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2023-09-11 04:59:55 -04:00
# Integration testing using virtual machines
This tutorial aims to be compatible with NixOS release 22.11.
## What will you learn?
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
This tutorial introduces the functionality of Nixpkgs to write automated tests to debug NixOS configurations independent of a working NixOS installation.
## What do you need?
- A working installation of [Nix Package Manager](https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/installation/installation.html) or [NixOS](https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#sec-installation).
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
- Basic knowledge of the [Nix language](<nix-language>).
2023-06-19 16:19:29 -04:00
- Basic knowledge of [NixOS configuration](<nixos-vms>).
## Introduction
2023-09-11 09:14:15 -04:00
Nixpkgs provides a [test environment](https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#sec-nixos-tests) to automate integration testing for distributed systems.
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It allows defining tests based on a set of declarative NixOS configurations and using a Python shell to interact with them through [QEMU](https://www.qemu.org/) as the backend.
Those tests are widely used to ensure that NixOS works as intended, so in general they are called [NixOS Tests](https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#sec-nixos-tests).
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They can be written and launched outside of NixOS, on any Linux machine[^darwin].
[^darwin]: Support for running NixOS VM tests on macOS is also [implemented](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/108984) but currently [undocumented](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/254552).
Integration tests are reproducible due to the design properties of Nix, making them a valuable part of a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline.
## The `nixosTest` function
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NixOS VM tests are defined using the `nixosTest` function.
The pattern for NixOS VM tests looks like this:
nixpkgs = fetchTarball "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tarball/nixos-22.11";
2023-09-11 09:08:42 -04:00
pkgs = import nixpkgs { config = {}; overlays = []; };
pkgs.nixosTest {
name = "test-name";
nodes = {
machine1 = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
# ...
machine2 = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
# ...
2023-09-11 09:08:42 -04:00
testScript = { nodes, ... }: ''
# ...
2023-06-19 16:19:29 -04:00
The function `nixosTest` takes an attribute set that follows the module convention to [specify the test](https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#sec-test-options-reference).
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Because the attribute set only defines options, one can use the abbreviated form of the [module convention](https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/#sec-writing-modules).
The attribute set needs to define the following options:
2023-06-19 16:19:29 -04:00
- [`name`](https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#test-opt-name) defines the name of the test.
2023-06-19 16:19:29 -04:00
- [`nodes`](https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#test-opt-nodes) contains a set of named configurations, because a test script can involve more than one virtual machine.
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Each virtual machine is setup using a NixOS configuration.
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- [`testScript`](https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#test-opt-testScript) defines the Python test script, either as literal string.
This Python test script can access the virtual machines via the names used for the `nodes`.
It has super user rights in the virtual machines.
In the Python script is each virtual machine is accessible via the `machine` object.
NixOS provides [various methods](https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#ssec-machine-objects) to run tests on these configurations.
The test framework automatically starts the virtual machines and runs the Python script.
## Minimal example
2022-10-12 07:08:53 -04:00
As a minimal test on the default configuration, we will check if the user `root` and `alice` can run Firefox.
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We will build the example up from scratch.
2022-10-12 07:08:53 -04:00
As [recommended](<ref-pinning-nixpkgs>) you use an explicitly pinned version of Nixpkgs:
2023-09-11 09:08:42 -04:00
nixpkgs = fetchTarball "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tarball/nixos-22.11";
pkgs = import nixpkgs { config = {}; overlays = []; };
pkgs.nixosTest {
# ...
### Options
#### Name
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Label the test with a descriptive name such as "minimal-test":
name = "minimal-test";
#### Nodes
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Because this example only uses one virtual machine, the node we specify is simply called `machine`.
This name is arbitrary and can be chosen freely.
As configuration you use the relevant parts of the default configuration, [that we used in a previous tutorial](<nixos-vms>):
nodes.machine = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
users.users.alice = {
isNormalUser = true;
extraGroups = [ "wheel" ];
packages = with pkgs; [
system.stateVersion = "22.11";
#### Test script
This is the test script:
machine.succeed("su -- alice -c 'which firefox'")
machine.fail("su -- root -c 'which firefox'")
2023-09-11 09:08:42 -04:00
This Python script is referring to `machine` which is the name chosen for the virtual machine configuration used in the `nodes` attribute set.
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The script waits until systemd reaches `default.target`.
It uses the `su` command to switch between users and the `which` command to check if the user has access to `firefox`.
It expects that the command `which firefox` to succeed for user `alice` and to fail for `root`.
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This script will be the value of the `testScript` attribute.
### Test file
The complete `minimal-test.nix` file content looks like the following:
2023-09-11 09:08:42 -04:00
nixpkgs = fetchTarball "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tarball/nixos-22.11";
pkgs = import nixpkgs { config = {}; overlays = []; };
pkgs.nixosTest {
name = "minimal-test";
nodes.machine = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
users.users.alice = {
isNormalUser = true;
extraGroups = [ "wheel" ];
packages = with pkgs; [
system.stateVersion = "22.11";
testScript = ''
machine.succeed("su -- alice -c 'which firefox'")
machine.fail("su -- root -c 'which firefox'")
## Running tests
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
To set up all machines and run the test script:
$ nix-build minimal-test.nix
test script finished in 10.96s
cleaning up
killing machine (pid 10)
(0.00 seconds)
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
## Interactive Python shell in the virtual machine
When developing tests or when something breaks, its useful to interactively tinker with the test or access a terminal for a machine.
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To start an interactive Python session with the testing framework:
$ $(nix-build -A driverInteractive minimal-test.nix)/bin/nixos-test-driver
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
Here you can run any of the testing operations.
Execute the `testScript` attribute from `minimal-test.nix` with the `test_script()` function.
Within this Python shell you can enter a interactive shell and run Python commands like those in the test script.
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If a virtual machine is not yet started, the test environment takes care of it on the first call of a method on a `machine` object.
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But you can also manually trigger the start of the virtual machine with:
>>> machine.start()
for a specific node,
>>> start_all()
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
for all nodes.
You can enter a interactive shell on the virtual machine using:
>>> machine.shell_interact()
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and run shell commands like:
uname -a
Linux server 5.10.37 #1-NixOS SMP Fri May 14 07:50:46 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
<details><summary>Re-running successful tests</summary>
<!-- FIXME: this should be a separate recipe that can be linked to, as it's a bit of knowledge one will need now and again. -->
Because test results are kept in the Nix store, a successful test is cached.
This means that Nix will not run the test a second time as long as the test setup (node configuration and test script) stays semantically the same.
Therefore, to run a test again, one needs to remove the result.
If you would try to delete the result using the symbolic link, you will get the following error:
nix-store --delete ./result
finding garbage collector roots...
0 store paths deleted, 0.00 MiB freed
error: Cannot delete path '/nix/store/4klj06bsilkqkn6h2sia8dcsi72wbcfl-vm-test-run-unnamed' since it is still alive. To find out why, use: nix-store --query --roots
Instead, remove the symbolic link and only then remove the cached result:
rm ./result
nix-store --delete /nix/store/4klj06bsilkqkn6h2sia8dcsi72wbcfl-vm-test-run-unnamed
This can be also done with one command:
result=$(readlink -f ./result) rm ./result && nix-store --delete $result
## Tests that need multiple virtual machines
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
Tests can involve multiple virtual machines.
2023-09-11 09:08:42 -04:00
This example uses the use-case of a [REST](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/REST) interface to a [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/) database.
The following example Nix expression is adapted from [How to use NixOS for lightweight integration tests](https://www.haskellforall.com/2020/11/how-to-use-nixos-for-lightweight.html).
This tutorial follows [PostgREST tutorial](https://postgrest.org/en/stable/tutorials/tut0.html), a generic [RESTful API](https://restfulapi.net/) for PostgreSQL.
If you skim over the official tutorial, you'll notice there's quite a bit of setup in order to test if all the steps work.
The setup includes:
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- A virtual machine named `server` running PostgreSQL and PostgREST.
- A virtual machine named `client` running HTTP client queries using `curl`.
- A `testScript` orchestrating testing logic between `client` and `server`.
The complete `postgrest.nix` file looks like the following:
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
# Pin Nixpkgs, as some packages are broken in the 22.11 release
nixpkgs = fetchTarball "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/0f8f64b54ed07966b83db2f20c888d5e035012ef.tar.gz";
2023-09-11 09:08:42 -04:00
pkgs = import nixpkgs { config = {}; overlays = []; };
# Single source of truth for all tutorial constants
2023-09-11 09:08:42 -04:00
database = "postgres";
schema = "api";
table = "todos";
username = "authenticator";
password = "mysecretpassword";
webRole = "web_anon";
postgrestPort = 3000;
# NixOS module shared between server and client
sharedModule = {
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
# Since it's common for CI not to have $DISPLAY available, explicitly disable graphics support
virtualisation.graphics = false;
pkgs.nixosTest {
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
# NixOS tests are run inside a virtual machine, and here you specify its system type
system = "x86_64-linux";
name = "postgres-test";
nodes = {
server = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
imports = [ sharedModule ];
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ postgrestPort ];
services.postgresql = {
enable = true;
initialScript = pkgs.writeText "initialScript.sql" ''
create schema ${schema};
create table ${schema}.${table} (
id serial primary key,
done boolean not null default false,
task text not null,
due timestamptz
insert into ${schema}.${table} (task) values ('finish tutorial 0'), ('pat self on back');
create role ${webRole} nologin;
grant usage on schema ${schema} to ${webRole};
grant select on ${schema}.${table} to ${webRole};
create role ${username} inherit login password '${password}';
grant ${webRole} to ${username};
users = {
mutableUsers = false;
users = {
# For ease of debugging the VM as the `root` user
root.password = "";
# Create a system user that matches the database user so that you
# can use peer authentication. The tutorial defines a password,
# but it's not necessary.
"${username}".isSystemUser = true;
systemd.services.postgrest = {
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
after = [ "postgresql.service" ];
script =
configuration = pkgs.writeText "tutorial.conf" ''
db-uri = "postgres://${username}:${password}@localhost:${toString config.services.postgresql.port}/${database}"
db-schema = "${schema}"
db-anon-role = "${username}"
in "${pkgs.haskellPackages.postgrest}/bin/postgrest ${configuration}";
serviceConfig.User = username;
client = {
imports = [ sharedModule ];
# Disable linting for simpler debugging of the testScript
skipLint = true;
testScript = ''
import json
import sys
server.wait_for_open_port(${toString postgrestPort})
expected = [
{"id": 1, "done": False, "task": "finish tutorial 0", "due": None},
{"id": 2, "done": False, "task": "pat self on back", "due": None},
actual = json.loads(
"${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl http://server:${toString postgrestPort}/${table}"
assert expected == actual, "table query returns expected content"
Unlike the previous example, the virtual machines need an expressive name to distinguish them.
For this example we choose `client` and `server`.
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
Set up all machines and run the test script:
nix-build postgrest.nix
test script finished in 10.96s
cleaning up
killing client (pid 10)
killing server (pid 22)
(0.00 seconds)
## Additional information regarding NixOS tests:
- Running integration tests on CI requires hardware acceleration, which many CIs do not support.
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2023-09-10 16:44:16 -04:00
To run integration tests on [GitHub Actions](<github-actions>) see [how to disable hardware acceleration](https://github.com/cachix/install-nix-action#how-do-i-run-nixos-tests).
- NixOS comes with a large set of tests that serve also as educational examples.
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
A good inspiration is [Matrix bridging with an IRC](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/tests/matrix/appservice-irc.nix).
2023-09-11 09:13:00 -04:00
<!-- TODO: move examples from https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_Testing_library to the NixOS manual and troubleshooting tips to nix.dev -->