#include "local-overlay-store.hh" #include "callback.hh" #include "url.hh" #include namespace nix { Path LocalOverlayStoreConfig::toUpperPath(const StorePath & path) { return upperLayer + "/" + path.to_string(); } LocalOverlayStore::LocalOverlayStore(const Params & params) : StoreConfig(params) , LocalFSStoreConfig(params) , LocalStoreConfig(params) , LocalOverlayStoreConfig(params) , Store(params) , LocalFSStore(params) , LocalStore(params) , lowerStore(openStore(percentDecode(lowerStoreUri.get())).dynamic_pointer_cast()) { if (checkMount.get()) { std::smatch match; std::string mountInfo; auto mounts = readFile("/proc/self/mounts"); auto regex = std::regex(R"((^|\n)overlay )" + realStoreDir.get() + R"( .*(\n|$))"); // Mount points can be stacked, so there might be multiple matching entries. // Loop until the last match, which will be the current state of the mount point. while (std::regex_search(mounts, match, regex)) { mountInfo = match.str(); mounts = match.suffix(); } auto checkOption = [&](std::string option, std::string value) { return std::regex_search(mountInfo, std::regex("\\b" + option + "=" + value + "( |,)")); }; auto expectedLowerDir = lowerStore->realStoreDir.get(); if (!checkOption("lowerdir", expectedLowerDir) || !checkOption("upperdir", upperLayer)) { debug("expected lowerdir: %s", expectedLowerDir); debug("expected upperdir: %s", upperLayer); debug("actual mount: %s", mountInfo); throw Error("overlay filesystem '%s' mounted incorrectly", realStoreDir.get()); } } } void LocalOverlayStore::registerDrvOutput(const Realisation & info) { // First do queryRealisation on lower layer to populate DB auto res = lowerStore->queryRealisation(info.id); if (res) LocalStore::registerDrvOutput(*res); LocalStore::registerDrvOutput(info); } void LocalOverlayStore::queryPathInfoUncached(const StorePath & path, Callback> callback) noexcept { auto callbackPtr = std::make_shared(std::move(callback)); LocalStore::queryPathInfoUncached(path, {[this, path, callbackPtr](std::future> fut) { try { auto info = fut.get(); if (info) return (*callbackPtr)(std::move(info)); } catch (...) { return callbackPtr->rethrow(); } // If we don't have it, check lower store lowerStore->queryPathInfo(path, {[path, callbackPtr](std::future> fut) { try { (*callbackPtr)(fut.get().get_ptr()); } catch (...) { return callbackPtr->rethrow(); } }}); }}); } void LocalOverlayStore::queryRealisationUncached(const DrvOutput & drvOutput, Callback> callback) noexcept { auto callbackPtr = std::make_shared(std::move(callback)); LocalStore::queryRealisationUncached(drvOutput, {[this, drvOutput, callbackPtr](std::future> fut) { try { auto info = fut.get(); if (info) return (*callbackPtr)(std::move(info)); } catch (...) { return callbackPtr->rethrow(); } // If we don't have it, check lower store lowerStore->queryRealisation(drvOutput, {[callbackPtr](std::future> fut) { try { (*callbackPtr)(fut.get()); } catch (...) { return callbackPtr->rethrow(); } }}); }}); } bool LocalOverlayStore::isValidPathUncached(const StorePath & path) { auto res = LocalStore::isValidPathUncached(path); if (res) return res; res = lowerStore->isValidPath(path); if (res) { // Get path info from lower store so upper DB genuinely has it. auto p = lowerStore->queryPathInfo(path); // recur on references, syncing entire closure. for (auto & r : p->references) if (r != path) isValidPath(r); LocalStore::registerValidPath(*p); } return res; } void LocalOverlayStore::queryReferrers(const StorePath & path, StorePathSet & referrers) { LocalStore::queryReferrers(path, referrers); lowerStore->queryReferrers(path, referrers); } StorePathSet LocalOverlayStore::queryValidDerivers(const StorePath & path) { auto res = LocalStore::queryValidDerivers(path); for (auto p : lowerStore->queryValidDerivers(path)) res.insert(p); return res; } std::optional LocalOverlayStore::queryPathFromHashPart(const std::string & hashPart) { auto res = LocalStore::queryPathFromHashPart(hashPart); if (res) return res; else return lowerStore->queryPathFromHashPart(hashPart); } void LocalOverlayStore::registerValidPaths(const ValidPathInfos & infos) { // First, get any from lower store so we merge { StorePathSet notInUpper; for (auto & [p, _] : infos) if (!LocalStore::isValidPathUncached(p)) // avoid divergence notInUpper.insert(p); auto pathsInLower = lowerStore->queryValidPaths(notInUpper); ValidPathInfos inLower; for (auto & p : pathsInLower) inLower.insert_or_assign(p, *lowerStore->queryPathInfo(p)); LocalStore::registerValidPaths(inLower); } // Then do original request LocalStore::registerValidPaths(infos); } void LocalOverlayStore::deleteGCPath(const Path & path, uint64_t & bytesFreed) { auto mergedDir = realStoreDir.get() + "/"; if (path.substr(0, mergedDir.length()) != mergedDir) { warn("local-overlay: unexpected gc path '%s' ", path); return; } if (pathExists(toUpperPath({path.substr(mergedDir.length())}))) { LocalStore::deleteGCPath(path, bytesFreed); } } void LocalOverlayStore::optimiseStore() { Activity act(*logger, actOptimiseStore); // Note for LocalOverlayStore, queryAllValidPaths only returns paths in upper layer auto paths = queryAllValidPaths(); act.progress(0, paths.size()); uint64_t done = 0; for (auto & path : paths) { if (lowerStore->isValidPath(path)) { // Deduplicate store path deletePath(toUpperPath(path)); } done++; act.progress(done, paths.size()); } } static RegisterStoreImplementation regLocalOverlayStore; }