# These are private dependencies with pkg-config files. What private # means is that the dependencies are used by the library but they are # *not* used (e.g. `#include`-ed) in any installed header file, and only # in regular source code (`*.cc`) or private, uninstalled headers. They # are thus part of the *implementation* of the library, but not its # *interface*. # # See `man pkg-config` for some details. deps_private = [ ] # These are public dependencies with pkg-config files. Public is the # opposite of private: these dependencies are used in installed header # files. They are part of the interface (and implementation) of the # library. # # N.B. This concept is mostly unrelated to our own concept of a public # (stable) API, for consumption outside of the Nix repository. # `libnixutil` is an unstable C++ library, whose public interface is # likewise unstable. `libutilc` conversely is a hopefully-soon stable # C library, whose public interface --- including public but not private # dependencies --- will also likewise soon be stable. # # N.B. For distributions that care about "ABI" stability and not just # "API" stability, the private dependencies also matter as they can # potentially affect the public ABI. deps_public = [ ] # These are subproject deps (type == "internal"). They are other # packages in `/src` in this repo. The private vs public distinction is # the same as above. deps_private_subproject = [ ] deps_public_subproject = [ ] # These are dependencencies without pkg-config files. Ideally they are # just private, but they may also be public (e.g. boost). deps_other = [ ]