Release 2.3 (2019-08-??) This is primarily a bug fix release. However, it makes some incompatible changes: Nix now uses BSD file locks instead of POSIX file locks. Since previous releases used POSIX file locks, you should not use Nix 2.2 and previous releases at the same time on a Nix store. It also has the following changes: builtins.fetchGit's ref argument now allows specifying an absolute remote ref. Nix will automatically prefix ref with refs/heads only if ref doesn't already begin with refs/. The installer now enables sandboxing by default on Linux. The max-jobs setting now defaults to 1. New builtin functions: builtins.isPath, builtins.hashFile. nix: Add () flag to print build log output to stderr rather than showing the last log line in the progress bar. To distinguish between concurrent builds, log lines are prefixed by the name of the package. Builds are now executed in a pseudo-terminal, and the TERM evnironment variable is set to xterm-256color. This allows many programs (e.g. gcc, clang, cmake) to print colorized log output. Add convenience flag. This flag disables substituters; sets the tarball-ttl setting to infinity (ensuring that any previously downloaded files are considered current); and disables retrying downloads and sets the connection timeout to the minimum. This flag is enabled automatically if there are no configured non-loopback network interfaces. Add a post-build-hook setting to run a program after a build has succeeded. Add a trace-function-calls setting to log the duration of Nix function calls to stderr. On Linux, sandboxing is now disabled by default on systems that don’t have the necessary kernel support.