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# Nixpkgs/NixOS option handling.
let lib = import ./default.nix; in
with { inherit (builtins) head tail; };
with import ./trivial.nix;
with import ./lists.nix;
with import ./misc.nix;
with import ./attrsets.nix;
rec {
hasType = x: isAttrs x && x ? _type;
typeOf = x: if hasType x then x._type else "";
isOption = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "option";
mkOption = attrs: attrs // {
_type = "option";
# name (this is the name of the attributem it is automatically generated by the traversal)
# default (value used when no definition exists)
# example (documentation)
# description (documentation)
# type (option type, provide a default merge function and ensure type correctness)
# merge (function used to merge definitions into one definition: [ /type/ ] -> /type/)
# apply (convert the option value to ease the manipulation of the option result)
# options (set of sub-options declarations & definitions)
# Make the option declaration more user-friendly by adding default
# settings and some verifications based on the declaration content (like
# type correctness).
addOptionMakeUp = {name, recurseInto}: decl:
init = {
inherit name;
merge = mergeDefaultOption;
apply = lib.id;
mergeFromType = opt:
if decl ? type && decl.type ? merge then
opt // { merge = decl.type.merge; }
addDeclaration = opt: opt // decl;
ensureMergeInputType = opt:
if decl ? type then
opt // {
merge = list:
if all decl.type.check list then
opt.merge list
throw "One of the definitions has a bad type.";
else opt;
ensureDefaultType = opt:
if decl ? type && decl ? default then
opt // {
default =
if decl.type.check decl.default then
throw "The default value has a bad type.";
else opt;
handleOptionSets = opt:
if decl ? type && decl.type.hasOptions then
optionConfig = opts: config:
map (f: applyIfFunction f config)
(decl.options ++ [opts]);
opt // {
merge = list:
(path: opts:
fixMergeFun (recurseInto path) (optionConfig opts)
(opt.merge list);
options = recurseInto (decl.type.docPath opt.name) decl.options;
foldl (opt: f: f opt) init [
# default settings
# user settings
# override settings
# Merge a list of options containning different field. This is useful to
# separate the merge & apply fields from the interface.
mergeOptionDecls = opts:
if opts == [] then {}
else if tail opts == [] then
let opt = head opts; in
if opt ? options then
opt // { options = toList opt.options; }
fold (opt1: opt2:
lib.addErrorContext "opt1 = ${lib.showVal opt1}\nopt2 = ${lib.showVal opt2}" (
# You cannot merge if two options have the same field.
assert opt1 ? default -> ! opt2 ? default;
assert opt1 ? example -> ! opt2 ? example;
assert opt1 ? description -> ! opt2 ? description;
assert opt1 ? merge -> ! opt2 ? merge;
assert opt1 ? apply -> ! opt2 ? apply;
assert opt1 ? type -> ! opt2 ? type;
if opt1 ? options || opt2 ? options then
opt1 // opt2 // {
options =
(toList (attrByPath ["options"] [] opt1))
++ (toList (attrByPath ["options"] [] opt2));
opt1 // opt2
)) {} opts;
# name (name of the type)
# check (boolean function)
# merge (default merge function)
# iter (iterate on all elements contained in this type)
# fold (fold all elements contained in this type)
# hasOptions (boolean: whatever this option contains an option set)
# path (path contatenated to the option name contained contained in the option set)
isOptionType = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "option-type";
mkOptionType = attrs@{
, check ? (x: true)
, merge ? mergeDefaultOption
# Handle complex structure types.
, iter ? (f: path: v: f path v)
, fold ? (op: nul: v: op v nul)
, docPath ? lib.id
# If the type can contains option sets.
, hasOptions ? false
}: { _type = "option-type";
inherit name check merge iter fold docPath hasOptions;
types = {
inferred = mkOptionType {
name = "inferred type";
enable = mkOptionType {
name = "boolean";
check = builtins.isBool;
merge = fold lib.or false;
int = mkOptionType {
name = "integer";
check = builtins.isInt;
string = mkOptionType {
name = "string";
check = x: builtins ? isString -> builtins.isString x;
merge = lib.concatStrings;
attrs = mkOptionType {
name = "attribute set";
check = builtins.isAttrs;
merge = fold lib.mergeAttrs {};
# derivation is a reserved keyword.
package = mkOptionType {
name = "derivation";
check = x: builtins.isAttrs x && x ? outPath;
list = elemType: mkOptionType {
name = "list of ${elemType.name}s";
check = value: isList value && all elemType.check value;
merge = concatLists;
iter = f: path: list: map (elemType.iter f (path + ".*")) list;
fold = op: nul: list: lib.fold (e: l: elemType.fold op l e) nul list;
docPath = path: elemType (path + ".*");
inherit (elemType) hasOptions;
attrsOf = elemType: mkOptionType {
name = "attribute set of ${elemType}s";
check = x: builtins.isAttrs x
&& fold (e: v: v && elemType.check e) true (lib.attrValues x);
merge = fold lib.mergeAttrs {};
iter = f: path: set: lib.mapAttrs (name: elemType.iter f (path + "." + name)) set;
fold = op: nul: set: fold (e: l: elemType.fold op l e) nul (lib.attrValues set);
docPath = path: elemType (path + ".<name>");
inherit (elemType) hasOptions;
uniq = elemType: mkOptionType {
inherit (elemType) name check iter fold docPath hasOptions;
merge = list:
if tail list == [] then
head list
throw "Multiple definitions. Only one is allowed for this option.";
nullOr = elemType: mkOptionType {
inherit (elemType) name merge docPath hasOptions;
check = x: builtins.isNull x || elemType.check x;
iter = f: path: v: if v == null then v else elemType.iter f path v;
fold = op: nul: v: if v == null then nul else elemType.fold op nul v;
optionSet = mkOptionType {
name = "option set";
check = x: builtins.isAttrs x;
hasOptions = true;
# !!! This function will be removed because this can be done with the
# multiple option declarations.
addDefaultOptionValues = defs: opts: opts //
builtins.listToAttrs (map (defName:
{ name = defName;
value =
defValue = builtins.getAttr defName defs;
optValue = builtins.getAttr defName opts;
if typeOf defValue == "option"
# `defValue' is an option.
if hasAttr defName opts
then builtins.getAttr defName opts
else defValue.default
# `defValue' is an attribute set containing options.
# So recurse.
if hasAttr defName opts && isAttrs optValue
then addDefaultOptionValues defValue optValue
else addDefaultOptionValues defValue {};
) (attrNames defs));
mergeDefaultOption = list:
if list != [] && tail list == [] then head list
else if all builtins.isFunction list then x: mergeDefaultOption (map (f: f x) list)
else if all isList list then concatLists list
else if all isAttrs list then fold lib.mergeAttrs {} list
else if all (x: true == x || false == x) list then fold lib.or false list
else if all (x: x == toString x) list then lib.concatStrings list
else throw "Cannot merge values.";
mergeTypedOption = typeName: predicate: merge: list:
if all predicate list then merge list
else throw "Expect a ${typeName}.";
mergeEnableOption = mergeTypedOption "boolean"
(x: true == x || false == x) (fold lib.or false);
mergeListOption = mergeTypedOption "list" isList concatLists;
mergeStringOption = mergeTypedOption "string"
(x: if builtins ? isString then builtins.isString x else x + "")
mergeOneOption = list:
if list == [] then abort "This case should never happen."
else if tail list != [] then throw "Multiple definitions. Only one is allowed for this option."
else head list;
# Handle the traversal of option sets. All sets inside 'opts' are zipped
# and options declaration and definition are separated. If no option are
# declared at a specific depth, then the function recurse into the values.
# Other cases are handled by the optionHandler which contains two
# functions that are used to defined your goal.
# - export is a function which takes two arguments which are the option
# and the list of values.
# - notHandle is a function which takes the list of values are not handle
# by this function.
handleOptionSets = optionHandler@{export, notHandle, ...}: path: opts:
if all isAttrs opts then
lib.zip (attr: opts:
recurseInto = name: attrs:
handleOptionSets optionHandler name attrs;
# Compute the path to reach the attribute.
name = if path == "" then attr else path + "." + attr;
# Divide the definitions of the attribute "attr" between
# declaration (isOption) and definitions (!isOption).
test = partition isOption opts;
decls = test.right; defs = test.wrong;
# Make the option declaration more user-friendly by adding default
# settings and some verifications based on the declaration content
# (like type correctness).
opt = addOptionMakeUp
{ inherit name recurseInto; }
(mergeOptionDecls decls);
# Return the list of option sets.
optAttrs = map delayProperties defs;
# return the list of option values.
# Remove undefined values that are coming from evalIf.
optValues = evalProperties defs;
if decls == [] then recurseInto name optAttrs
else lib.addErrorContext "while evaluating the option ${name}:" (
export opt optValues
) opts
else lib.addErrorContext "while evaluating ${path}:" (notHandle opts);
# Merge option sets and produce a set of values which is the merging of
# all options declare and defined. If no values are defined for an
# option, then the default value is used otherwise it use the merge
# function of each option to get the result.
mergeOptionSets =
handleOptionSets {
export = opt: values:
opt.apply (
if values == [] then
if opt ? default then opt.default
else throw "Not defined."
else opt.merge values
notHandle = opts: throw "Used without option declaration.";
# Keep all option declarations.
filterOptionSets =
handleOptionSets {
export = opt: values: opt;
notHandle = opts: {};
# Unfortunately this can also be a string.
isPath = x: !(
builtins.isFunction x
|| builtins.isAttrs x
|| builtins.isInt x
|| builtins.isBool x
|| builtins.isList x
applyIfFunction = f: arg:
if builtins.isFunction f then
f arg
moduleClosure = initModules: args:
moduleImport = path:
(applyIfFunction (import path) args) // {
# used by generic closure to avoid duplicated imports.
key = path;
builtins.genericClosure {
startSet = map moduleImport initModules;
operator = m:
map moduleImport (attrByPath ["imports"] [] m);
selectDeclsAndDefs = modules:
lib.concatMap (m:
attrByPath ["options"] [] m
++ attrByPath ["config"] [] m
) modules;
fixMergeFun = merge: optFun:
lib.fix (config:
merge (
# Delay top-level properties like mkIf
map delayProperties (
# generate the list of option sets.
optFun config
fixMergeModules = merge: initModules: {...}@args:
fixMergeFun (config:
selectDeclsAndDefs (
moduleClosure initModules (args // { inherit config; })
fixModulesConfig = initModules: {...}@args:
fixMergeModules (mergeOptionSets "") initModules args;
fixOptionsConfig = initModules: {...}@args:
fixMergeModules (filterOptionSets "") initModules args;
# Evaluate a list of option sets that would be merged with the
# function "merge" which expects two arguments. The attribute named
# "require" is used to imports option declarations and bindings.
# * cfg[0-9]: configuration
# * cfgSet[0-9]: configuration set
# merge: the function used to merge options sets.
# pkgs: is the set of packages available. (nixpkgs)
# opts: list of option sets or option set functions.
# config: result of this evaluation.
fixOptionSetsFun = merge: pkgs: opts: config:
# remove possible mkIf to access the require attribute.
noImportConditions = cfgSet0:
let cfgSet1 = delayProperties cfgSet0; in
if cfgSet1 ? require then
cfgSet1 // { require = rmProperties cfgSet1.require; }
filenameHandler = cfg:
if isPath cfg then import cfg
else cfg;
# call configuration "files" with one of the existing convention.
argumentHandler = cfg:
# {..}
cfg0 = cfg;
# {pkgs, config, ...}: {..}
cfg1 = cfg { inherit pkgs config merge; };
# pkgs: config: {..}
cfg2 = cfg {} {};
if builtins.isFunction cfg0 then
if isAttrs cfg1 then cfg1
else builtins.trace "Use '{pkgs, config, ...}:'." cfg2
else cfg0;
preprocess = cfg0:
let cfg1 = filenameHandler cfg0;
cfg2 = argumentHandler cfg1;
cfg3 = noImportConditions cfg2;
in cfg3;
getRequire = x: toList (attrByPath ["require"] [] (preprocess x));
getRecursiveRequire = x:
fold (cfg: l:
if isPath cfg then
[ cfg ] ++ l
[ cfg ] ++ (getRecursiveRequire cfg) ++ l
) [] (getRequire x);
getRequireSets = x: filter (x: ! isPath x) (getRecursiveRequire x);
getRequirePaths = x: filter isPath (getRecursiveRequire x);
rmRequire = x: removeAttrs (preprocess x) ["require"];
inlineRequiredSets = cfgs:
fold (cfg: l: [ cfg ] ++ (getRequireSets cfg) ++ l) [] cfgs;
merge "" (
map rmRequire (
inlineRequiredSets ((toList opts) ++ lib.uniqFlatten getRequirePaths [] [] (lib.concatMap getRequirePaths (toList opts)))
fixOptionSets = merge: pkgs: opts:
lib.fix (fixOptionSetsFun merge pkgs opts);
optionAttrSetToDocList = l: attrs:
if (attrByPath ["_type"] "" attrs) == "option" then
#inherit (attrs) description;
description = if attrs ? description then attrs.description else
throw ("No description ${toString l} : ${lib.whatis attrs}");
// (if attrs ? example then {inherit(attrs) example;} else {} )
// (if attrs ? default then {inherit(attrs) default;} else {} )
// {name = l;}
else (concatLists (map (s: (optionAttrSetToDocList
(l + (if l=="" then "" else ".") + s) (builtins.getAttr s attrs)))
(attrNames attrs)));
/* Option Properties */
# Generalize the problem of delayable properties. Any property can be created
# Tell that nothing is defined. When properties are evaluated, this type
# is used to remove an entry. Thus if your property evaluation semantic
# implies that you have to mute the content of an attribute, then your
# property should produce this value.
isNotdef = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "notdef";
mkNotdef = {_type = "notdef";};
# General property type, it has a property attribute and a content
# attribute. The property attribute refer to an attribute set which
# contains a _type attribute and a list of functions which are used to
# evaluate this property. The content attribute is used to stack property
# on top of each other.
# The optional functions which may be contained in the property attribute
# are:
# - onDelay: run on a copied property.
# - onGlobalDelay: run on all copied properties.
# - onEval: run on an evaluated property.
# - onGlobalEval: run on a list of property stack on top of their values.
isProperty = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "property";
mkProperty = p@{property, content, ...}: p // {
_type = "property";
# Go throw the stack of properties and apply the function `op' on all
# property and call the function `nul' on the final value which is not a
# property. The stack is traversed in reversed order. The `op' function
# should expect a property with a content which have been modified.
# Warning: The `op' function expects only one argument in order to avoid
# calls to mkProperties as the argument is already a valid property which
# contains the result of the folding inside the content attribute.
foldProperty = op: nul: attrs:
if isProperty attrs then
op (attrs // {
content = foldProperty op nul attrs.content;
nul attrs;
# Simple function which can be used as the `op' argument of the
# foldProperty function. Properties that you don't want to handle can be
# ignored with the `id' function. `isSearched' is a function which should
# check the type of a property and return a boolean value. `thenFun' and
# `elseFun' are functions which behave as the `op' argument of the
# foldProperty function.
foldFilter = isSearched: thenFun: elseFun: attrs:
if isSearched attrs.property then
thenFun attrs
elseFun attrs;
# Move properties from the current attribute set to the attribute
# contained in this attribute set. This trigger property handlers called
# `onDelay' and `onGlobalDelay'.
delayProperties = attrs:
let cleanAttrs = rmProperties attrs; in
if isProperty attrs then
lib.mapAttrs (a: v:
lib.addErrorContext "while moving properties on the attribute `${a}'." (
triggerPropertiesGlobalDelay a (
triggerPropertiesDelay a (
copyProperties attrs v
)))) cleanAttrs
# Call onDelay functions.
triggerPropertiesDelay = name: attrs:
callOnDelay = p@{property, ...}:
lib.addErrorContext "while calling a onDelay function." (
if property ? onDelay then
property.onDelay name p
foldProperty callOnDelay id attrs;
# Call onGlobalDelay functions.
triggerPropertiesGlobalDelay = name: attrs:
globalDelayFuns = uniqListExt {
getter = property: property._type;
inputList = foldProperty (p@{property, content, ...}:
if property ? onGlobalDelay then
[ property ] ++ content
) (a: []) attrs;
callOnGlobalDelay = property: content:
lib.addErrorContext "while calling a onGlobalDelay function." (
property.onGlobalDelay name content
fold callOnGlobalDelay attrs globalDelayFuns;
# Expect a list of values which may have properties and return the same
# list of values where all properties have been evaluated and where all
# ignored values are removed. This trigger property handlers called
# `onEval' and `onGlobalEval'.
evalProperties = valList:
if valList != [] then
filter (x: !isNotdef x) (
lib.addErrorContext "while evaluating properties an attribute." (
triggerPropertiesGlobalEval (
map triggerPropertiesEval valList
# Call onEval function
triggerPropertiesEval = val:
foldProperty (p@{property, ...}:
lib.addErrorContext "while calling a onEval function." (
if property ? onEval then
property.onEval p
) id val;
# Call onGlobalEval function
triggerPropertiesGlobalEval = valList:
globalEvalFuns = uniqListExt {
getter = property: property._type;
inputList =
fold (attrs: list:
foldProperty (p@{property, content, ...}:
if property ? onGlobalEval then
[ property ] ++ content
) (a: list) attrs
) [] valList;
callOnGlobalEval = property: valList:
lib.addErrorContext "while calling a onGlobalEval function." (
property.onGlobalEval valList
fold callOnGlobalEval valList globalEvalFuns;
# Remove all properties on top of a value and return the value.
rmProperties =
foldProperty (p@{content, ...}: content) id;
# Copy properties defined on a value on another value.
copyProperties = attrs: newAttrs:
foldProperty id (x: newAttrs) attrs;
/* If. ThenElse. Always. */
# create "if" statement that can be delayed on sets until a "then-else" or
# "always" set is reached. When an always set is reached the condition
# is ignore.
# Create a "If" property which only contains a condition.
isIf = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "if";
mkIf = condition: content: mkProperty {
property = {
_type = "if";
onGlobalDelay = onIfGlobalDelay;
onEval = onIfEval;
inherit condition;
inherit content;
# Create a "ThenElse" property which contains choices which can choosed by
# the evaluation of an "If" statement.
isThenElse = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "then-else";
mkThenElse = attrs:
assert attrs ? thenPart && attrs ? elsePart;
mkProperty {
property = {
_type = "then-else";
onEval = val: throw "Missing mkIf statement.";
inherit (attrs) thenPart elsePart;
content = mkNotdef;
# Create an "Always" property remove ignore all "If" statement.
isAlways = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "always";
mkAlways = value:
mkProperty {
property = {
_type = "always";
onEval = p@{content, ...}: content;
inherit value;
content = mkNotdef;
# Remove all "If" statement defined on a value.
rmIf = foldProperty (
foldFilter isIf
({content, ...}: content)
) id;
# Evaluate the "If" statements when either "ThenElse" or "Always"
# statement is encounter. Otherwise it remove multiple If statement and
# replace them by one "If" staement where the condition is the list of all
# conditions joined with a "and" operation.
onIfGlobalDelay = name: content:
# extract if statements and non-if statements and repectively put them
# in the attribute list and attrs.
ifProps =
(foldFilter (p: isIf p || isThenElse p || isAlways p)
# then, push the codition inside the list list
(p@{property, content, ...}:
{ inherit (content) attrs;
list = [property] ++ content.list;
# otherwise, add the propertie.
(p@{property, content, ...}:
{ inherit (content) list;
attrs = p // { content = content.attrs; };
(attrs: { list = []; inherit attrs; })
# compute the list of if statements.
evalIf = content: condition: list:
if list == [] then
mkIf condition content
let p = head list; in
# evaluate the condition.
if isThenElse p then
if condition then
copyProperties content p.thenPart
copyProperties content p.elsePart
# ignore the condition.
else if isAlways p then
copyProperties content p.value
# otherwise (isIf)
evalIf content (condition && p.condition) (tail list);
evalIf ifProps.attrs true ifProps.list;
# Evaluate the condition of the "If" statement to either get the value or
# to ignore the value.
onIfEval = p@{property, content, ...}:
if property.condition then
/* mkOverride */
# Create an "Override" statement which allow the user to define
# prioprities between values. The default priority is 100 and the lowest
# priorities are kept. The template argument must reproduce the same
# attribute set hierachy to override leaves of the hierarchy.
isOverride = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "override";
mkOverride = priority: template: content: mkProperty {
property = {
_type = "override";
onDelay = onOverrideDelay;
onGlobalEval = onOverrideGlobalEval;
inherit priority template;
inherit content;
# Make the template traversal in function of the property traversal. If
# the template define a non-empty attribute set, then the property is
# copied only on all mentionned attributes inside the template.
# Otherwise, the property is kept on all sub-attribute definitions.
onOverrideDelay = name: p@{property, content, ...}:
let inherit (property) template; in
if isAttrs template && template != {} then
if hasAttr name template then
p // {
property = p.property // {
template = builtins.getAttr name template;
# Do not override the attribute \name\
# Override values defined inside the attribute \name\.
# Ignore all values which have a higher value of the priority number.
onOverrideGlobalEval = valList:
defaultPrio = 100;
inherit (builtins) lessThan;
getPrioVal =
(foldFilter isOverride
(p@{property, content, ...}:
if lessThan content.priority property.priority then
content // {
inherit (property) priority;
(p@{property, content, ...}:
content // {
value = p // { content = content.value; };
) (value: { priority = defaultPrio; inherit value; });
prioValList = map getPrioVal valList;
higherPrio = fold (x: y:
if lessThan x.priority y then
) defaultPrio prioValList;
map (x:
if x.priority == higherPrio then
) prioValList;