#!/usr/bin/env bash source common.sh enableFeatures "daemon-trust-override" TODO_NixOS restartDaemon requireSandboxSupport [[ $busybox =~ busybox ]] || skipTest "no busybox" unset NIX_STORE_DIR unset NIX_STATE_DIR # We first build a dependency of the derivation we eventually want to # build. nix-build build-hook.nix -A passthru.input2 \ -o "$TEST_ROOT/input2" \ --arg busybox "$busybox" \ --store "$TEST_ROOT/local" \ --option system-features bar # Now when we go to build that downstream derivation, Nix will try to # copy our already-build `input2` to the remote store. That store object # is input-addressed, so this will fail. # For script below # shellcheck disable=SC2034 file=build-hook.nix # shellcheck disable=SC2034 prog=$(readlink -e ./nix-daemon-untrusting.sh) # shellcheck disable=SC2034 proto=ssh-ng expectStderr 1 source build-remote-trustless.sh \ | grepQuiet "cannot add path '[^ ]*' because it lacks a signature by a trusted key"