEntry; serverError: APIError | null; } function UserPage(props: UserPageProps) { const [channelEmotes, setChannelEmotes] = useState<{ [key: string]: { [key: string]: string }; }>({}); const [errorCode, setErrorCode] = useState<number | null>(null); const router = useRouter(); const { username } = router.query; const [rankHistory, setRankHistory] = useState<RankHistoryJSON>( randomRankHistory(props.userData.rank) ); useEffect(() => { if (!router.isReady) return; // if it is of if (props.serverError) { setErrorCode(props.serverError.error.code); } fetch("/api/emotes") .then((res) => res.json()) .then((data) => { // if error, return if (data.error) { setErrorCode(data.error.code); return; } // construct js object with emote names as keys and emote urls for each provider // 7tv let emotes: EmoteURLs = { "7tv": {}, bttv: {}, ffz: {}, twitch: {} }; data["7tv"].channel.forEach((emote: any) => { let base_url =; // get the largest emote size, append it to the base url let largest =[ - 1]; emotes["7tv"][] = `https:${base_url}/${}`; }); // same for global emotes data["7tv"].global.forEach((emote: any) => { let base_url =; let largest =[ - 1]; emotes["7tv"][] = `https:${base_url}/${}`; }); // bttv data["bttv"].channel.forEach((emote: any) => { emotes["bttv"][ emote.code ] = `${}/3x`; }); data["bttv"].global.forEach((emote: any) => { emotes["bttv"][ emote.code ] = `${}/3x`; }); // ffz data["ffz"].channel.forEach((emote: any) => { // ffz emotes don't have all sizes available, so we need to get the largest one by taking the largest key in the urls object emotes["ffz"][] = `https:${ emote.urls[ Math.max(...Object.keys(emote.urls).map((k) => parseInt(k))) ] }`; }); data["ffz"].global.forEach((emote: any) => { emotes["ffz"][] = `https:${ emote.urls[ Math.max(...Object.keys(emote.urls).map((k) => parseInt(k))) ] }`; }); // twitch data["twitch"].channel.forEach((emote: any) => { emotes["twitch"][] = emote.images["url_4x"]; }); data["twitch"].global.forEach((emote: any) => { emotes["twitch"][] = emote.images["url_4x"]; }); // set emotes to channelEmotes setChannelEmotes(emotes); }); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [router.isReady]); if (errorCode !== null) { // 20000 = user not found // 10000 = emote api error // 10100 = twitch api error const errorMsg = errorCode === 20000 ? "User not found" : "API error"; return ( <m.div className="flex h-screen w-full items-center justify-center text-3xl" initial={{ opacity: 0, y: -50 }} animate={{ opacity: 1, y: 0, transition: { duration: 1.0 } }} exit={{ opacity: 0, y: -25 }} > <p>{errorMsg}</p> </m.div> ); } // if json is empty, and if channelEmotes is incomplete, show loading screen if (Object.keys(channelEmotes).length < 4) { return ( <div className="flex h-screen w-full items-center justify-center text-3xl"> <Loading /> </div> ); } return ( <> <div className="flex justify-center overflow-hidden"> <m.div className="mt-7 inline-grid w-[calc(100%-40px)] max-w-5xl grid-cols-10 gap-8 pl-2 font-plusJakarta sm:gap-3 lg:mt-12 lg:pl-0 lg:pr-2" variants={containerVariants} > {/* User "banner" */} <m.div className="col-span-10 mb-2 rounded-2xl bg-zinc-800 bg-opacity-70 p-3" variants={userBannerVariants} > <div className="flex items-center justify-between p-4"> <div className="flex flex-row items-center"> <div className="relative bottom-[54px] -left-7 w-[110px] md:bottom-[70px] md:left-0 md:w-[169px]"> <Image src={props.userData.avatar_url} alt="User avatar" width={140} height={140} priority className="absolute rounded-lg border-4" style={{ borderColor: props.userData.badges[0] ? props.userData.badges[0].color : "grey", // "glow" effect boxShadow: `0px 0px 20px 1px ${ props.userData.badges[0] ? props.userData.badges[0].color : "transparent" }`, }} /> </div> <div className="flex-col overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap"> <h1 className="w-full overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap text-2xl font-semibold text-white lg:text-4xl"> {} </h1> {/* User's badges */} <div className="mt-1 flex flex-row text-sm"> {props.userData.badges ? ( (badge: { name: string; color: string; priority: number; }) => { return ( <div style={{ backgroundColor: badge.color }} className="mr-1 rounded-md bg-purple-500 px-2" key={} > <span className="text-white">{}</span> </div> ); } ) ) : ( <></> )} </div> </div> </div> {/* User's net worth (Desktop) */} <div className="hidden md:block"> <h1> <span className="text-4xl font-semibold text-zinc-400"> $ </span> <span className="text-4xl text-white"> {props.userData.net_worth.toLocaleString("en-US")} </span> </h1> </div> </div> </m.div> {/* Main Container */} <m.div className="col-span-10 inline-grid grid-cols-7 gap-3 rounded-2xl lg:col-span-7" variants={mainContainerVariants} > {/* User's Rank/Graph */} <div className="col-span-7 rounded-2xl bg-zinc-800 bg-opacity-70"> <div className="inline-grid w-full grid-cols-5 p-5"> <div className="col-span-1 flex items-center justify-start"> <div className="flex-col px-2"> <h1 className="mb-1 whitespace-nowrap text-center text-xl font-medium text-white underline"> Global Rank </h1> <div className="flex items-center text-3xl font-bold"> <span className="text-zinc-400">#</span> <span className="text-white"> {props.userData.rank.toLocaleString("en-US")} </span> </div> </div> </div> {/* User's Rank Graph (Desktop) */} <div className="col-span-4 hidden w-full items-center justify-center pr-4 md:flex lg:justify-end"> <div className="relative h-20 w-[90%] max-w-lg"> <RankChart rankHistory={rankHistory} /> </div> <div className="fixed"> <m.div className="relative top-10 rounded-3xl bg-zinc-900 bg-opacity-70 p-1 px-2 hover:cursor-pointer lg:left-7" onClick={() => setRankHistory(randomRankHistory(props.userData.rank)) } initial={{ color: "rgb(244, 114, 182)", }} whileHover={{ scale: 1.05, backgroundColor: "rgb(244, 114, 182)", color: "white", }} > <p className="text-[8px]">randomize</p> </m.div> </div> </div> {/* User's net worth (Mobile) */} <div className="col-span-4 md:hidden"> <div className="flex h-full w-full items-center justify-end"> <h1> <span className="text-3xl font-semibold text-zinc-400 sm:text-4xl"> $ </span> <span className="text-3xl text-white sm:text-4xl"> {props.userData.net_worth.toLocaleString("en-US")} </span> </h1> </div> </div> </div> </div> {/* User's Graph (Mobile) */} <div className="col-span-7 rounded-2xl bg-zinc-800 bg-opacity-70 p-5 md:hidden"> <div className="flex items-center justify-center"> <div className="relative h-20 w-full"> <RankChart rankHistory={rankHistory} /> </div> </div> <div className="flex items-center justify-center"> <m.div className="rounded-3xl bg-zinc-900 bg-opacity-70 p-1 px-2 hover:cursor-pointer" onClick={() => setRankHistory(randomRankHistory(props.userData.rank)) } initial={{ color: "rgb(244, 114, 182)", }} whileHover={{ scale: 1.05, backgroundColor: "rgb(244, 114, 182)", color: "white", }} > <p className="text-[8px]">randomize</p> </m.div> </div> </div> {/* User's Assets */} <div className="col-span-7 flex flex-col rounded-2xl bg-zinc-800 bg-opacity-70"> {/* User's Assets Header */} <div className="h-11 w-full rounded-t-2xl bg-pink-400"> <h1 className="m-1 text-center text-2xl font-bold"> Top Assets </h1> </div> {/* User's Assets Body */} <div className="inline-grid grid-cols-2 items-center justify-start gap-2 p-5 sm:grid-cols-3 xl:grid-cols-4"> {errorCode === 20000 ? ( <h1 className=" text-zinc-400">{`Could not load assets`}</h1> ) : ( (asset: { name: string; count: number; provider: string; }) => ( <div className="flex items-center justify-center" key={} > <div className="flex h-44 w-full max-w-[256px] flex-col items-center rounded-xl bg-zinc-900 bg-opacity-80 p-2"> <div className="mt-2 mb-2 h-24 w-24"> <div className="flex h-full w-full items-center justify-start p-2"> { // if error code is 10000 or emote does not exist, show placeholder image errorCode === 10000 || channelEmotes[asset.provider] === undefined || channelEmotes[asset.provider][] === undefined ? ( <h1 className="text-center text-zinc-400">{`404 :(`}</h1> ) : ( <Image src={ channelEmotes[asset.provider][ ] ?? "" } alt={} width={100} height={100} className="max-h-[100px]" /> ) } {/* Fix asset count to bottom right of image */} <div className="relative rounded-full bg-zinc-900 bg-opacity-80 p-1"> <p className="absolute -bottom-10 -right-2 -rotate-12 text-lg font-bold text-white" style={{ textShadow: "0px 0px 4px black" }} > x{asset.count} </p> </div> </div> </div> <div className="flex w-full flex-row items-center justify-center"> { // show provider logo (7tv, bttv, ffz, twitch) asset.provider === "7tv" ? ( <div className="mr-1 pt-[1px] text-7tv "> <SevenTVLogo /> </div> ) : asset.provider === "bttv" ? ( <div className="mr-1 pt-[1px] text-bttv"> <BTTVLogo /> </div> ) : asset.provider === "ffz" ? ( <div className="h-5 w-6 text-white"> <FFZLogo /> </div> ) : ( <div className="mr-1 w-4 pt-[1px] text-twitch"> <TwitchLogo /> </div> ) } <p className="text-md max-w-[80%] overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap font-bold text-white"> {} </p> </div> </div> </div> ) ) )} </div> </div> </m.div> {/* Sidebar */} <m.div className="col-span-10 flex flex-col justify-start md:flex-row lg:col-span-3 lg:flex-col" variants={sidebarVariants} > <m.div className="center mb-3 mr-3 inline-grid grid-cols-2 gap-3 rounded-2xl bg-zinc-800 bg-opacity-70 p-5 text-xl font-medium lg:mr-0" variants={sidebarItemVariants} > {/* User's Stats, left side is label, right side is value */} <h1>Points</h1> <h1>{props.userData.points.toLocaleString("en-US")}</h1> <h1>Shares</h1> <h1>{props.userData.shares.toLocaleString("en-US")}</h1> <h1>Trades</h1> <h1>{(0).toLocaleString("en-US")}</h1> <h1>Peak rank</h1> <h1>{(0).toLocaleString("en-US")}</h1> <h1>Joined</h1> <h1> {new Date(0).toLocaleDateString("en-US", { year: "numeric", month: "short", })} </h1> </m.div> {/* User's Favorite Emote */} <m.div className="flex flex-col rounded-2xl bg-zinc-800 bg-opacity-70" variants={sidebarItemVariants} > <div className="h-11 w-full rounded-t-2xl bg-pink-400"> <h1 className="m-1 text-center text-2xl font-bold"> Favorite Emote </h1> </div> <div> <p className="m-5 text-lg text-zinc-400"> This user has not yet set a favorite emote. </p> </div> </m.div> </m.div> </m.div> </div> </> ); } const SevenTVLogo = () => { return ( <svg viewBox="0 0 109.6 80.9" width="1em"> <g> <path d="M84.1,22.2l5-8.7,2.7-4.6L86.8.2V0H60.1l5,8.7,5,8.7,2.8,4.8H84.1" fill="currentColor" ></path> <path d="M29,80.6l5-8.7,5-8.7,5-8.7,5-8.7,5-8.7,5-8.7L62.7,22l-5-8.7-5-8.7L49.9.1H7.7l-5,8.7L0,13.4l5,8.7v.2h32l-5,8.7-5,8.7-5,8.7-5,8.7-5,8.7L8.5,72l5,8.7v.2H29" fill="currentColor" ></path> <path d="M70.8,80.6H86.1l5-8.7,5-8.7,5-8.7,5-8.7,3.5-6-5-8.7v-.2H89.2l-5,8.7-5,8.7-.7,1.3-5-8.7-5-8.7-.7-1.3-5,8.7-5,8.7L55,53.1l5,8.7,5,8.7,5,8.7.8,1.4" fill="currentColor" ></path> </g> </svg> ); }; const FFZLogo = () => { return ( <svg viewBox="0 0 396 396"> <path d="m150.06,151.58c-.77-6.33.31-12.45,1.99-18.5,2.37-8.51,9.11-14.22,15.62-18.44,8.71-5.65,18.98-8.6,30.02-8.89,7.26-.19,12.89,3.13,18.17,6.2,3.98,2.32,7.8,6.66,10.25,11.43,2.99,5.83,5.92,11.51,7.05,18.18,1.17,6.9,4.69,13.3,9.05,18.55,4.61,5.55,5.63,11.86,5.53,18.1-.15,8.77,3.32,16.07,6.61,23.64.93,2.14,2.15,3.87,4.76,3.08,2.58-.77,4.04-2.69,3.78-5.44-.32-3.41-.64-6.86-1.43-10.18-1.01-4.18-1.54-8.31-1.45-12.65.19-9.37,6.06-15.83,12.06-21.43,5.81-5.44,9.29-4.23,15.15,1.48,7.52,7.32,14.31,15.22,18.49,24.91,3.86,8.94,7.62,17.97,10.54,27.24,1.79,5.7,2.26,11.9,2.71,17.92.35,4.7-2.69,8.43-6.01,11.17-12.05,9.97-24.04,20.06-38.64,26.39-3.06,1.32-5.93,3.65-8.27,5.9-4.3,4.13-8.7,4.8-14.22,3.81-6.67-1.2-12.21,2.2-17.76,5.37-10.83,6.19-21.98,11.44-34.99,10.56-2.65-.18-5.35-.19-7.99.05-9.67.89-18.35-1.86-26.44-6.91-5.06-3.16-10.74-5.27-15.39-9.12-.62-.51-1.58-.75-1.96-1.37-3.61-5.84-8.03-5.41-13.72-2.82-7.66,3.48-8.07,3.02-13.2-3.77-3.48-4.6-8.91-6.59-13.27-10.01-11.43-8.97-22.52-18.11-29.39-31.42-2.17-4.21-2.9-8.38-2.59-12.82.76-10.87,1-21.85,7.82-31.3,6.01-8.32,10.79-17.68,19.29-23.9,5.9-4.32,10.15-2.9,14.27,3.26,6.93,10.36,7.99,21.4,4.42,33.03-1.46,4.76-.62,9.52-.8,14.28-.09,2.23,2.26,4.61,3.36,4.24,2.47-.83,5.83.99,7.52-2.37,5.96-11.87,14.26-22.67,17.36-35.82,1.65-7.02,2.21-14.34,1.72-21.63Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> ); }; const BTTVLogo = () => { return ( <svg viewBox="0 0 300 300" height="1em"> <path fill="transparent" d="M249.771 150A99.771 99.922 0 0 1 150 249.922 99.771 99.922 0 0 1 50.229 150 99.771 99.922 0 0 1 150 50.078 99.771 99.922 0 0 1 249.771 150Z" ></path> <path fill="currentColor" d="M150 1.74C68.409 1.74 1.74 68.41 1.74 150S68.41 298.26 150 298.26h148.26V150.17h-.004c0-.057.004-.113.004-.17C298.26 68.409 231.59 1.74 150 1.74zm0 49c55.11 0 99.26 44.15 99.26 99.26 0 55.11-44.15 99.26-99.26 99.26-55.11 0-99.26-44.15-99.26-99.26 0-55.11 44.15-99.26 99.26-99.26z" ></path> <path fill="currentColor" d="M161.388 70.076c-10.662 0-19.42 7.866-19.42 17.67 0 9.803 8.758 17.67 19.42 17.67 10.662 0 19.42-7.867 19.42-17.67 0-9.804-8.758-17.67-19.42-17.67zm45.346 24.554-.02.022-.004.002c-5.402 2.771-11.53 6.895-18.224 11.978l-.002.002-.004.002c-25.943 19.766-60.027 54.218-80.344 80.33h-.072l-1.352 1.768c-5.114 6.69-9.267 12.762-12.098 18.006l-. 30.537 81.213 30.431 111.918-.273 30.783-30.784 30.8-81.352.04-112.152l-.005-.004zM87.837 142.216c-9.803 0-17.67 8.758-17.67 19.42 0 10.662 7.867 19.42 17.67 19.42 9.804 0 17.67-8.758 17.67-19.42 0-10.662-7.866-19.42-17.67-19.42z" ></path> </svg> ); }; const TwitchLogo = () => { return ( <svg x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 2400 2800"> <g> <polygon className="fill-white" points="2200,1300 1800,1700 1400,1700 1050,2050 1050,1700 600,1700 600,200 2200,200" /> <g> <g id="Layer_1-2"> <path fill="currentColor" d="M500,0L0,500v1800h600v500l500-500h400l900-900V0H500z M2200,1300l-400,400h-400l-350,350v-350H600V200h1600 V1300z" /> <rect x="1700" y="550" fill="currentColor" width="200" height="600" /> <rect x="1150" y="550" fill="currentColor" width="200" height="600" /> </g> </g> </g> </svg> ); }; const randomRankHistory = (currentRank: number): RankHistoryJSON => { // make a random rank array of size 31 ranging 1 - 18, with a 50% chance to remain the previous index's rank, end with current rank let prevRank = Math.floor(Math.random() * 18) + 1; const history: number[] = Array.from({ length: 31 }, (_, i) => { if (i === 30) return currentRank; let chance = i === 0 ? 0 : Math.random(); prevRank = chance <= 0.5 ? prevRank : Math.floor(Math.random() * 18) + 1; return prevRank; }); return { rank: history, }; }; const containerVariants: Variants = { initial: { opacity: 0, y: 20, }, animate: { opacity: 1, y: 0, transition: { duration: 0.75, ease: "easeOut", delayChildren: 0.3, staggerChildren: 0.25, }, }, exit: { opacity: 0, y: 20, transition: { duration: 0.5, ease: "easeOut", }, }, }; const userBannerVariants: Variants = { initial: { opacity: 0, x: 20, }, animate: { opacity: 1, x: 0, transition: { duration: 0.75, type: "spring", }, }, }; const mainContainerVariants: Variants = { initial: { opacity: 0, y: 20, }, animate: { opacity: 1, y: 0, transition: { duration: 0.75, ease: "easeOut", }, }, }; const sidebarVariants: Variants = { initial: { opacity: 0, x: 20, }, animate: { opacity: 1, x: 0, transition: { duration: 0.75, ease: "easeOut", delayChildren: 0.3, staggerChildren: 0.25, }, }, }; const sidebarItemVariants: Variants = { initial: { opacity: 0, x: 20, }, animate: { opacity: 1, x: 0, transition: { duration: 0.75, ease: "easeOut", }, }, }; export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps<UserPageProps> = async ( context ) => { // cache, currently 30s till stale context.res.setHeader( "Cache-Control", "public, s-maxage=45, stale-while-revalidate=30" ); // data fetch const url = new URL( `/api/fakeUsers?u=${context.query.username}`, process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_URL ); // TODO: add error handling const res = await fetch(url); let user = await res.json(); if (user.error) { return { props: { userData: user, serverError: user, }, }; } return { props: { userData:[0], serverError: null } }; }; UserPage.getLayout = function getLayout(page: ReactElement) { const { userData, serverError } = page.props; const metaTags = { title: !serverError ? `${ ?? "User 404"} - toffee` : "User 404 - toffee", description: !serverError ? `${}'s portfolio on toffee` : "Couldn't find that user on toffee... :(", imageUrl: !serverError ? userData.avatar_url : undefined, misc: { "twitter:card": "summary", }, }; return <DashLayout metaTags={metaTags}>{page}</DashLayout>; }; export default UserPage;