import Link from "next/link"; import { useState, Fragment } from "react"; import { NavTemplate } from "../../layouts/NavTemplates"; import Image from "next/image"; import { AnimatePresence, m, Variants } from "framer-motion"; interface NavProps { options: NavTemplate[]; } function NavBar({ options }: NavProps) { const [navList, setNavList] = useState(options); const [isActive, setActive] = useState(false); return ( <m.div className="pointer-events-none fixed inline-grid w-screen grid-cols-2 bg-zinc-900 font-plusJakarta text-2xl lg:grid-cols-3" variants={containerVariants} initial="initial" animate="animate" > <m.div className="mr-auto flex flex-row items-center justify-center px-2 pt-5 pb-5 sm:p-7" variants={itemVariants} > <m.div className="ml-4 mr-4 sm:m-0" variants={logoContainerVariants}> <Link key="InvestBotImg" href="/" className="pointer-events-auto flex flex-row items-center justify-center" > <Image src="/img/logo.webp" alt="InvestBot Logo" width={64} height={64} className="mr-8 rounded-b-full" /> </Link> </m.div> <div className="pointer-events-auto flex select-none flex-col items-start justify-center pr-5 font-plusJakarta text-white"> <Link key="InvestBot" href="/" className="hidden flex-row items-center justify-center sm:flex" > InvestBot </Link> <h1 className="flex cursor-pointer flex-row items-center justify-center sm:hidden" onClick={() => { setActive(!isActive); }} > InvestBot </h1> <p className="hidden text-xs text-gray-400 sm:block"> Serving anny's community est. 2022 </p> </div> <m.svg className="pointer-events-auto cursor-pointer lg:hidden" origin="center" width="25" height="26" viewBox="0 0 330 330" x={0} y={0} animate={{ rotate: isActive ? 180 : 0 }} onClick={() => { setActive(!isActive); }} > <m.path d="M325.607,79.393c-5.857-5.857-15.355-5.858-21.213,0.001l-139.39,139.393L25.607,79.393 c-5.857-5.857-15.355-5.858-21.213,0.001c-5.858,5.858-5.858,15.355,0,21.213l150.004,150c2.813,2.813,6.628,4.393,10.606,4.393 s7.794-1.581,10.606-4.394l149.996-150C331.465,94.749,331.465,85.251,325.607,79.393z" fill="white" stroke="white" strokeWidth="15" strokeLinecap="round" /> </m.svg> </m.div> <m.div className="mr-auto ml-auto hidden flex-row items-center justify-center lg:flex" variants={itemVariants} > {, index) => ( <Fragment key={index}>{nav.content}</Fragment> ))} </m.div> <m.div className="ml-auto flex flex-row items-center justify-center p-2 sm:p-7" variants={itemVariants} > <p className="pointer-events-auto select-none pr-5 text-white"> Login WIP </p> <div className="h-10 w-10 rounded-full bg-white"></div> </m.div> <AnimatePresence mode="wait"> {isActive && ( <m.div // hiddden by default, when active is true, animate in className="pointer-events-auto z-10 flex w-screen flex-col items-center overflow-hidden bg-zinc-800 bg-opacity-70 pt-5 backdrop-blur lg:hidden" // have it take up the entire screen, animate in by expanding from the bottom of the nav bar to the bottom of the screen variants={mobileContainerVariants} initial="initial" animate="animate" exit="exit" > {, index) => ( <m.div key={index} className="pointer-events-auto flex w-[90%] flex-row items-center justify-center border-b-[1px] border-zinc-700 p-4" variants={mobileItemVariants} whileHover={{ backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)", transition: { duration: 0.2 }, }} onClick={() => { setActive(false); }} > {nav.content} </m.div> ))} </m.div> )} </AnimatePresence> </m.div> ); } // nav bar animation, fades in and then animates the children const containerVariants: Variants = { initial: { opacity: 1, }, animate: { opacity: 1, transition: { duration: 2, delayChildren: 0.5, staggerChildren: 0.25, }, }, }; // default animation for nav bar items const itemVariants: Variants = { initial: { opacity: 0, x: 100, }, animate: { opacity: 1, x: 0, }, }; // logo animation const logoContainerVariants: Variants = { initial: { scale: 1, rotate: 0, }, animate: { scale: 1, rotate: 360, transition: { duration: 4, type: "spring", stiffness: 20, }, }, }; // mobile nav bar container animation const mobileContainerVariants: Variants = { initial: { height: 0, }, animate: { height: "100vh", transition: { duration: 0.5, staggerChildren: 0.15, }, }, exit: { height: 0, transition: { duration: 0.3, }, }, }; // mobile nav bar item animation const mobileItemVariants: Variants = { initial: { opacity: 0, y: -150, }, animate: { opacity: 1, y: 0, transition: { duration: 0.7, type: "spring", bounce: 0.3, }, }, }; export default NavBar;