# # This website explains the theme format much better than grub's own documentation: # → http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/index.php/Grub2_theme_tutorial # # Icons are adapted from Breeze # Colors: https://community.kde.org/KDE_Visual_Design_Group/HIG/Color # # An image is used instead. title-text: "" title-font: "DejaVu Regular" title-color: "#ffffff" + image { top = 3% height = 100 width = 319 left = 50%-160 # (image width) / 2 = 160 file = "logo.png" } # A background image is *always* necessary due to a bug. desktop-image: "background.png" message-font: "DejaVu Regular" message-color: "#ffffff" # This font is provided, by default, by NixOS. terminal-font: "Unifont Regular" terminal-box: "terminal_*.png" # # FIXME : Make it a /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/ shape # ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ + progress_bar { id = "__timeout__" top = 95%-32 left = 50%-25% height = 32 width = 50% show_text = true text = "@TIMEOUT_NOTIFICATION_MIDDLE@" border_color = #5579C4 bg_color = #7EBAE4 fg_color = #5579C4 } + boot_menu { left = 50%-400 # menu width / 2 width = 800 top = 3%+100+3% # Keep the menu off the logo and the progress bar. height = 100%-3%-100-3%-3%-32-3% # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ # | | | | | \ 3% between progress and bottom # | | | | \ height of progress # | | | \ 3% between progress and this # | | \ 3% between logo and this # | \ height of logo # \ 3% from the top item_font = "DejaVu Regular" item_color = "#232627" item_height = 40 item_icon_space = 12 item_spacing = 0 item_padding = 0 selected_item_font = "DejaVu Regular" selected_item_color= "#232627" selected_item_pixmap_style = "select_*.png" icon_height = 32 icon_width = 42 scrollbar = false menu_pixmap_style = "boot_menu_*.png" }