# configures `scripts/nix-profile.sh.in` (and copies the original to the build directory). # this is only needed for tests, but running it unconditionally does not hurt enough to care. configure_file( input : 'nix-profile.sh.in', output : 'nix-profile.sh', configuration : { 'localstatedir': localstatedir, } ) # https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/860 configure_file( input : 'nix-profile.sh.in', output : 'nix-profile.sh.in', copy : true, ) foreach rc : [ '.sh', '.fish', '-daemon.sh', '-daemon.fish' ] configure_file( input : 'nix-profile' + rc + '.in', output : 'nix' + rc, install : true, install_dir : get_option('profile-dir'), install_mode : 'rw-r--r--', configuration : { 'localstatedir': localstatedir, }, ) endforeach