#!/usr/bin/env bash source common.sh ################################################### # Check that --dry-run isn't confused with read-only mode # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1795 clearStore clearCache # Ensure this builds successfully first nix build --no-link -f dependencies.nix clearStore clearCache # Try --dry-run using old command first nix-build --no-out-link dependencies.nix --dry-run 2>&1 | grep "will be built" # Now new command: nix build -f dependencies.nix --dry-run 2>&1 | grep "will be built" clearStore clearCache # Try --dry-run using new command first nix build -f dependencies.nix --dry-run 2>&1 | grep "will be built" # Now old command: nix-build --no-out-link dependencies.nix --dry-run 2>&1 | grep "will be built" ################################################### # Check --dry-run doesn't create links with --dry-run # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1849 clearStore clearCache RESULT=$TEST_ROOT/result-link rm -f $RESULT nix-build dependencies.nix -o $RESULT --dry-run [[ ! -h $RESULT ]] || fail "nix-build --dry-run created output link" nix build -f dependencies.nix -o $RESULT --dry-run [[ ! -h $RESULT ]] || fail "nix build --dry-run created output link" nix build -f dependencies.nix -o $RESULT [[ -h $RESULT ]] ################################################### # Check the JSON output clearStore clearCache RES=$(nix build -f dependencies.nix --dry-run --json) if [[ -z "${NIX_TESTS_CA_BY_DEFAULT-}" ]]; then echo "$RES" | jq '.[0] | [ (.drvPath | test("'$NIX_STORE_DIR'.*\\.drv")), (.outputs.out | test("'$NIX_STORE_DIR'")) ] | all' else echo "$RES" | jq '.[0] | [ (.drvPath | test("'$NIX_STORE_DIR'.*\\.drv")), .outputs.out == null ] | all' fi