#include #include #include #include #include #include "shared.hh" #include "eval.hh" #include "eval-inline.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "common-opts.hh" #include "get-drvs.hh" #include "derivations.hh" #include "affinity.hh" using namespace std; using namespace nix; string programId = "nix-repl"; struct NixRepl { string curDir; EvalState state; Strings loadedFiles; const static int envSize = 32768; StaticEnv staticEnv; Env * env; int displ; StringSet varNames; StringSet completions; StringSet::iterator curCompletion; NixRepl(const Strings & searchPath); void mainLoop(const Strings & files); void completePrefix(string prefix); bool getLine(string & line); bool processLine(string line); void loadFile(const Path & path); void initEnv(); void reloadFiles(); void addAttrsToScope(Value & attrs); void addVarToScope(const Symbol & name, Value & v); Expr * parseString(string s); void evalString(string s, Value & v); typedef set ValuesSeen; std::ostream & printValue(std::ostream & str, Value & v, unsigned int maxDepth); std::ostream & printValue(std::ostream & str, Value & v, unsigned int maxDepth, ValuesSeen & seen); }; void printHelp() { std::cout << "Usage: nix-repl\n"; } string removeWhitespace(string s) { s = chomp(s); size_t n = s.find_first_not_of(" \n\r\t"); if (n != string::npos) s = string(s, n); return s; } NixRepl::NixRepl(const Strings & searchPath) : state(searchPath) , staticEnv(false, &state.staticBaseEnv) { curDir = absPath("."); store = openStore(); } void NixRepl::mainLoop(const Strings & files) { std::cout << "Welcome to Nix version " << NIX_VERSION << ". Type :? for help." << std::endl << std::endl; foreach (Strings::const_iterator, i, files) loadedFiles.push_back(*i); reloadFiles(); if (!loadedFiles.empty()) std::cout << std::endl; using_history(); read_history(0); while (true) { string line; if (!getLine(line)) { std::cout << std::endl; break; } try { if (!processLine(removeWhitespace(line))) return; } catch (Error & e) { printMsg(lvlError, "error: " + e.msg()); } catch (Interrupted & e) { printMsg(lvlError, "error: " + e.msg()); } std::cout << std::endl; } } /* Apparently, the only way to get readline() to return on Ctrl-C (SIGINT) is to use siglongjmp(). That's fucked up... */ static sigjmp_buf sigintJmpBuf; static void sigintHandler(int signo) { siglongjmp(sigintJmpBuf, 1); } /* Oh, if only g++ had nested functions... */ NixRepl * curRepl; char * completerThunk(const char * s, int state) { string prefix(s); /* If the prefix has a slash in it, use readline's builtin filename completer. */ if (prefix.find('/') != string::npos) return rl_filename_completion_function(s, state); /* Otherwise, return all symbols that start with the prefix. */ if (state == 0) { curRepl->completePrefix(s); curRepl->curCompletion = curRepl->completions.begin(); } if (curRepl->curCompletion == curRepl->completions.end()) return 0; return strdup((curRepl->curCompletion++)->c_str()); } bool NixRepl::getLine(string & line) { struct sigaction act, old; act.sa_handler = sigintHandler; sigfillset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act, &old)) throw SysError("installing handler for SIGINT"); if (sigsetjmp(sigintJmpBuf, 1)) line = ""; else { curRepl = this; rl_completion_entry_function = completerThunk; char * s = readline("nix-repl> "); if (!s) return false; line = chomp(string(s)); free(s); if (line != "") { add_history(line.c_str()); append_history(1, 0); } } _isInterrupted = 0; if (sigaction(SIGINT, &old, 0)) throw SysError("restoring handler for SIGINT"); return true; } void NixRepl::completePrefix(string prefix) { completions.clear(); size_t dot = prefix.rfind('.'); if (dot == string::npos) { /* This is a variable name; look it up in the current scope. */ StringSet::iterator i = varNames.lower_bound(prefix); while (i != varNames.end()) { if (string(*i, 0, prefix.size()) != prefix) break; completions.insert(*i); i++; } } else { try { /* This is an expression that should evaluate to an attribute set. Evaluate it to get the names of the attributes. */ string expr(prefix, 0, dot); string prefix2 = string(prefix, dot + 1); Expr * e = parseString(expr); Value v; e->eval(state, *env, v); state.forceAttrs(v); foreach (Bindings::iterator, i, *v.attrs) { string name = i->name; if (string(name, 0, prefix2.size()) != prefix2) continue; completions.insert(expr + "." + name); } } catch (ParseError & e) { // Quietly ignore parse errors. } catch (EvalError & e) { // Quietly ignore evaluation errors. } catch (UndefinedVarError & e) { // Quietly ignore undefined variable errors. } } } static int runProgram(const string & program, const Strings & args) { std::vector cargs; /* careful with c_str()! */ cargs.push_back(program.c_str()); for (Strings::const_iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ++i) cargs.push_back(i->c_str()); cargs.push_back(0); Pid pid; pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) throw SysError("forking"); if (pid == 0) { restoreAffinity(); execvp(program.c_str(), (char * *) &cargs[0]); _exit(1); } return pid.wait(true); } bool isVarName(const string & s) { // FIXME: not quite correct. foreach (string::const_iterator, i, s) if (!((*i >= 'a' && *i <= 'z') || (*i >= 'A' && *i <= 'Z') || (*i >= '0' && *i <= '9') || *i == '_' || *i == '\'')) return false; return true; } bool NixRepl::processLine(string line) { if (line == "") return true; string command, arg; if (line[0] == ':') { size_t p = line.find(' '); command = string(line, 0, p); if (p != string::npos) arg = removeWhitespace(string(line, p)); } else { arg = line; } if (command == ":?" || command == ":help") { cout << "The following commands are available:\n" << "\n" << " Evaluate and print expression\n" << " = Bind expression to variable\n" << " :a Add attributes from resulting set to scope\n" << " :b Build derivation\n" << " :l Load Nix expression and add it to scope\n" << " :p Evaluate and print expression recursively\n" << " :q Exit nix-repl\n" << " :r Reload all files\n" << " :s Build dependencies of derivation, then start nix-shell\n" << " :t Describe result of evaluation\n"; } else if (command == ":a" || command == ":add") { Value v; evalString(arg, v); addAttrsToScope(v); } else if (command == ":l" || command == ":load") { state.resetFileCache(); loadFile(arg); } else if (command == ":r" || command == ":reload") { state.resetFileCache(); reloadFiles(); } else if (command == ":t") { Value v; evalString(arg, v); std::cout << showType(v) << std::endl; } else if (command == ":b" || command == ":s") { Value v; evalString(arg, v); DrvInfo drvInfo(state); if (!getDerivation(state, v, drvInfo, false)) throw Error("expression does not evaluation to a derivation, so I can't build it"); Path drvPath = drvInfo.queryDrvPath(); if (drvPath == "" || !store->isValidPath(drvPath)) throw Error("expression did not evaluate to a valid derivation"); if (command == ":b") { /* We could do the build in this process using buildPaths(), but doing it in a child makes it easier to recover from problems / SIGINT. */ if (runProgram("nix-store", Strings{"-r", drvPath}) == 0) { Derivation drv = readDerivation(drvPath); std::cout << std::endl << "this derivation produced the following outputs:" << std::endl; foreach (DerivationOutputs::iterator, i, drv.outputs) std::cout << format(" %1% -> %2%") % i->first % i->second.path << std::endl; } } else runProgram("nix-shell", Strings{drvPath}); } else if (command == ":p" || command == ":print") { Value v; evalString(arg, v); printValue(std::cout, v, 1000000000) << std::endl; } else if (command == ":q" || command == ":quit") return false; else if (command != "") throw Error(format("unknown command ‘%1%’") % command); else { size_t p = line.find('='); string name; if (p != string::npos && p < line.size() && line[p + 1] != '=' && isVarName(name = removeWhitespace(string(line, 0, p)))) { Expr * e = parseString(string(line, p + 1)); Value & v(*state.allocValue()); v.type = tThunk; v.thunk.env = env; v.thunk.expr = e; addVarToScope(state.symbols.create(name), v); } else { Value v; evalString(line, v); printValue(std::cout, v, 1) << std::endl; } } return true; } void NixRepl::loadFile(const Path & path) { loadedFiles.remove(path); loadedFiles.push_back(path); Value v, v2; state.evalFile(lookupFileArg(state, path), v); Bindings bindings; state.autoCallFunction(bindings, v, v2); addAttrsToScope(v2); } void NixRepl::initEnv() { env = &state.allocEnv(envSize); env->up = &state.baseEnv; displ = 0; staticEnv.vars.clear(); varNames.clear(); foreach (StaticEnv::Vars::iterator, i, state.staticBaseEnv.vars) varNames.insert(i->first); } void NixRepl::reloadFiles() { initEnv(); Strings old = loadedFiles; loadedFiles.clear(); foreach (Strings::iterator, i, old) { if (i != old.begin()) std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << format("Loading ‘%1%’...") % *i << std::endl; loadFile(*i); } } void NixRepl::addAttrsToScope(Value & attrs) { state.forceAttrs(attrs); foreach (Bindings::iterator, i, *attrs.attrs) addVarToScope(i->name, *i->value); std::cout << format("Added %1% variables.") % attrs.attrs->size() << std::endl; } void NixRepl::addVarToScope(const Symbol & name, Value & v) { if (displ >= envSize) throw Error("environment full; cannot add more variables"); staticEnv.vars[name] = displ; env->values[displ++] = &v; varNames.insert((string) name); } Expr * NixRepl::parseString(string s) { Expr * e = state.parseExprFromString(s, curDir, staticEnv); return e; } void NixRepl::evalString(string s, Value & v) { Expr * e = parseString(s); e->eval(state, *env, v); state.forceValue(v); } std::ostream & NixRepl::printValue(std::ostream & str, Value & v, unsigned int maxDepth) { ValuesSeen seen; return printValue(str, v, maxDepth, seen); } // FIXME: lot of cut&paste from Nix's eval.cc. std::ostream & NixRepl::printValue(std::ostream & str, Value & v, unsigned int maxDepth, ValuesSeen & seen) { str.flush(); checkInterrupt(); state.forceValue(v); switch (v.type) { case tInt: str << v.integer; break; case tBool: str << (v.boolean ? "true" : "false"); break; case tString: str << "\""; for (const char * i = v.string.s; *i; i++) if (*i == '\"' || *i == '\\') str << "\\" << *i; else if (*i == '\n') str << "\\n"; else if (*i == '\r') str << "\\r"; else if (*i == '\t') str << "\\t"; else str << *i; str << "\""; break; case tPath: str << v.path; // !!! escaping? break; case tNull: str << "null"; break; case tAttrs: { seen.insert(&v); bool isDrv = state.isDerivation(v); if (isDrv) { str << "«derivation "; Bindings::iterator i = v.attrs->find(state.sDrvPath); PathSet context; Path drvPath = i != v.attrs->end() ? state.coerceToPath(*i->pos, *i->value, context) : "???"; str << drvPath << "»"; } else if (maxDepth > 0) { str << "{ "; typedef std::map Sorted; Sorted sorted; foreach (Bindings::iterator, i, *v.attrs) sorted[i->name] = i->value; /* If this is a derivation, then don't show the self-references ("all", "out", etc.). */ StringSet hidden; if (isDrv) { hidden.insert("all"); Bindings::iterator i = v.attrs->find(state.sOutputs); if (i == v.attrs->end()) hidden.insert("out"); else { state.forceList(*i->value); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i->value->list.length; ++j) hidden.insert(state.forceStringNoCtx(*i->value->list.elems[j])); } } foreach (Sorted::iterator, i, sorted) { str << i->first << " = "; if (hidden.find(i->first) != hidden.end()) str << "«...»"; else if (seen.find(i->second) != seen.end()) str << "«repeated»"; else try { printValue(str, *i->second, maxDepth - 1, seen); } catch (AssertionError & e) { str << "«error: " << e.msg() << "»"; } str << "; "; } str << "}"; } else str << "{ ... }"; break; } case tList: seen.insert(&v); str << "[ "; if (maxDepth > 0) for (unsigned int n = 0; n < v.list.length; ++n) { if (seen.find(v.list.elems[n]) != seen.end()) str << "«repeated»"; else try { printValue(str, *v.list.elems[n], maxDepth - 1, seen); } catch (AssertionError & e) { str << "«error: " << e.msg() << "»"; } str << " "; } else str << "... "; str << "]"; break; case tLambda: str << "«lambda»"; break; case tPrimOp: str << "«primop»"; break; case tPrimOpApp: str << "«primop-app»"; break; default: str << "«unknown»"; break; } return str; } int main(int argc, char * * argv) { return handleExceptions(argv[0], [&]() { initNix(); Strings files, searchPath; parseCmdLine(argc, argv, [&](Strings::iterator & arg, const Strings::iterator & end) { if (*arg == "--version") printVersion("nix-repl"); else if (parseSearchPathArg(arg, end, searchPath)) ; else if (*arg != "" && arg->at(0) == '-') return false; else files.push_back(*arg); return true; }); NixRepl repl(searchPath); repl.mainLoop(files); }); }