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{ stdenv
, lib
, pkgs
, fetchgit
, phpPackage
, autoconf
, pkg-config
, aspell
, bzip2
, curl
, cyrus_sasl
, enchant1
, fetchpatch
, freetds
, freetype
, gd
, gettext
, gmp
, html-tidy
, icu64
, libXpm
, libffi
, libiconv
, libjpeg
, libpng
, libsodium
, libwebp
, libxml2
, libxslt
, libzip
, net-snmp
, oniguruma
, openldap
, openssl
, pam
, pcre2
, postgresql
, re2c
, readline
, rsync
, sqlite
, unixODBC
, uwimap
, valgrind
, zlib
lib.makeScope pkgs.newScope (self: with self; {
buildPecl = import ../build-support/build-pecl.nix {
php = php.unwrapped;
inherit lib;
inherit (pkgs) stdenv autoreconfHook fetchurl re2c;
# Wrap mkDerivation to prepend pname with "php-" to make names consistent
# with how buildPecl does it and make the file easier to overview.
mkDerivation = { pname, ... }@args: pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation (args // {
pname = "php-${pname}";
# Function to build an extension which is shipped as part of the php
# source, based on the php version.
# Name passed is the name of the extension and is automatically used
# to add the configureFlag "--enable-${name}", which can be overriden.
# Build inputs is used for extra deps that may be needed. And zendExtension
# will mark the extension as a zend extension or not.
mkExtension =
{ name
, configureFlags ? [ "--enable-${name}" ]
, internalDeps ? [ ]
, postPhpize ? ""
, buildInputs ? [ ]
, zendExtension ? false
, doCheck ? true
, ...
}@args: stdenv.mkDerivation ((builtins.removeAttrs args [ "name" ]) // {
pname = "php-${name}";
extensionName = name;
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
inherit (php.unwrapped) version src;
enableParallelBuilding = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [
inherit configureFlags internalDeps buildInputs zendExtension doCheck;
preConfigurePhases = [
cdToExtensionRootPhase = ''
# Go to extension source root.
cd "ext/${name}"
preConfigure = ''
nullglobRestore=$(shopt -p nullglob)
shopt -u nullglob # To make ?-globbing work
# Some extensions have a config0.m4 or config9.m4
if [ -f config?.m4 ]; then
mv config?.m4 config.m4
(dep: "mkdir -p ext; ln -s ${dep.dev}/include ext/${dep.extensionName}")
checkPhase = ''
runHook preCheck
runHook postCheck
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/lib/php/extensions
cp modules/${name}.so $out/lib/php/extensions/${name}.so
mkdir -p $dev/include
${rsync}/bin/rsync -r --filter="+ */" \
--filter="+ *.h" \
--filter="- *" \
--prune-empty-dirs \
. $dev/include/
runHook postInstall
meta = {
description = "PHP upstream extension: ${name}";
inherit (php.meta) maintainers homepage license;
php = phpPackage;
# This is a set of interactive tools based on PHP.
tools = {
box = callPackage ../development/php-packages/box { };
composer = callPackage ../development/php-packages/composer { };
deployer = callPackage ../development/php-packages/deployer { };
grumphp = callPackage ../development/php-packages/grumphp { };
phing = callPackage ../development/php-packages/phing { };
phive = callPackage ../development/php-packages/phive { };
php-cs-fixer = callPackage ../development/php-packages/php-cs-fixer { };
php-parallel-lint = callPackage ../development/php-packages/php-parallel-lint { };
phpcbf = callPackage ../development/php-packages/phpcbf { };
phpcs = callPackage ../development/php-packages/phpcs { };
phpmd = callPackage ../development/php-packages/phpmd { };
phpstan = callPackage ../development/php-packages/phpstan { };
psalm = callPackage ../development/php-packages/psalm { };
psysh = callPackage ../development/php-packages/psysh { };
# This is a set of PHP extensions meant to be used in php.buildEnv
# or php.withExtensions to extend the functionality of the PHP
# interpreter.
extensions = {
amqp = callPackage ../development/php-packages/amqp { };
apcu = callPackage ../development/php-packages/apcu { };
apcu_bc = callPackage ../development/php-packages/apcu_bc { };
ast = callPackage ../development/php-packages/ast { };
blackfire = pkgs.callPackage ../development/tools/misc/blackfire/php-probe.nix { inherit php; };
couchbase = callPackage ../development/php-packages/couchbase { };
datadog_trace = callPackage ../development/php-packages/datadog_trace { };
ds = callPackage ../development/php-packages/ds { };
event = callPackage ../development/php-packages/event { };
gnupg = callPackage ../development/php-packages/gnupg { };
igbinary = callPackage ../development/php-packages/igbinary { };
imagick = callPackage ../development/php-packages/imagick { };
mailparse = callPackage ../development/php-packages/mailparse { };
maxminddb = callPackage ../development/php-packages/maxminddb { };
memcached = callPackage ../development/php-packages/memcached { };
mongodb = callPackage ../development/php-packages/mongodb { };
oci8 = callPackage ../development/php-packages/oci8 ({
version = "2.2.0";
sha256 = "0jhivxj1nkkza4h23z33y7xhffii60d7dr51h1czjk10qywl7pyd";
} // lib.optionalAttrs (lib.versionAtLeast php.version "8.0") {
version = "3.0.1";
sha256 = "108ds92620dih5768z19hi0jxfa7wfg5hdvyyvpapir87c0ap914";
openswoole = callPackage ../development/php-packages/openswoole { };
pdlib = callPackage ../development/php-packages/pdlib { };
pcov = callPackage ../development/php-packages/pcov { };
pdo_oci = buildPecl rec {
inherit (php.unwrapped) src version;
pname = "pdo_oci";
sourceRoot = "php-${version}/ext/pdo_oci";
buildInputs = [ pkgs.oracle-instantclient ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-pdo-oci=instantclient,${pkgs.oracle-instantclient.lib}/lib" ];
internalDeps = [ php.extensions.pdo ];
postPatch = ''
sed -i -e 's|OCISDKMANINC=`.*$|OCISDKMANINC="${pkgs.oracle-instantclient.dev}/include"|' config.m4
meta.maintainers = lib.teams.php.members;
pdo_sqlsrv = callPackage ../development/php-packages/pdo_sqlsrv { };
php_excel = callPackage ../development/php-packages/php_excel { };
pinba = callPackage ../development/php-packages/pinba { };
protobuf = callPackage ../development/php-packages/protobuf { };
rdkafka = callPackage ../development/php-packages/rdkafka { };
redis = callPackage ../development/php-packages/redis { };
smbclient = callPackage ../development/php-packages/smbclient { };
snuffleupagus = callPackage ../development/php-packages/snuffleupagus { };
sqlsrv = callPackage ../development/php-packages/sqlsrv { };
swoole = callPackage ../development/php-packages/swoole { };
xdebug = callPackage ../development/php-packages/xdebug { };
yaml = callPackage ../development/php-packages/yaml { };
} // (
# This list contains build instructions for different modules that one may
# want to build.
# These will be passed as arguments to mkExtension above.
extensionData = [
{ name = "bcmath"; }
{ name = "bz2"; buildInputs = [ bzip2 ]; configureFlags = [ "--with-bz2=${bzip2.dev}" ]; }
{ name = "calendar"; }
{ name = "ctype"; }
name = "curl";
buildInputs = [ curl ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-curl=${curl.dev}" ];
doCheck = false;
{ name = "dba"; }
name = "dom";
buildInputs = [ libxml2 ];
configureFlags = [
name = "enchant";
buildInputs = [ enchant1 ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-enchant=${enchant1}" ];
# enchant1 doesn't build on darwin.
enable = (!stdenv.isDarwin);
doCheck = false;
{ name = "exif"; doCheck = false; }
{ name = "ffi"; buildInputs = [ libffi ]; }
{ name = "fileinfo"; buildInputs = [ pcre2 ]; }
{ name = "filter"; buildInputs = [ pcre2 ]; }
{ name = "ftp"; buildInputs = [ openssl ]; }
name = "gd";
buildInputs = [ zlib gd ];
configureFlags = [
doCheck = false;
name = "gettext";
buildInputs = [ gettext ];
postPhpize = ''substituteInPlace configure --replace 'as_fn_error $? "Cannot locate header file libintl.h" "$LINENO" 5' ':' '';
configureFlags = [ "--with-gettext=${gettext}" ];
name = "gmp";
buildInputs = [ gmp ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-gmp=${gmp.dev}" ];
name = "iconv";
configureFlags = [
"--with-iconv${lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin "=${libiconv}"}"
patches = lib.optionals (lib.versionOlder php.version "8.0") [
# Header path defaults to FHS location, preventing the configure script from detecting errno support.
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://github.com/fossar/nix-phps/raw/263861a8c9bdafd7abe44db6db4ef0179643680c/pkgs/iconv-header-path.patch";
sha256 = "7GHnEUu+hcsQ4h3itDwk6p46ZKfib9JZ2XpWlXrdn6E=";
doCheck = false;
name = "imap";
buildInputs = [ uwimap openssl pam pcre2 ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-imap=${uwimap}" "--with-imap-ssl" ];
# uwimap doesn't build on darwin.
enable = (!stdenv.isDarwin);
name = "intl";
buildInputs = [ icu64 ];
{ name = "json"; enable = lib.versionOlder php.version "8.0"; }
name = "ldap";
buildInputs = [ openldap cyrus_sasl ];
configureFlags = [
] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [
doCheck = false;
name = "mbstring";
buildInputs = [ oniguruma ] ++ lib.optionals (lib.versionAtLeast php.version "8.0") [
doCheck = false;
name = "mysqli";
internalDeps = [ php.extensions.mysqlnd ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-mysqli=mysqlnd" "--with-mysql-sock=/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock" ];
doCheck = false;
name = "mysqlnd";
buildInputs = [ zlib openssl ];
# The configure script doesn't correctly add library link
# flags, so we add them to the variable used by the Makefile
# when linking.
MYSQLND_SHARED_LIBADD = "-lssl -lcrypto";
# The configure script builds a config.h which is never
# included. Let's include it in the main header file
# included by all .c-files.
patches = [
(pkgs.writeText "mysqlnd_config.patch" ''
--- a/ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd.h
+++ b/ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd.h
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+#include "config.h"
| Copyright (c) The PHP Group |
# oci8 (7.4, 7.3, 7.2)
# odbc (7.4, 7.3, 7.2)
name = "opcache";
buildInputs = [ pcre2 ] ++ lib.optionals (!stdenv.isDarwin && lib.versionAtLeast php.version "8.0") [
zendExtension = true;
# Tests launch the builtin webserver.
__darwinAllowLocalNetworking = true;
name = "openssl";
buildInputs = [ openssl ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-openssl" ];
doCheck = false;
{ name = "pcntl"; }
{ name = "pdo"; doCheck = false; }
name = "pdo_dblib";
internalDeps = [ php.extensions.pdo ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-pdo-dblib=${freetds}" ];
# Doesn't seem to work on darwin.
enable = (!stdenv.isDarwin);
doCheck = false;
# pdo_firebird (7.4, 7.3, 7.2)
name = "pdo_mysql";
internalDeps = with php.extensions; [ pdo mysqlnd ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd" "PHP_MYSQL_SOCK=/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock" ];
doCheck = false;
# pdo_oci (7.4, 7.3, 7.2)
name = "pdo_odbc";
internalDeps = [ php.extensions.pdo ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-pdo-odbc=unixODBC,${unixODBC}" ];
doCheck = false;
name = "pdo_pgsql";
internalDeps = [ php.extensions.pdo ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-pdo-pgsql=${postgresql}" ];
doCheck = false;
name = "pdo_sqlite";
internalDeps = [ php.extensions.pdo ];
buildInputs = [ sqlite ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-pdo-sqlite=${sqlite.dev}" ];
doCheck = false;
name = "pgsql";
buildInputs = [ pcre2 ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-pgsql=${postgresql}" ];
doCheck = false;
{ name = "posix"; doCheck = false; }
{ name = "pspell"; configureFlags = [ "--with-pspell=${aspell}" ]; }
name = "readline";
buildInputs = [
configureFlags = [
postPatch = ''
# Fix `--with-readline` option not being available.
# `PHP_ALWAYS_SHARED` generated by phpize enables all options
# without the possibility to override them. But when `--with-libedit`
# is enabled, `--with-readline` is not registered.
echo '
test "[$]$1" != "no" && ext_shared=yes
' | cat - ext/readline/config.m4 > ext/readline/config.m4.tmp
mv ext/readline/config.m4{.tmp,}
doCheck = false;
{ name = "session"; doCheck = lib.versionOlder php.version "8.0"; }
{ name = "shmop"; }
name = "simplexml";
buildInputs = [ libxml2 pcre2 ];
configureFlags = [
name = "snmp";
buildInputs = [ net-snmp openssl ];
configureFlags = [ "--with-snmp" ];
# net-snmp doesn't build on darwin.
enable = (!stdenv.isDarwin);
doCheck = false;
name = "soap";
buildInputs = [ libxml2 ];
configureFlags = [
doCheck = false;
name = "sockets";
doCheck = false;
{ name = "sodium"; buildInputs = [ libsodium ]; }
{ name = "sqlite3"; buildInputs = [ sqlite ]; }
{ name = "sysvmsg"; }
{ name = "sysvsem"; }
{ name = "sysvshm"; }
{ name = "tidy"; configureFlags = [ "--with-tidy=${html-tidy}" ]; doCheck = false; }
name = "tokenizer";
patches = lib.optional (lib.versionAtLeast php.version "8.1")
name = "xml";
buildInputs = [ libxml2 ];
configureFlags = [
doCheck = false;
name = "xmlreader";
buildInputs = [ libxml2 ];
internalDeps = [ php.extensions.dom ];
doCheck = false;
configureFlags = [
name = "xmlrpc";
buildInputs = [ libxml2 libiconv ];
# xmlrpc was unbundled in 8.0 https://php.watch/versions/8.0/xmlrpc
enable = lib.versionOlder php.version "8.0";
configureFlags = [
name = "xmlwriter";
buildInputs = [ libxml2 ];
configureFlags = [
name = "xsl";
buildInputs = [ libxslt libxml2 ];
doCheck = lib.versionOlder php.version "8.0";
configureFlags = [ "--with-xsl=${libxslt.dev}" ];
{ name = "zend_test"; }
name = "zip";
buildInputs = [ libzip pcre2 ];
configureFlags = [
doCheck = false;
name = "zlib";
buildInputs = [ zlib ];
configureFlags = [
# Convert the list of attrs:
# [ { name = <name>; ... } ... ]
# to a list of
# [ { name = <name>; value = <extension drv>; } ... ]
# which we later use listToAttrs to make all attrs available by name.
# Also filter out extensions based on the enable property.
namedExtensions = builtins.map
(drv: {
name = drv.name;
value = mkExtension drv;
(builtins.filter (i: i.enable or true) extensionData);
# Produce the final attribute set of all extensions defined.
builtins.listToAttrs namedExtensions