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2024-03-01 14:39:42 +01:00

221 lines
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#include "eval-settings.hh"
#include "common-eval-args.hh"
#include "shared.hh"
#include "filetransfer.hh"
#include "eval.hh"
#include "fetchers.hh"
#include "registry.hh"
#include "flake/flakeref.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "command.hh"
#include "tarball.hh"
#include "fetch-to-store.hh"
namespace nix {
.longName = "arg",
.description = "Pass the value *expr* as the argument *name* to Nix functions.",
.category = category,
.labels = {"name", "expr"},
.handler = {[&](std::string name, std::string expr) { autoArgs.insert_or_assign(name, AutoArg{AutoArgExpr(expr)}); }}
.longName = "argstr",
.description = "Pass the string *string* as the argument *name* to Nix functions.",
.category = category,
.labels = {"name", "string"},
.handler = {[&](std::string name, std::string s) { autoArgs.insert_or_assign(name, AutoArg{AutoArgString(s)}); }},
.longName = "arg-from-file",
.description = "Pass the contents of file *path* as the argument *name* to Nix functions.",
.category = category,
.labels = {"name", "path"},
.handler = {[&](std::string name, std::string path) { autoArgs.insert_or_assign(name, AutoArg{AutoArgFile(path)}); }},
.completer = completePath
.longName = "arg-from-stdin",
.description = "Pass the contents of stdin as the argument *name* to Nix functions.",
.category = category,
.labels = {"name"},
.handler = {[&](std::string name) { autoArgs.insert_or_assign(name, AutoArg{AutoArgStdin{}}); }},
.longName = "include",
.shortName = 'I',
.description = R"(
Add *path* to the Nix search path. The Nix search path is
initialized from the colon-separated [`NIX_PATH`](@docroot@/command-ref/env-common.md#env-NIX_PATH) environment
variable, and is used to look up the location of Nix expressions using [paths](@docroot@/language/values.md#type-path) enclosed in angle
brackets (i.e., `<nixpkgs>`).
For instance, passing
-I /home/eelco/Dev
-I /etc/nixos
will cause Nix to look for paths relative to `/home/eelco/Dev` and
`/etc/nixos`, in that order. This is equivalent to setting the
`NIX_PATH` environment variable to
It is also possible to match paths against a prefix. For example,
-I nixpkgs=/home/eelco/Dev/nixpkgs-branch
-I /etc/nixos
will cause Nix to search for `<nixpkgs/path>` in
`/home/eelco/Dev/nixpkgs-branch/path` and `/etc/nixos/nixpkgs/path`.
If a path in the Nix search path starts with `http://` or `https://`,
it is interpreted as the URL of a tarball that will be downloaded and
unpacked to a temporary location. The tarball must consist of a single
top-level directory. For example, passing
-I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/master.tar.gz
tells Nix to download and use the current contents of the `master`
branch in the `nixpkgs` repository.
The URLs of the tarballs from the official `nixos.org` channels
(see [the manual page for `nix-channel`](../nix-channel.md)) can be
abbreviated as `channel:<channel-name>`. For instance, the
following two flags are equivalent:
-I nixpkgs=channel:nixos-21.05
-I nixpkgs=https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-21.05/nixexprs.tar.xz
You can also fetch source trees using [flake URLs](./nix3-flake.md#url-like-syntax) and add them to the
search path. For instance,
-I nixpkgs=flake:nixpkgs
specifies that the prefix `nixpkgs` shall refer to the source tree
downloaded from the `nixpkgs` entry in the flake registry. Similarly,
-I nixpkgs=flake:github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-22.05
makes `<nixpkgs>` refer to a particular branch of the
`NixOS/nixpkgs` repository on GitHub.
.category = category,
.labels = {"path"},
.handler = {[&](std::string s) {
.longName = "impure",
.description = "Allow access to mutable paths and repositories.",
.category = category,
.handler = {[&]() {
evalSettings.pureEval = false;
.longName = "override-flake",
.description = "Override the flake registries, redirecting *original-ref* to *resolved-ref*.",
.category = category,
.labels = {"original-ref", "resolved-ref"},
.handler = {[&](std::string _from, std::string _to) {
auto from = parseFlakeRef(_from, absPath("."));
auto to = parseFlakeRef(_to, absPath("."));
fetchers::Attrs extraAttrs;
if (to.subdir != "") extraAttrs["dir"] = to.subdir;
fetchers::overrideRegistry(from.input, to.input, extraAttrs);
.completer = {[&](AddCompletions & completions, size_t, std::string_view prefix) {
completeFlakeRef(completions, openStore(), prefix);
.longName = "eval-store",
.description =
The [URL of the Nix store](@docroot@/store/types/index.md#store-url-format)
to use for evaluation, i.e. to store derivations (`.drv` files) and inputs referenced by them.
.category = category,
.labels = {"store-url"},
.handler = {&evalStoreUrl},
Bindings * MixEvalArgs::getAutoArgs(EvalState & state)
auto res = state.buildBindings(autoArgs.size());
for (auto & [name, arg] : autoArgs) {
auto v = state.allocValue();
std::visit(overloaded {
[&](const AutoArgExpr & arg) {
state.mkThunk_(*v, state.parseExprFromString(arg.expr, state.rootPath(".")));
[&](const AutoArgString & arg) {
[&](const AutoArgFile & arg) {
[&](const AutoArgStdin & arg) {
}, arg);
res.insert(state.symbols.create(name), v);
return res.finish();
SourcePath lookupFileArg(EvalState & state, std::string_view s, const Path * baseDir)
if (EvalSettings::isPseudoUrl(s)) {
auto accessor = fetchers::downloadTarball(
auto storePath = fetchToStore(*state.store, SourcePath(accessor), FetchMode::Copy);
return state.rootPath(CanonPath(state.store->toRealPath(storePath)));
else if (hasPrefix(s, "flake:")) {
auto flakeRef = parseFlakeRef(std::string(s.substr(6)), {}, true, false);
auto storePath = flakeRef.resolve(state.store).fetchTree(state.store).first;
return state.rootPath(CanonPath(state.store->toRealPath(storePath)));
else if (s.size() > 2 && s.at(0) == '<' && s.at(s.size() - 1) == '>') {
Path p(s.substr(1, s.size() - 2));
return state.findFile(p);
return state.rootPath(baseDir ? absPath(s, *baseDir) : absPath(s));