Nix Type :? for help. Added variables. error: value does not have documentation Attribute version … defined at /path/to/tests/functional/repl/doc-comments.nix:30:3 Immovably fixed. Attribute empty … defined at /path/to/tests/functional/repl/doc-comments.nix:33:3 Unchangeably constant. error: … while evaluating the attribute 'attr.undocument' at /path/to/tests/functional/repl/doc-comments.nix:33:3: 32| /** Unchangeably constant. */ 33| lib.attr.empty = { }; | ^ 34| error: attribute 'undocument' missing at «string»:1:1: 1| lib.attr.undocument | ^ Did you mean undocumented? Attribute constant … defined at /path/to/tests/functional/repl/doc-comments.nix:27:3 Firmly rigid. Attribute version … defined at /path/to/tests/functional/repl/doc-comments.nix:30:3 Immovably fixed. Attribute empty … defined at /path/to/tests/functional/repl/doc-comments.nix:33:3 Unchangeably constant. Attribute undocumented … defined at /path/to/tests/functional/repl/doc-comments.nix:35:3 No documentation found. error: undefined variable 'missing' at «string»:1:1: 1| missing | ^ error: undefined variable 'constanz' at «string»:1:1: 1| constanz | ^ error: undefined variable 'missing' at «string»:1:1: 1| missing.attr | ^ error: attribute 'missing' missing at «string»:1:1: 1| lib.missing | ^ error: attribute 'missing' missing at «string»:1:1: 1| lib.missing.attr | ^ error: … while evaluating the attribute 'attr.undocumental' at /path/to/tests/functional/repl/doc-comments.nix:33:3: 32| /** Unchangeably constant. */ 33| lib.attr.empty = { }; | ^ 34| error: attribute 'undocumental' missing at «string»:1:1: 1| lib.attr.undocumental | ^ Did you mean undocumented?