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2008-02-14 09:29:21 -05:00
{config, pkgs, serverInfo}:
inherit (pkgs.lib) mkOption;
2008-02-14 15:14:57 -05:00
inherit (config) urlPrefix distDir;
2008-02-14 09:29:21 -05:00
staticFiles = substituteInAll {
2008-02-14 14:47:17 -05:00
name = "dist-manager-files";
2008-02-14 09:29:21 -05:00
src = pkgs.lib.cleanSource ../../../services/dist-manager/files;
perl = "${pkgs.perl}/bin/perl";
inherit (serverInfo) canonicalName;
2008-02-14 15:14:57 -05:00
inherit urlPrefix;
directoriesConf = pkgs.writeText "directories.conf" config.directoriesConf;
2008-02-14 14:47:17 -05:00
defaultPath = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin:${pkgs.findutils}/bin";
saxon8 = pkgs.saxonb;
2008-02-14 09:29:21 -05:00
2008-02-20 07:54:17 -05:00
logFile = "${serverInfo.serverConfig.logDir}/release";
2008-02-14 09:29:21 -05:00
# Do a syntax check on the generated file.
postInstall = ''
$perl -c $out/cgi-bin/create-dist.pl # !!! should use -T
# !!! cut&paste
substituteInAll = args: pkgs.stdenvUsingSetupNew2.mkDerivation ({
buildCommand = ''
ensureDir $out
cp -prd $src/* $out
chmod -R u+w $out
find $out -type f -print | while read fn; do
substituteAll $fn $fn
eval "$postInstall"
} // args); # */
in {
extraConfig = ''
Alias ${urlPrefix}/css ${staticFiles}/css
ScriptAlias ${urlPrefix}/cgi-bin ${staticFiles}/cgi-bin
<Directory ${staticFiles}/cgi-bin>
2008-02-14 14:47:17 -05:00
Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch ExecCGI
2008-02-14 09:29:21 -05:00
SetHandler cgi-script
Order allow,deny
2008-02-14 15:14:57 -05:00
${pkgs.lib.concatMapStrings (ip: "Allow from ${ip}\n") config.uploaderIPs}
2008-02-14 09:29:21 -05:00
Require valid-user
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Nix Upload"
2008-02-14 15:14:57 -05:00
AuthUserFile ${config.distPasswords}
2008-02-14 09:29:21 -05:00
Alias ${urlPrefix} ${distDir}/
<Location ${urlPrefix}>
Options +Indexes
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^${distDir}/(.*)/create-dist/(.*) ${urlPrefix}/cgi-bin/create-dist.pl/$1/$2
AddType application/nix-package .nixpkg
<Directory ${distDir}>
AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
# !!! should not be needed
extraModulesPre = [];
extraModules = [];
robotsEntries = "";
globalEnvVars = [];
extraServerPath = [];
extraPath = [];
startupScript = null;
2008-02-14 09:29:21 -05:00
options = {
2008-02-14 15:14:57 -05:00
urlPrefix = mkOption {
default = "/dist";
description = ''
The URL prefix under which the release pages appear.
distDir = mkOption {
example = "/data/dist";
description = ''
Path to the top-level release directory.
distPasswords = mkOption {
example = "/data/dist-passwords";
description = ''
Location of the password file for the uploading of releases.
uploaderIPs = mkOption {
default = [];
example = ["" ""];
description = ''
IP address or address ranges of the machines that are allowed to upload releases.
directoriesConf = mkOption {
example = ''
fnord /data/dist/fnord fnord-upload
description = ''
The per-project release directories, with each line containing
the project name, the corresponding release directory, and the
users that can upload to that directory.
2008-02-14 09:29:21 -05:00