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Luke Granger-Brown f47caf769b nixos/networkd: configure /etc/systemd/networkd.conf
The networkd.conf file controls a variety of interesting settings
which don't seem to be configurable at the moment, including
adding names to route tables (for networkd only, although this commit
also exports them into iproute2 for convenience's sake), and
the speed metering functionality built into networkd.

Importantly, however, this also allows disabling the systemd
functionality where it likes to delete all the routes and routing rules
that haven't been configured through networkd whenever something causes
it to perform a reconfiguration.
2022-04-11 00:28:33 +00:00

124 lines
4.7 KiB

let generateNodeConf = { lib, pkgs, config, privk, pubk, peerId, nodeId, ...}: {
imports = [ common/user-account.nix ];
systemd.services.systemd-networkd.environment.SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL = "debug";
networking.useNetworkd = true;
networking.useDHCP = false;
networking.firewall.enable = false;
virtualisation.vlans = [ 1 ];
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ wireguard-tools ];
systemd.network = {
enable = true;
config = {
routeTables.custom = 23;
netdevs = {
"90-wg0" = {
netdevConfig = { Kind = "wireguard"; Name = "wg0"; };
wireguardConfig = {
# NOTE: we're storing the wireguard private key in the
# store for this test. Do not do this in the real
# world. Keep in mind the nix store is
# world-readable.
PrivateKeyFile = pkgs.writeText "wg0-priv" privk;
ListenPort = 51820;
FirewallMark = 42;
wireguardPeers = [ {wireguardPeerConfig={
Endpoint = "192.168.1.${peerId}:51820";
PublicKey = pubk;
PresharedKeyFile = pkgs.writeText "psk.key" "yTL3sCOL33Wzi6yCnf9uZQl/Z8laSE+zwpqOHC4HhFU=";
AllowedIPs = [ "10.0.0.${peerId}/32" ];
PersistentKeepalive = 15;
networks = {
"99-nope" = {
matchConfig.Name = "eth*";
linkConfig.Unmanaged = true;
"90-wg0" = {
matchConfig = { Name = "wg0"; };
address = [ "10.0.0.${nodeId}/32" ];
routes = [
{ routeConfig = { Gateway = "10.0.0.${nodeId}"; Destination = ""; }; }
{ routeConfig = { Gateway = "10.0.0.${nodeId}"; Destination = ""; Table = "custom"; }; }
"30-eth1" = {
matchConfig = { Name = "eth1"; };
address = [
routingPolicyRules = [
{ routingPolicyRuleConfig = { Table = 10; IncomingInterface = "eth1"; Family = "both"; };}
{ routingPolicyRuleConfig = { Table = 20; OutgoingInterface = "eth1"; };}
{ routingPolicyRuleConfig = { Table = 30; From = ""; To = ""; SourcePort = 666 ; DestinationPort = 667; };}
{ routingPolicyRuleConfig = { Table = 40; IPProtocol = "tcp"; InvertRule = true; };}
{ routingPolicyRuleConfig = { Table = 50; IncomingInterface = "eth1"; Family = "ipv4"; };}
in import ./make-test-python.nix ({pkgs, ... }: {
name = "networkd";
meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ ninjatrappeur ];
nodes = {
node1 = { pkgs, ... }@attrs:
let localConf = {
privk = "GDiXWlMQKb379XthwX0haAbK6hTdjblllpjGX0heP00=";
pubk = "iRxpqj42nnY0Qz8MAQbSm7bXxXP5hkPqWYIULmvW+EE=";
nodeId = "1";
peerId = "2";
in generateNodeConf (attrs // localConf);
node2 = { pkgs, ... }@attrs:
let localConf = {
privk = "eHxSI2jwX/P4AOI0r8YppPw0+4NZnjOxfbS5mt06K2k=";
pubk = "27s0OvaBBdHoJYkH9osZpjpgSOVNw+RaKfboT/Sfq0g=";
nodeId = "2";
peerId = "1";
in generateNodeConf (attrs // localConf);
testScript = ''
# ================================
# Networkd Config
# ================================
node1.succeed("grep RouteTable=custom:23 /etc/systemd/networkd.conf")
node1.succeed("sudo ip route show table custom | grep ' via dev wg0 proto static'")
# ================================
# Wireguard
# ================================
node1.succeed("ping -c 5")
node2.succeed("ping -c 5")
# Is the fwmark set?
node2.succeed("wg | grep -q 42")
# ================================
# Routing Policies
# ================================
# Testing all the routingPolicyRuleConfig members:
# Table + IncomingInterface
node1.succeed("sudo ip rule | grep 'from all iif eth1 lookup 10'")
# OutgoingInterface
node1.succeed("sudo ip rule | grep 'from all oif eth1 lookup 20'")
# From + To + SourcePort + DestinationPort
"sudo ip rule | grep 'from to sport 666 dport 667 lookup 30'"
# IPProtocol + InvertRule
node1.succeed("sudo ip rule | grep 'not from all ipproto tcp lookup 40'")