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mirror of https://github.com/NixOS/hydra.git synced 2024-10-18 17:02:28 -04:00

94 lines
4.9 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
use Setup;
use Test2::V0;
use Hydra::Helper::Exec;
my $ctx = test_context();
my $db = $ctx->db();
subtest "Handling password and password hash creation" => sub {
subtest "Creating a user with a plain text password (insecure) stores the password securely" => sub {
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(5, ("hydra-create-user", "plain-text-user", "--password", "foobar"));
is($res, 0, "hydra-create-user should exit zero");
like($stderr, qr/Submitting plaintext passwords as arguments is deprecated and will be removed/, "Submitting a plain text password is deprecated.");
my $user = $db->resultset('Users')->find({ username => "plain-text-user" });
isnt($user, undef, "The user exists");
isnt($user->password, "foobar", "The password was not saved in plain text.");
my $storedPassword = $user->password;
ok($user->check_password("foobar"), "Their password validates");
is($storedPassword, $user->password, "The password was not upgraded.");
subtest "Creating a user with a sha1 password (still insecure) stores the password as a hashed sha1" => sub {
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(5, ("hydra-create-user", "old-password-hash-user", "--password-hash", "8843d7f92416211de9ebb963ff4ce28125932878"));
is($res, 0, "hydra-create-user should exit zero");
my $user = $db->resultset('Users')->find({ username => "old-password-hash-user" });
isnt($user, undef, "The user exists");
isnt($user->password, "8843d7f92416211de9ebb963ff4ce28125932878", "The password was not saved in plain text.");
my $storedPassword = $user->password;
ok($user->check_password("foobar"), "Their password validates");
isnt($storedPassword, $user->password, "The password was upgraded.");
subtest "Creating a user with an argon2 password stores the password as given" => sub {
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(5, ("hydra-create-user", "argon2-hash-user", "--password-hash", '$argon2id$v=19$m=262144,t=3,p=1$tMnV5paYjmIrUIb6hylaNA$M8/e0i3NGrjhOliVLa5LqQ'));
is($res, 0, "hydra-create-user should exit zero");
my $user = $db->resultset('Users')->find({ username => "argon2-hash-user" });
isnt($user, undef, "The user exists");
is($user->password, '$argon2id$v=19$m=262144,t=3,p=1$tMnV5paYjmIrUIb6hylaNA$M8/e0i3NGrjhOliVLa5LqQ', "The password was saved as-is.");
my $storedPassword = $user->password;
ok($user->check_password("foobar"), "Their password validates");
is($storedPassword, $user->password, "The password was not upgraded.");
subtest "Creating a user by prompting for the password" => sub {
subtest "with the same password twice" => sub {
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderrWithStdin(5, ["hydra-create-user", "prompted-pass-user", "--password-prompt"], "my-password\nmy-password\n");
is($res, 0, "hydra-create-user should exit zero");
my $user = $db->resultset('Users')->find({ username => "prompted-pass-user" });
isnt($user, undef, "The user exists");
like($user->password, qr/^\$argon2id\$v=/, "The password was saved, hashed with argon2id.");
my $storedPassword = $user->password;
ok($user->check_password("my-password"), "Their password validates");
subtest "With mismatched password confirmation" => sub {
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderrWithStdin(5, ["hydra-create-user", "prompted-pass-user", "--password-prompt"], "my-password\nnot-my-password\n");
isnt($res, 0, "hydra-create-user should exit non-zero");
subtest "Specifying conflicting password options fails" => sub {
my @cases = (
[ "--password=foo", "--password-hash=8843d7f92416211de9ebb963ff4ce28125932878", "--password-prompt" ],
[ "--password=foo", "--password-prompt" ],
[ "--password=foo", "--password-hash=8843d7f92416211de9ebb963ff4ce28125932878" ],
[ "--password-hash=8843d7f92416211de9ebb963ff4ce28125932878", "--password-prompt" ],
for my $case (@cases) {
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(5, (
"hydra-create-user", "bogus-password-options", @{$case}));
like($stderr, qr/please specify only one of --password-prompt or --password-hash/, "We get an error about specifying the password");
isnt($res, 0, "hydra-create-user should exit non-zero with conflicting " . join(" ", @{$case}));
subtest "A password is not required for creating a Google-based account" => sub {
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(5, (
"hydra-create-user", "google-account", "--type", "google"));
is($res, 0, "hydra-create-user should exit zero");