#pragma once #include #include "types.hh" #include "util.hh" namespace nix { /* Abstract destination of binary data. */ struct Sink { virtual ~Sink() { } virtual void operator () (const unsigned char * data, size_t len) = 0; virtual bool good() { return true; } void operator () (const std::string & s) { (*this)((const unsigned char *) s.data(), s.size()); } }; /* A buffered abstract sink. */ struct BufferedSink : virtual Sink { size_t bufSize, bufPos; std::unique_ptr buffer; BufferedSink(size_t bufSize = 32 * 1024) : bufSize(bufSize), bufPos(0), buffer(nullptr) { } void operator () (const unsigned char * data, size_t len) override; void operator () (const std::string & s) { Sink::operator()(s); } void flush(); virtual void write(const unsigned char * data, size_t len) = 0; }; /* Abstract source of binary data. */ struct Source { virtual ~Source() { } /* Store exactly ‘len’ bytes in the buffer pointed to by ‘data’. It blocks until all the requested data is available, or throws an error if it is not going to be available. */ void operator () (unsigned char * data, size_t len); /* Store up to ‘len’ in the buffer pointed to by ‘data’, and return the number of bytes stored. It blocks until at least one byte is available. */ virtual size_t read(unsigned char * data, size_t len) = 0; virtual bool good() { return true; } std::string drain(); }; /* A buffered abstract source. */ struct BufferedSource : Source { size_t bufSize, bufPosIn, bufPosOut; std::unique_ptr buffer; BufferedSource(size_t bufSize = 32 * 1024) : bufSize(bufSize), bufPosIn(0), bufPosOut(0), buffer(nullptr) { } size_t read(unsigned char * data, size_t len) override; bool hasData(); protected: /* Underlying read call, to be overridden. */ virtual size_t readUnbuffered(unsigned char * data, size_t len) = 0; }; /* A sink that writes data to a file descriptor. */ struct FdSink : BufferedSink { int fd; bool warn = false; size_t written = 0; FdSink() : fd(-1) { } FdSink(int fd) : fd(fd) { } FdSink(FdSink&&) = default; FdSink& operator=(FdSink && s) { flush(); fd = s.fd; s.fd = -1; warn = s.warn; written = s.written; return *this; } ~FdSink(); void write(const unsigned char * data, size_t len) override; bool good() override; private: bool _good = true; }; /* A source that reads data from a file descriptor. */ struct FdSource : BufferedSource { int fd; size_t read = 0; FdSource() : fd(-1) { } FdSource(int fd) : fd(fd) { } FdSource(FdSource&&) = default; FdSource& operator=(FdSource && s) { fd = s.fd; s.fd = -1; read = s.read; return *this; } bool good() override; protected: size_t readUnbuffered(unsigned char * data, size_t len) override; private: bool _good = true; }; /* A sink that writes data to a string. */ struct StringSink : Sink { ref s; StringSink() : s(make_ref()) { }; explicit StringSink(const size_t reservedSize) : s(make_ref()) { s->reserve(reservedSize); }; StringSink(ref s) : s(s) { }; void operator () (const unsigned char * data, size_t len) override; }; /* A source that reads data from a string. */ struct StringSource : Source { const string & s; size_t pos; StringSource(const string & _s) : s(_s), pos(0) { } size_t read(unsigned char * data, size_t len) override; }; /* A sink that writes all incoming data to two other sinks. */ struct TeeSink : Sink { Sink & sink1, & sink2; TeeSink(Sink & sink1, Sink & sink2) : sink1(sink1), sink2(sink2) { } virtual void operator () (const unsigned char * data, size_t len) { sink1(data, len); sink2(data, len); } }; /* Adapter class of a Source that saves all data read to a sink. */ struct TeeSource : Source { Source & orig; Sink & sink; TeeSource(Source & orig, Sink & sink) : orig(orig), sink(sink) { } size_t read(unsigned char * data, size_t len) { size_t n = orig.read(data, len); sink(data, len); return n; } }; /* A reader that consumes the original Source until 'size'. */ struct SizedSource : Source { Source & orig; size_t remain; SizedSource(Source & orig, size_t size) : orig(orig), remain(size) { } size_t read(unsigned char * data, size_t len) { if (this->remain <= 0) { throw EndOfFile("sized: unexpected end-of-file"); } len = std::min(len, this->remain); size_t n = this->orig.read(data, len); this->remain -= n; return n; } /* Consume the original source until no remain data is left to consume. */ size_t drainAll() { std::vector buf(8192); size_t sum = 0; while (this->remain > 0) { size_t n = read(buf.data(), buf.size()); sum += n; } return sum; } }; /* Convert a function into a sink. */ struct LambdaSink : Sink { typedef std::function lambda_t; lambda_t lambda; LambdaSink(const lambda_t & lambda) : lambda(lambda) { } virtual void operator () (const unsigned char * data, size_t len) { lambda(data, len); } }; /* Convert a function into a source. */ struct LambdaSource : Source { typedef std::function lambda_t; lambda_t lambda; LambdaSource(const lambda_t & lambda) : lambda(lambda) { } size_t read(unsigned char * data, size_t len) override { return lambda(data, len); } }; /* Chain two sources together so after the first is exhausted, the second is used */ struct ChainSource : Source { Source & source1, & source2; bool useSecond = false; ChainSource(Source & s1, Source & s2) : source1(s1), source2(s2) { } size_t read(unsigned char * data, size_t len) override; }; /* Convert a function that feeds data into a Sink into a Source. The Source executes the function as a coroutine. */ std::unique_ptr sinkToSource( std::function fun, std::function eof = []() { throw EndOfFile("coroutine has finished"); }); void writePadding(size_t len, Sink & sink); void writeString(const unsigned char * buf, size_t len, Sink & sink); inline Sink & operator << (Sink & sink, uint64_t n) { unsigned char buf[8]; buf[0] = n & 0xff; buf[1] = (n >> 8) & 0xff; buf[2] = (n >> 16) & 0xff; buf[3] = (n >> 24) & 0xff; buf[4] = (n >> 32) & 0xff; buf[5] = (n >> 40) & 0xff; buf[6] = (n >> 48) & 0xff; buf[7] = (unsigned char) (n >> 56) & 0xff; sink(buf, sizeof(buf)); return sink; } Sink & operator << (Sink & sink, const string & s); Sink & operator << (Sink & sink, const Strings & s); Sink & operator << (Sink & sink, const StringSet & s); MakeError(SerialisationError, Error); template T readNum(Source & source) { unsigned char buf[8]; source(buf, sizeof(buf)); uint64_t n = ((unsigned long long) buf[0]) | ((unsigned long long) buf[1] << 8) | ((unsigned long long) buf[2] << 16) | ((unsigned long long) buf[3] << 24) | ((unsigned long long) buf[4] << 32) | ((unsigned long long) buf[5] << 40) | ((unsigned long long) buf[6] << 48) | ((unsigned long long) buf[7] << 56); if (n > std::numeric_limits::max()) throw SerialisationError("serialised integer %d is too large for type '%s'", n, typeid(T).name()); return (T) n; } inline unsigned int readInt(Source & source) { return readNum(source); } inline uint64_t readLongLong(Source & source) { return readNum(source); } void readPadding(size_t len, Source & source); size_t readString(unsigned char * buf, size_t max, Source & source); string readString(Source & source, size_t max = std::numeric_limits::max()); template T readStrings(Source & source); Source & operator >> (Source & in, string & s); template Source & operator >> (Source & in, T & n) { n = readNum(in); return in; } template Source & operator >> (Source & in, bool & b) { b = readNum(in); return in; } /* An adapter that converts a std::basic_istream into a source. */ struct StreamToSourceAdapter : Source { std::shared_ptr> istream; StreamToSourceAdapter(std::shared_ptr> istream) : istream(istream) { } size_t read(unsigned char * data, size_t len) override { if (!istream->read((char *) data, len)) { if (istream->eof()) { if (istream->gcount() == 0) throw EndOfFile("end of file"); } else throw Error("I/O error in StreamToSourceAdapter"); } return istream->gcount(); } }; }