#!/usr/bin/env bash ((NEW_NIX_FIRST_BUILD_UID=351)) ((TEMP_NIX_FIRST_BUILD_UID=31000)) nix_user_n() { printf "_nixbld%d" "$1" } id_unavailable(){ dscl . list /Users UniqueID | grep -E '\b'"$1"'\b' >/dev/null } any_nixbld(){ dscl . list /Users UniqueID | grep -E '\b_nixbld' >/dev/null } dsclattr() { dscl . -read "$1" | awk "/$2/ { print \$2 }" } re_create_nixbld_user(){ local name uid name="$1" uid="$2" gid="$3" sudo /usr/bin/dscl . -create "/Users/$name" "UniqueID" "$uid" sudo /usr/bin/dscl . -create "/Users/$name" "IsHidden" "1" sudo /usr/bin/dscl . -create "/Users/$name" "NFSHomeDirectory" "/var/empty" sudo /usr/bin/dscl . -create "/Users/$name" "RealName" "Nix build user $name" sudo /usr/bin/dscl . -create "/Users/$name" "UserShell" "/sbin/nologin" sudo /usr/bin/dscl . -create "/Users/$name" "PrimaryGroupID" "$gid" } hit_id_cap(){ echo "We've hit UID 400 without placing all of your users :(" echo "You should use the commands in this script as a starting" echo "point to review your UID-space and manually move the" echo "remaining users (or delete them, if you don't need them)." } # evacuate the role-uid space to simplify final placement logic temporarily_move_existing_nixbld_uids(){ local name uid next_id user_n ((next_id=TEMP_NIX_FIRST_BUILD_UID)) echo "" echo "Step 1: move existing _nixbld users out of the destination UID range." while read -r name uid; do # iterate for a clean ID while id_unavailable "$next_id"; do ((next_id++)) # We really want to get these all placed, but I guess there's # some risk we iterate forever--so we'll give up after 9k uids. if ((next_id >= 40000)); then echo "We've hit UID 40000 without temporarily placing all of your users :(" echo "You should use the commands in this script as a starting" echo "point to review your UID-space and manually move the" echo "remaining users to any open UID over 1000." exit 1 fi done sudo dscl . -create "/Users/$name" UniqueID "$next_id" echo " Temporarily moved $name from uid $uid -> $next_id" done < <(dscl . list /Users UniqueID | grep _nixbld | sort -n -k2) } change_nixbld_uids(){ local existing_gid name next_id user_n ((next_id=NEW_NIX_FIRST_BUILD_UID)) ((user_n=1)) name="$(nix_user_n "$user_n")" existing_gid="$(dsclattr "/Groups/nixbld" "PrimaryGroupID")" # we know that we have *some* nixbld users, but macOS may have # already clobbered the first few users if this system has been # upgraded echo "" echo "Step 2: re-create missing early _nixbld# users." until dscl . read "/Users/$name" &>/dev/null; do # iterate for a clean ID while id_unavailable "$next_id"; do ((next_id++)) if ((next_id >= 400)); then hit_id_cap exit 1 fi done re_create_nixbld_user "$name" "$next_id" "$existing_gid" echo " $name was missing; created with uid: $next_id" ((user_n++)) name="$(nix_user_n "$user_n")" done echo "" echo "Step 3: relocate remaining _nixbld# UIDs to $next_id+" # start at first _nixbld# not re-created above and increment # until _nixbld doesn't exist while dscl . read "/Users/$name" &>/dev/null; do # iterate for a clean ID while id_unavailable "$next_id"; do ((next_id++)) if ((next_id >= 400)); then hit_id_cap exit 1 fi done sudo dscl . -create "/Users/$name" UniqueID "$next_id" echo " $name migrated to uid: $next_id" ((user_n++)) name="$(nix_user_n "$user_n")" done if ((user_n == 1)); then echo "Didn't find _nixbld1. Perhaps you have single-user Nix?" exit 1 else echo "Migrated $((user_n - 1)) users. If you want to double-check, try:" echo "dscl . list /Users UniqueID | grep _nixbld | sort -n -k2" fi } needs_migration(){ local name uid next_id user_n ((next_id=NEW_NIX_FIRST_BUILD_UID)) ((user_n=1)) while read -r name uid; do expected_name="$(nix_user_n "$user_n")" if [[ "$expected_name" != "$name" ]]; then return 0 fi if [[ "$next_id" != "$uid" ]]; then return 0 fi ((next_id++)) ((user_n++)) done < <(dscl . list /Users UniqueID | grep _nixbld | sort -n -k2) return 1 } if any_nixbld; then if needs_migration; then echo "Attempting to migrate _nixbld users." temporarily_move_existing_nixbld_uids change_nixbld_uids else echo "_nixbld users already appear to be migrated." fi else echo "Didn't find any _nixbld users. Perhaps you have single-user Nix?" exit 1 fi