#!/usr/bin/env bash source common.sh # Isolate the home for this test. # Other tests (e.g. flake registry tests) could be writing to $HOME in parallel. export HOME=$TEST_ROOT/userhome # Test that using XDG_CONFIG_HOME works # Assert the config folder didn't exist initially. [ ! -e "$HOME/.config" ] # Without XDG_CONFIG_HOME, creates $HOME/.config unset XDG_CONFIG_HOME # Run against the nix registry to create the config dir # (Tip: this relies on removing non-existent entries being a no-op!) nix registry remove userhome-without-xdg # Verifies it created it [ -e "$HOME/.config" ] # Remove the directory it created rm -rf "$HOME/.config" # Run the same test, but with XDG_CONFIG_HOME export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$TEST_ROOT/confighome # Assert the XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nix path does not exist yet. [ ! -e "$TEST_ROOT/confighome/nix" ] nix registry remove userhome-with-xdg # Verifies the confighome path has been created [ -e "$TEST_ROOT/confighome/nix" ] # Assert the .config folder hasn't been created. [ ! -e "$HOME/.config" ] TODO_NixOS # Very specific test setup not compatible with the NixOS test environment? # Test that files are loaded from XDG by default export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$TEST_ROOT/confighome export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=$TEST_ROOT/dir1:$TEST_ROOT/dir2 files=$(nix-build --verbose --version | grep "User config" | cut -d ':' -f2- | xargs) [[ $files == "$TEST_ROOT/confighome/nix/nix.conf:$TEST_ROOT/dir1/nix/nix.conf:$TEST_ROOT/dir2/nix/nix.conf" ]] # Test that setting NIX_USER_CONF_FILES overrides all the default user config files export NIX_USER_CONF_FILES=$TEST_ROOT/file1.conf:$TEST_ROOT/file2.conf files=$(nix-build --verbose --version | grep "User config" | cut -d ':' -f2- | xargs) [[ $files == "$TEST_ROOT/file1.conf:$TEST_ROOT/file2.conf" ]] # Test that it's possible to load the config from a custom location here=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")") export NIX_USER_CONF_FILES=$here/config/nix-with-substituters.conf var=$(nix config show | grep '^substituters =' | cut -d '=' -f 2 | xargs) [[ $var == https://example.com ]] # Test that we can include a file. export NIX_USER_CONF_FILES=$here/config/nix-with-include.conf var=$(nix config show | grep '^allowed-uris =' | cut -d '=' -f 2 | xargs) [[ $var == https://github.com/NixOS/nix ]] # Test that we can !include a file. export NIX_USER_CONF_FILES=$here/config/nix-with-bang-include.conf var=$(nix config show | grep '^experimental-features =' | cut -d '=' -f 2 | xargs) [[ $var == nix-command ]] # Test that it's possible to load config from the environment prev=$(nix config show | grep '^cores' | cut -d '=' -f 2 | xargs) export NIX_CONFIG="cores = 4242"$'\n'"experimental-features = nix-command flakes" exp_cores=$(nix config show | grep '^cores' | cut -d '=' -f 2 | xargs) exp_features=$(nix config show | grep '^experimental-features' | cut -d '=' -f 2 | xargs) [[ $prev != $exp_cores ]] [[ $exp_cores == "4242" ]] # flakes implies fetch-tree [[ $exp_features == "fetch-tree flakes nix-command" ]] # Test that it's possible to retrieve a single setting's value val=$(nix config show | grep '^warn-dirty' | cut -d '=' -f 2 | xargs) val2=$(nix config show warn-dirty) [[ $val == $val2 ]] # Test unit prefixes. [[ $(nix config show --min-free 64K min-free) = 65536 ]] [[ $(nix config show --min-free 1M min-free) = 1048576 ]] [[ $(nix config show --min-free 2G min-free) = 2147483648 ]]