--- synopsis: "Add `pipe-operators` experimental feature" prs: - 11131 --- This is a draft implementation of [RFC 0148](https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/148). The `pipe-operators` experimental feature adds [`<|` and `|>` operators][pipe operators] to the Nix language. *a* `|>` *b* is equivalent to the function application *b* *a*, and *a* `<|` *b* is equivalent to the function application *a* *b*. For example: ``` nix-repl> 1 |> builtins.add 2 |> builtins.mul 3 9 nix-repl> builtins.add 1 <| builtins.mul 2 <| 3 7 ``` `<|` and `|>` are right and left associative, respectively, and have lower precedence than any other operator. These properties may change in future releases. See [the RFC](https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/148) for more examples and rationale. [pipe operators]: @docroot@/language/operators.md#pipe-operators