#!/usr/bin/env bash source common.sh TODO_NixOS clearStore # Check that NARs with duplicate directory entries are rejected. rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < duplicate.nar | grepQuiet "NAR directory is not sorted" # Check that nix-store --restore fails if the output already exists. expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < duplicate.nar | grepQuiet "path '.*/out' already exists" rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" echo foo > "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < duplicate.nar | grepQuiet "File exists" rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" ln -s "$TEST_ROOT/out2" "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < duplicate.nar | grepQuiet "File exists" mkdir -p "$TEST_ROOT/out2" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < duplicate.nar | grepQuiet "path '.*/out' already exists" # The same, but for a regular file. nix-store --dump ./nars.sh > "$TEST_ROOT/tmp.nar" rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < "$TEST_ROOT/tmp.nar" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < "$TEST_ROOT/tmp.nar" | grepQuiet "File exists" rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" mkdir -p "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < "$TEST_ROOT/tmp.nar" | grepQuiet "File exists" rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" ln -s "$TEST_ROOT/out2" "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < "$TEST_ROOT/tmp.nar" | grepQuiet "File exists" mkdir -p "$TEST_ROOT/out2" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < "$TEST_ROOT/tmp.nar" | grepQuiet "File exists" # The same, but for a symlink. ln -sfn foo "$TEST_ROOT/symlink" nix-store --dump "$TEST_ROOT/symlink" > "$TEST_ROOT/tmp.nar" rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < "$TEST_ROOT/tmp.nar" [[ -L "$TEST_ROOT/out" ]] expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < "$TEST_ROOT/tmp.nar" | grepQuiet "File exists" rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" mkdir -p "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < "$TEST_ROOT/tmp.nar" | grepQuiet "File exists" rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" ln -s "$TEST_ROOT/out2" "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < "$TEST_ROOT/tmp.nar" | grepQuiet "File exists" mkdir -p "$TEST_ROOT/out2" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < "$TEST_ROOT/tmp.nar" | grepQuiet "File exists" # Check whether restoring and dumping a NAR that contains case # collisions is round-tripping, even on a case-insensitive system. rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/case" opts=("--option" "use-case-hack" "true") nix-store "${opts[@]}" --restore "$TEST_ROOT/case" < case.nar [[ -e "$TEST_ROOT/case/xt_CONNMARK.h" ]] [[ -e "$TEST_ROOT/case/xt_CONNmark.h~nix~case~hack~1" ]] [[ -e "$TEST_ROOT/case/xt_connmark.h~nix~case~hack~2" ]] [[ -e "$TEST_ROOT/case/x/FOO" ]] [[ -d "$TEST_ROOT/case/x/Foo~nix~case~hack~1" ]] [[ -e "$TEST_ROOT/case/x/foo~nix~case~hack~2/a~nix~case~hack~1/foo" ]] nix-store "${opts[@]}" --dump "$TEST_ROOT/case" > "$TEST_ROOT/case.nar" cmp case.nar "$TEST_ROOT/case.nar" [ "$(nix-hash "${opts[@]}" --type sha256 "$TEST_ROOT/case")" = "$(nix-hash --flat --type sha256 case.nar)" ] # Check whether we detect true collisions (e.g. those remaining after # removal of the suffix). touch "$TEST_ROOT/case/xt_CONNMARK.h~nix~case~hack~3" (! nix-store "${opts[@]}" --dump "$TEST_ROOT/case" > /dev/null) # Detect NARs that have a directory entry that after case-hacking # collides with another entry (e.g. a directory containing 'Test', # 'Test~nix~case~hack~1' and 'test'). rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/case" expectStderr 1 nix-store "${opts[@]}" --restore "$TEST_ROOT/case" < case-collision.nar | grepQuiet "NAR contains file name 'test' that collides with case-hacked file name 'Test~nix~case~hack~1'" # Deserializing a NAR that contains file names that Unicode-normalize to the # same name should fail on macOS and specific Linux setups (typically ZFS with # `utf8only` enabled and `normalization` set to anything else than `none`). The # deserialization should succeed on most Linux, where file names aren't # unicode-normalized. # # We test that: # # 1. It either succeeds or fails with "already exists" error. # 2. Nix has the same behavior with respect to unicode normalization than # $TEST_ROOT's filesystem (when using basic Unix commands) rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" set +e unicodeTestOut=$(nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < unnormalized.nar 2>&1) unicodeTestCode=$? set -e touch "$TEST_ROOT/unicode-â" # non-canonical version touch "$TEST_ROOT/unicode-â" touchFilesCount=$(find "$TEST_ROOT" -maxdepth 1 -name "unicode-*" -type f | wc -l) if (( unicodeTestCode == 1 )); then # If the command failed (MacOS or ZFS + normalization), checks that it failed # with the expected "already exists" error, and that this is the same # behavior as `touch` echo "$unicodeTestOut" | grepQuiet "path '.*/out/â' already exists" (( touchFilesCount == 1 )) elif (( unicodeTestCode == 0 )); then # If the command succeeded, check that both files are present, and that this # is the same behavior as `touch` [[ -e $TEST_ROOT/out/â ]] [[ -e $TEST_ROOT/out/â ]] (( touchFilesCount == 2 )) else # if the return code is neither 0 or 1, fail the test. echo "NAR deserialization of files with the same Unicode normalization failed with unexpected return code $unicodeTestCode" >&2 exit 1 fi rm -f "$TEST_ROOT/unicode-*" # Unpacking a NAR with a NUL character in a file name should fail. rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < nul.nar | grepQuiet "NAR contains invalid file name 'f" # Likewise for a '.' filename. rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < dot.nar | grepQuiet "NAR contains invalid file name '.'" # Likewise for a '..' filename. rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < dotdot.nar | grepQuiet "NAR contains invalid file name '..'" # Likewise for a filename containing a slash. rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < slash.nar | grepQuiet "NAR contains invalid file name 'x/y'" # Likewise for an empty filename. rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < empty.nar | grepQuiet "NAR contains invalid file name ''" # Test that the 'executable' field cannot come before the 'contents' field. rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < executable-after-contents.nar | grepQuiet "expected tag ')', got 'executable'" # Test that the 'name' field cannot come before the 'node' field in a directory entry. rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT/out" expectStderr 1 nix-store --restore "$TEST_ROOT/out" < name-after-node.nar | grepQuiet "expected tag 'name'"