# These overrides are applied to the dependencies of the Nix components. { # Flake inputs; used for sources inputs, # The raw Nixpkgs, not affected by this scope pkgs, stdenv, }: let prevStdenv = stdenv; in let inherit (pkgs) lib; root = ../.; stdenv = if prevStdenv.isDarwin && prevStdenv.isx86_64 then darwinStdenv else prevStdenv; # Fix the following error with the default x86_64-darwin SDK: # # error: aligned allocation function of type 'void *(std::size_t, std::align_val_t)' is only available on macOS 10.13 or newer # # Despite the use of the 10.13 deployment target here, the aligned # allocation function Clang uses with this setting actually works # all the way back to 10.6. darwinStdenv = pkgs.overrideSDK prevStdenv { darwinMinVersion = "10.13"; }; # Nixpkgs implements this by returning a subpath into the fetched Nix sources. resolvePath = p: p; # Indirection for Nixpkgs to override when package.nix files are vendored filesetToSource = lib.fileset.toSource; /** Given a set of layers, create a mkDerivation-like function */ mkPackageBuilder = exts: userFn: stdenv.mkDerivation (lib.extends (lib.composeManyExtensions exts) userFn); localSourceLayer = finalAttrs: prevAttrs: let workDirPath = # Ideally we'd pick finalAttrs.workDir, but for now `mkDerivation` has # the requirement that everything except passthru and meta must be # serialized by mkDerivation, which doesn't work for this. prevAttrs.workDir; workDirSubpath = lib.path.removePrefix root workDirPath; sources = assert prevAttrs.fileset._type == "fileset"; prevAttrs.fileset; src = lib.fileset.toSource { fileset = sources; inherit root; }; in { sourceRoot = "${src.name}/" + workDirSubpath; inherit src; # Clear what `derivation` can't/shouldn't serialize; see prevAttrs.workDir. fileset = null; workDir = null; }; mesonLayer = finalAttrs: prevAttrs: { nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.buildPackages.meson pkgs.buildPackages.ninja ] ++ prevAttrs.nativeBuildInputs or []; }; mesonBuildLayer = finalAttrs: prevAttrs: { nativeBuildInputs = prevAttrs.nativeBuildInputs or [] ++ [ pkgs.buildPackages.pkg-config ]; separateDebugInfo = !stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic; hardeningDisable = lib.optional stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic "pie"; }; mesonLibraryLayer = finalAttrs: prevAttrs: { outputs = prevAttrs.outputs or [ "out" ] ++ [ "dev" ]; }; # Work around weird `--as-needed` linker behavior with BSD, see # https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/3593 bsdNoLinkAsNeeded = finalAttrs: prevAttrs: lib.optionalAttrs stdenv.hostPlatform.isBSD { mesonFlags = [ (lib.mesonBool "b_asneeded" false) ] ++ prevAttrs.mesonFlags or []; }; miscGoodPractice = finalAttrs: prevAttrs: { strictDeps = prevAttrs.strictDeps or true; enableParallelBuilding = true; }; in scope: { inherit stdenv; aws-sdk-cpp = (pkgs.aws-sdk-cpp.override { apis = [ "s3" "transfer" ]; customMemoryManagement = false; }).overrideAttrs { # only a stripped down version is built, which takes a lot less resources # to build, so we don't need a "big-parallel" machine. requiredSystemFeatures = [ ]; }; libseccomp = pkgs.libseccomp.overrideAttrs (_: rec { version = "2.5.5"; src = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/seccomp/libseccomp/releases/download/v${version}/libseccomp-${version}.tar.gz"; hash = "sha256-JIosik2bmFiqa69ScSw0r+/PnJ6Ut23OAsHJqiX7M3U="; }; }); boehmgc = pkgs.boehmgc.override { enableLargeConfig = true; }; # TODO Hack until https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/45462 is fixed. boost = (pkgs.boost.override { extraB2Args = [ "--with-container" "--with-context" "--with-coroutine" ]; }).overrideAttrs (old: { # Need to remove `--with-*` to use `--with-libraries=...` buildPhase = lib.replaceStrings [ "--without-python" ] [ "" ] old.buildPhase; installPhase = lib.replaceStrings [ "--without-python" ] [ "" ] old.installPhase; }); libgit2 = pkgs.libgit2.overrideAttrs (attrs: { src = inputs.libgit2; version = inputs.libgit2.lastModifiedDate; cmakeFlags = attrs.cmakeFlags or [] ++ [ "-DUSE_SSH=exec" ]; nativeBuildInputs = attrs.nativeBuildInputs or [] # gitMinimal does not build on Windows. See packbuilder patch. ++ lib.optionals (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows) [ # Needed for `git apply`; see `prePatch` pkgs.buildPackages.gitMinimal ]; # Only `git apply` can handle git binary patches prePatch = attrs.prePatch or "" + lib.optionalString (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows) '' patch() { git apply } ''; patches = attrs.patches or [] ++ [ ./patches/libgit2-mempack-thin-packfile.patch ] # gitMinimal does not build on Windows, but fortunately this patch only # impacts interruptibility ++ lib.optionals (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows) [ # binary patch; see `prePatch` ./patches/libgit2-packbuilder-callback-interruptible.patch ]; }); busybox-sandbox-shell = pkgs.busybox-sandbox-shell or (pkgs.busybox.override { useMusl = true; enableStatic = true; enableMinimal = true; extraConfig = '' CONFIG_FEATURE_FANCY_ECHO y CONFIG_FEATURE_SH_MATH y CONFIG_FEATURE_SH_MATH_64 y CONFIG_ASH y CONFIG_ASH_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE y CONFIG_ASH_ALIAS y CONFIG_ASH_BASH_COMPAT y CONFIG_ASH_CMDCMD y CONFIG_ASH_ECHO y CONFIG_ASH_GETOPTS y CONFIG_ASH_INTERNAL_GLOB y CONFIG_ASH_JOB_CONTROL y CONFIG_ASH_PRINTF y CONFIG_ASH_TEST y ''; }); # TODO change in Nixpkgs, Windows works fine. First commit of # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/322977 backported will fix. toml11 = pkgs.toml11.overrideAttrs (old: { meta.platforms = lib.platforms.all; }); inherit resolvePath filesetToSource; mkMesonDerivation = mkPackageBuilder [ miscGoodPractice localSourceLayer mesonLayer ]; mkMesonExecutable = mkPackageBuilder [ miscGoodPractice bsdNoLinkAsNeeded localSourceLayer mesonLayer mesonBuildLayer ]; mkMesonLibrary = mkPackageBuilder [ miscGoodPractice bsdNoLinkAsNeeded localSourceLayer mesonLayer mesonBuildLayer mesonLibraryLayer ]; }