import { getAllWikiPaths, getWikiContent } from "../../../lib/wiki/api"; import WikiPage from "../../../interfaces/WikiPage"; import DashLayout from "../../../layouts/DashLayout"; import Link from "next/link"; import { m } from "framer-motion"; import PageBody from "../../../components/wiki/PageBody"; import { ReactElement, useEffect, useState } from "react"; import Image from "next/image"; interface WikiLandingPageProps { children: React.ReactNode; page: WikiPage; } interface TableOfContentsItem { id: string; type: string; text: string; } function WikiLandingPage(props: WikiLandingPageProps) { const [wikiContent, setWikiContent] = useState<ReactElement>(<></>); const [indexContent, setIndexContent] = useState<TableOfContentsItem[]>([]); const [showMobileIndex, setShowMobileIndex] = useState<boolean>(false); // needed for proper hydration due to replacing some elements useEffect(() => { setWikiContent(<PageBody page={}>{}</PageBody>); }, []); useEffect(() => { const toc: TableOfContentsItem[] = []; const headings = document.querySelectorAll("h2, h3"); // store the heading text, id, and type, keep order headings.forEach((heading) => { const id = heading.getAttribute("id"); const type = heading.tagName.toLowerCase(); const text = heading.textContent; if (id && type && text) { toc.push({ id, type, text }); } }); setIndexContent(toc); }, [wikiContent]); const dirPath ="/").map((path, index) => { // if home page, don't show if (path === "home") return <></>; return ( <div key={path} className="flex flex-row"> <span className="mx-2 flex items-center text-white"> <m.svg viewBox={"0 0 24 24"} width={20} height={20} origin="center" color="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke="currentColor" strokeWidth="2" strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" > <m.path d="M6.23 20.23 8 22l10-10L8 2 6.23 3.77 14.46 12z" /> </m.svg> </span> <Link href={`/wiki/${}/${ .split("/") .slice(0, index + 1) .join("/")}`} > <p className="hover:text-orange-400">{path}</p> </Link> </div> ); }); return ( <div className="flex w-full flex-col items-center justify-center p-3 font-plusJakarta "> <div className="inline-grid h-full w-full max-w-screen-2xl grid-cols-10"> {/* Desktop Header */} <div className="col-span-10 mb-2 hidden grid-cols-10 lg:inline-grid"> {/* Title */} <div className="col-span-2 flex items-center justify-center"> <div className="text-2xl text-white"> <p>toffee wiki</p> </div> <Image className="h-auto w-auto" src="/img/logo.webp" alt="toffee logo" width={64} height={64} /> </div> {/* Dir Path */} <div className="col-span-8 ml-3 mb-3 mt-3 flex text-left text-xl"> <div className="flex w-auto flex-row items-center justify-start rounded-full bg-black p-2 px-4"> <Link href="/wiki"> <p className="hover:text-orange-400">home</p> </Link> {dirPath} </div> </div> </div> {/* Sidebar */} <div className="col-span-2 hidden w-full flex-col items-center justify-center lg:block"> <div className="w-full rounded-tl-2xl rounded-bl-2xl border-r-2 border-orange-400 border-opacity-60 bg-zinc-800 bg-opacity-70 p-6 text-left text-6xl text-white"> <div className="text-2xl">Contents</div> <div className="mt-4 text-left text-orange-400"> { => { return ( // increase indent based on heading level <div style={{ paddingLeft: `${(parseInt(item.type[1]) - 2) * 1.25}rem`, }} className="text-xl" key={} > <Link href={`#${}`}> <p className="mt-2 overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap hover:text-white"> {item.text} </p> </Link> </div> ); })} </div> </div> </div> <div className="col-span-10 mb-6 lg:hidden"> {/* Dir Path Mobile */} <div className="col-span-8 flex text-left text-xl"> <div className="flex w-auto flex-row items-center justify-start rounded-full bg-black p-2 px-4"> <Link href="/wiki"> <p className="hover:text-orange-400">home</p> </Link> {dirPath} </div> </div> </div> {/* Mobile "Side"-bar */} <div className="col-span-10 mb-6 lg:hidden"> <div className="w-full rounded-2xl rounded-tl-2xl bg-zinc-800 bg-opacity-70 p-6 text-left text-6xl text-white"> <div className="flex cursor-pointer flex-row justify-between text-2xl" onClick={() => setShowMobileIndex(!showMobileIndex)} > <div>Contents</div> <m.svg className="pointer-events-auto mt-2 ml-3 cursor-pointer lg:hidden" origin="center" width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 330 330" x={0} y={0} animate={{ rotate: showMobileIndex ? 180 : 0 }} > <m.path d="M325.607,79.393c-5.857-5.857-15.355-5.858-21.213,0.001l-139.39,139.393L25.607,79.393 c-5.857-5.857-15.355-5.858-21.213,0.001c-5.858,5.858-5.858,15.355,0,21.213l150.004,150c2.813,2.813,6.628,4.393,10.606,4.393 s7.794-1.581,10.606-4.394l149.996-150C331.465,94.749,331.465,85.251,325.607,79.393z" fill="white" stroke="white" strokeWidth="15" strokeLinecap="round" /> </m.svg> </div> <m.div className="overflow-hidden text-left text-orange-400" animate={{ height: showMobileIndex ? "auto" : 0, marginTop: showMobileIndex ? "0.5rem" : 0, }} > { => { return ( // increase indent based on heading level <div style={{ paddingLeft: `${(parseInt(item.type[1]) - 2) * 2}rem`, }} className="text-xl" key={} > <Link href={`#${}`}> <p className="mt-2 overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap hover:text-white"> {item.text} </p> </Link> </div> ); })} </m.div> </div> </div> {/* Main content */} <div className="col-span-10 rounded-2xl bg-zinc-800 bg-opacity-70 px-6 pb-5 text-center text-6xl text-white lg:col-span-8 lg:rounded-tl-none"> <m.div initial={{ opacity: 0 }} animate={{ opacity: 1 }} transition={{ delay: 0.3 }} key={} > <div className="w-full px-3">{wikiContent}</div> </m.div> </div> </div> </div> ); } type Params = { params: { slug: string[]; }; }; export async function getStaticProps({ params }: Params) { // only language if (params.slug.length < 2) { // if langauge is two letters, redirect to its home if (params.slug[0].length === 2 && params.slug[0].match(/^[a-z]+$/i)) { return { redirect: { destination: `/wiki/${params.slug[0]}/home`, }, }; } // else, 404 to prevemt building pointless pages (e.g. /wiki/this-is-not-a-language x 580258538 times) return { notFound: true, }; } // slug[0] = language // slug[1...n] = page path const lang = params.slug[0]; const path = params.slug.slice(1).join("/"); const pageData = getWikiContent(lang, path); // if no content, 404 if (!pageData) { return { notFound: true, }; } return { props: { page: { slug: params.slug, content: pageData.content, language: lang, path: path, data:, }, }, }; } export async function getStaticPaths() { const paths = getAllWikiPaths(); return { paths: => { return { params: { slug: path.split("/"), }, }; }), fallback: "blocking", }; } WikiLandingPage.getLayout = function getLayout(page: React.ReactNode) { const metaTags = { title: "Wiki - toffee", description: "Wiki for toffee", }; return <DashLayout metaTags={metaTags}>{page}</DashLayout>; }; export default WikiLandingPage;