2024.02.04 - LATEST PROBLEM
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 815 additions and 121 deletions
@ -151,7 +151,9 @@ checksum = "25cbce373ec4653f1a01a31e8a5e5ec0c622dc27ff9c4e6606eefef5cbbed4a5"
name = "forcebot_rs"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
@ -198,7 +200,67 @@ checksum = "3d6401deb83407ab3da39eba7e33987a73c3df0c82b4bb5813ee871c19c41d48"
dependencies = [
name = "futures-core"
version = "0.3.30"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "dfc6580bb841c5a68e9ef15c77ccc837b40a7504914d52e47b8b0e9bbda25a1d"
name = "futures-executor"
version = "0.3.30"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "a576fc72ae164fca6b9db127eaa9a9dda0d61316034f33a0a0d4eda41f02b01d"
dependencies = [
name = "futures-io"
version = "0.3.30"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "a44623e20b9681a318efdd71c299b6b222ed6f231972bfe2f224ebad6311f0c1"
name = "futures-macro"
version = "0.3.30"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "87750cf4b7a4c0625b1529e4c543c2182106e4dedc60a2a6455e00d212c489ac"
dependencies = [
name = "futures-sink"
version = "0.3.30"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "9fb8e00e87438d937621c1c6269e53f536c14d3fbd6a042bb24879e57d474fb5"
name = "futures-task"
version = "0.3.30"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "38d84fa142264698cdce1a9f9172cf383a0c82de1bddcf3092901442c4097004"
name = "futures-util"
version = "0.3.30"
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checksum = "3d6401deb83407ab3da39eba7e33987a73c3df0c82b4bb5813ee871c19c41d48"
dependencies = [
@ -10,3 +10,5 @@ dotenv = "0.15.0"
tokio = { version = "1.33.0", features = ["full"] }
twitch-irc = "5.0.1"
rand = { version = "0.8.5", features = [] }
futures = "0.3"
async-trait = "0.1.77"
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use futures::lock::Mutex;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver;
use twitch_irc::login::StaticLoginCredentials;
use twitch_irc::ClientConfig;
@ -8,6 +9,10 @@ use twitch_irc::message::PrivmsgMessage;
use twitch_irc::message::ServerMessage;
use twitch_irc::transport::tcp::TCPTransport;
use twitch_irc::transport::tcp::TLS;
// use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::borrow::BorrowMut;
use std::boxed;
use std::cell::Ref;
use std::env;
use dotenv::dotenv;
@ -21,9 +26,19 @@ use crate::core::ratelimiter::RateLimiter;
use crate::core::ratelimiter;
use crate::core::botmodules;
use crate::core::botmodules::ModulesManager;
use crate::core::botmodules::{ModulesManager,BotAction};
use crate::core::identity::{IdentityManager,Permissible};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
// use futures::lock::Mutex;
use std::pin::Pin;
//use std::borrow::Borrow;
use core::borrow::Borrow;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone)]
pub enum ChType {
@ -41,7 +56,8 @@ pub use ModType::BotModule;
pub struct Chat {
pub ratelimiters : HashMap<ChType,RateLimiter>, // used to limit messages sent per channel
// pub ratelimiters : HashMap<ChType,RateLimiter>, // used to limit messages sent per channel
pub ratelimiters : Arc<Mutex<HashMap<ChType,RateLimiter>>>, // used to limit messages sent per channel
pub client : TwitchIRCClient<TCPTransport<TLS>,StaticLoginCredentials>,
@ -51,19 +67,21 @@ impl Chat {
pub fn init(ratelimiters:HashMap<ChType, RateLimiter>,
client:TwitchIRCClient<TCPTransport<TLS>, StaticLoginCredentials>) -> Chat {
ratelimiters : ratelimiters,
ratelimiters : Arc::new(Mutex::new(ratelimiters)),
client : client,
pub fn init_channel(&mut self, chnl:ChType) -> () {
// pub fn init_channel(&mut self, chnl:ChType) -> () {
pub async fn init_channel(&mut self, chnl:ChType) -> () {
let n = RateLimiter::new();
pub async fn say_in_reply_to(&mut self, msg:& PrivmsgMessage , mut outmsg:String) -> () {
// pub async fn say_in_reply_to(&mut self, msg:& PrivmsgMessage , mut outmsg:String) -> () {
pub async fn say_in_reply_to(&self, msg:& PrivmsgMessage , mut outmsg:String) -> () {
formats message before sending to TwitchIRC
@ -76,7 +94,12 @@ impl Chat {
// self.client.say_in_reply_to(msg,outmsg).await.unwrap();
// // let contextratelimiter = ratelimiters.get_mut(&msg.channel_login).expect("ERROR: Issue with Rate limiters");
let contextratelimiter = self.ratelimiters
let a = Arc::clone(&self.ratelimiters);
let mut a = a.lock().await;
// let contextratelimiter = self.ratelimiters
let contextratelimiter = a
// .get_mut()
.expect("ERROR: Issue with Rate limiters");
// let contextratelimiter = self.ratelimiters.get(&msg.channel_login).expect("ERROR: Issue with Rate limiters");
@ -140,7 +163,7 @@ impl Chat {
pub struct BotManagers {
// pub botmodules : ModulesManager,
pub identity : IdentityManager,
pub identity : Arc<Mutex<IdentityManager>>,
pub chat : Chat,
@ -148,29 +171,49 @@ impl BotManagers {
pub fn init(ratelimiters:HashMap<ChType, RateLimiter>,
client:TwitchIRCClient<TCPTransport<TLS>, StaticLoginCredentials>)
-> BotManagers {
BotManagers {
-> Arc<Mutex<BotManagers>> {
let a = Arc::new(Mutex::new(BotManagers {
// botmodules : ModulesManager::init(),
identity : IdentityManager::init(),
identity : Arc::new(Mutex::new(IdentityManager::init())),
chat : Chat::init(ratelimiters,client),
pub fn rIdentity(self) -> Arc<Mutex<IdentityManager>> {
pub fn rChat(&self) -> Arc<Mutex<Chat>> {
pub struct ArcBox<T: Clone>(pub Arc<Mutex<T>>);
impl<T: Clone> ArcBox<T>{
pub fn inst(&self) -> &Mutex<T> {
// #[derive(Copy)] // <-- Cannot be derived
pub struct BotInstance
prefix : char,
bot_channel : ChType,
pub prefix : char,
pub bot_channel : ChType,
pub incoming_messages : UnboundedReceiver<ServerMessage>,
// pub incoming_messages : RefCell<UnboundedReceiver<ServerMessage>>,
// pub chat : Chat,
pub botmodules : ModulesManager,
twitch_oauth : String,
pub botmodules : Arc<Mutex<ModulesManager>>,
pub twitch_oauth : String,
pub bot_channels : Vec<ChType>,
// pub identity : IdentityManager,
pub botmgrs : BotManagers,
pub botmgrs : Arc<Mutex<BotManagers>>,
@ -179,7 +222,8 @@ impl BotInstance
pub fn init() -> BotInstance
// pub fn init() -> BotInstance
pub fn init() -> Arc<BotInstance>
@ -242,19 +286,113 @@ impl BotInstance
pub async fn runner(mut self) -> () {
// async fn rcv_helper(self) -> Option<ServerMessage> {
// // self.incoming_messages.get_mut().recv().await
// let mut a = self.incoming_messages;
// a.get_mut().recv().await
// }
// pub async fn runner(mut self) -> () {
pub async fn runner(mut self) -> () {
// let mut boxed_bot = Arc::new(RefCell::new(self)); // <-- [ERROR] Future cannot be handled safely
let join_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
while let Some(message) = &self.incoming_messages.recv().await {
// Below can be used to debug if I want to capture all messages
// let boxed_bot = Arc::new(Mutex::new(self));
// let mut boxed_bot = Arc::new(self);
// let bot = Rc::new(RefCell::new(self));
// let mut bot = Rc::new(RefCell::new(&self));
//let bot = Arc::new(Mutex::new(&self));
// let mut boxed_bot = Arc::new(RefCell::new(self));
let mut boxed_bot = Arc::new(Mutex::new(self));
// while let Some(message) = bot.borrow_mut().incoming_messages.recv().await {
// let bot = Arc::clone(&botinit);
// while let Some(message) = bot.lock().unwrap().incoming_messages.recv().await {
//let b = Arc::clone(&bot);
// let mut bot = RefCell::new(&self);
// let mut bota = bot.clone().borrow();
// let boxed_bot = Rc::new(RefCell::new(self));
// let boxed_bot = Rc::new(self);
// let boxed_bot = Pin::new(Rc::new(self));
//let mut boxed_bot = Rc::new(RefCell::new(self));
// let mut a = (*boxed_bot).clone().into_inner();
// let mut a = Rc::clone(&boxed_bot).borrow_mut();
//let mut a = Rc::<Rc<RefCell<BotInstance>>>::Borrow(Rc::clone(&boxed_bot));
// while let Some(message) = Rc::clone(&boxed_bot).into_inner().incoming_messages.recv().await {
// while let Some(message) = Rc::<BotInstance>::borrow(Rc::<BotInstance>::as_ref(boxed_bot)) {
// let a = boxed_bot.borrow();
// let boxed_bota = boxed_bot.borrow_mut();
// let a = Rc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot).ok().unwrap().into_inner();
// let boxed_bot = RefCell::new(Rc::new(self));
//let boxed_bot = Rc::new(RefCell::new(self));
// Rc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot).ok().unwrap().into_inner().incoming_messages.recv().await;
// let a:Borrowed = boxed_bot.borrow();
// while let Some(message) = Rc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot).ok().unwrap().into_inner().incoming_messages.recv().await {
// while let Some(message) = RefCell::new(self).borrow_mut().incoming_messages.recv().await {
// while let Some(message) = Rc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot).ok().unwrap().into_inner().incoming_messages.recv().await {
// while let Some(message) = Rc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().rcv_helper().await {
// while let Some(message) = Rc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().incoming_messages.recv().await {
// let mut a = Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone())
// .ok().unwrap()
// .into_inner()
// .ok().unwrap();
// let a = Arc::clone(&boxed_bot).into_inner().unwrap().incoming_messages;
// .into_inner()
// .try_into().
// .ok().unwrap();
// while let Some(message) = a.lock().unwrap().incoming_messages.recv().await {
// while let Some(message) = a.recv().await {
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap();
// let mut a = Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone())
// .ok()
// .unwrap();
// .into_inner()
// .get_mut()
// .ok();
// .unwrap();
//let mut a = a.lock().unwrap();
// let a = *a;
// while let Some(message) = a.lock().ok().unwrap().incoming_messages.recv().await {
// while let Some(message) = a.get_mut().expect("Error").incoming_messages.recv().await {
//let tempbot = boxed_bot.clone();
// while let Some(message) = Arc::try_unwrap(tempbot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().ok().unwrap().incoming_messages.recv().await {
// while let Some(message) = Arc::try_unwrap(tempbot.clone()).ok().unwrap().incoming_messages.recv().await {
// while let Some(message) = boxed_bot.to_owned().incoming_messages.recv().await {
// while let Some(message) = self.incoming_messages.recv().await {
// let a:Arc<RefCell<BotInstance>> = Arc::clone(&boxed_bot);
// while let Some(message) = a.incoming_messages.recv().await {
// let a = Arc::clone(&boxed_bot).into_inner();
// while let Some(message) = a.incoming_messages.recv().await {
let tempbot = boxed_bot.clone();
while let Some(message) = Arc::try_unwrap(tempbot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().incoming_messages.recv().await {
// while let Some(message) = tempbot.into_inner().incoming_messages.recv().await {
//while let Some(message) = boxed_bot.borrow().incoming_messages.recv().await {
// // Below can be used to debug if I want to capture all messages
// println!("Received message: {:?}", message);
// let boxed_bot = Arc::new(self);
match message {
ServerMessage::Notice(msg) => {
@ -272,7 +410,35 @@ impl BotInstance
println!("Privmsg section");
// b.listener_main_prvmsg(&msg);
// self.listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// bot.into_inner().listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
//let bot = Rc::<RefCell<&BotInstance>>::clone(&bot);
// bot.borrow().listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// let mut a = Rc::Clone(&bot);
// a.borrow_mut().listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// bot.borrow_mut().into_inner().listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// bot.listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// bot.lock().unwrap().listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// bot.borrow_mut().listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// Rc::clone(&boxed_bot).into_inner().listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// boxed_bot.borrow().listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// let bottemp = boxed_bot.borrow_mut();
// let a = **bottemp;
// Rc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot).ok().unwrap().into_inner().listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// Rc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().ok().unwrap().listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap();
// let mut a = a.lock().unwrap();
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap();
// a.listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// (*a).listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
// let a:Arc<RefCell<BotInstance>> = Arc::clone(&boxed_bot);
// a.into_inner().listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await;
let tempbot = boxed_bot.clone();
Arc::try_unwrap(tempbot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().listener_main_prvmsg(&msg).await ;
// - BotCommand listener should likely need to be called within the above
@ -296,24 +462,103 @@ impl BotInstance
pub fn get_botmodules(self) -> Arc<Mutex<ModulesManager>> {
// let a = self.botmodules;
// Arc::clone(&Arc::new(Mutex::new(self.botmodules)))
pub fn get_botactions(&self) -> &HashMap<ModType,Vec<BotAction>> {
pub async fn get_botmgrs(self) -> Arc<Mutex<BotManagers>> {
// Arc::new(self.botmgrs)
// Arc::clone(&Arc::new(Mutex::new(self.botmgrs)))
let a = self.botmgrs;
// let a = *a.lock().await;
// let a = a.rIdentity();
pub async fn get_identity(self) -> Arc<Mutex<IdentityManager>> {
// let a = self.botmgrs;
// Arc::clone(&Arc::new(Mutex::new(a.rIdentity())))
// let a = self.botmgrs;
// Arc::clone(&Arc::new(Mutex::new(a.rIdentity())))
let a = self.get_botmgrs().await;
let a = a.lock().await;
// let a = a.rIdentity();
let a = a.clone().identity;
pub fn get_prefix(&self) -> String {
// -----------------
// async fn listener_main_prvmsg(&mut self,msg:PrivmsgMessage) -> () {
async fn listener_main_prvmsg(&self,msg:&PrivmsgMessage) -> () {
async fn listener_main_prvmsg(self,msg:&PrivmsgMessage) -> () {
// println!("(#{}) {}: {}", msg.channel_login, msg.sender.name, msg.message_text);
// // [ ] Need to run through all Listener Bodies for Enabled Modules for the context of the message (e.g., ModStatus is Enabled in the context for the channel)
for (_m,acts) in &self.botmodules.botactions {
// let botmgr = Rc::new(&self.botmgrs);
// let mut boxedbot = Rc::new(RefCell::new(self));
// let boxed_bot = Rc::new(RefCell::new(self));
// let boxed_bot = Arc::new(Mutex::new(self));
// let boxed_bot = Arc::new(self);
//let boxed_bot = Arc::clone(self);
// let mut boxed_bot = Arc::new(RefCell::new(self));
// let mut boxed_bot = Arc::new(RwLock::new(self));
// let boxed_bot = Arc::new(RwLock::new(self));
// let boxed_bot = Arc::new(Mutex::new(self));
let boxed_bot = Arc::new(Mutex::new(self));
// for (_m,acts) in &self.botmodules.botactions {
// for (_m,acts) in &self.botmodules.botactions {
// for (_m,acts) in bot.into_inner().botmodules.botactions {
// let mut bot = Rc::clone(&bot);
// for (_m,acts) in bot.into_inner().botmodules.botactions {
// for (_m,acts) in bot.into_inner().botmodules.botactions {
// for (_m,acts) in Rc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().botmodules.botactions {
// for (_m,acts) in Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok() .unwrap().into_inner().ok().unwrap().botmodules.botactions {
// for (_m,acts) in Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().botmodules.botactions {
// for (_m,acts) in Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().botmodules.botactions {
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot).ok().unwrap().read().unwrap().botmodules.botactions
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap();
// let b = a.read().unwrap();
// for (_m,acts) in a.read().unwrap().botmodules.botactions {
// for (_m,acts) in b.rbotmodules().botactions {
// for (_m,acts) in b.rbotactions() {
// for (_m,acts) in (*Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().read().unwrap()).rbotactions() {
// let a = boxed_bot.clone().into_inner();
let a = boxed_bot.lock().await;
//let a = a.lock().in
// for (_m,acts) in self.rbotactions() {
// for (_m,acts) in a.read().ok().unwrap().rbotactions() {
// for (_m,acts) in a.into_inner().ok().unwrap().rbotactions() {
for (_m,acts) in a.get_botactions() {
for a in acts {
match a {
let _act = match a {
crate::core::botmodules::BotAction::C(c) => {
@ -340,13 +585,43 @@ impl BotInstance
// [x] prefix + command
let mut confirmed_bot_command = false;
if inpt == self.prefix.to_string() + c.command.as_str() {
// if inpt == self.prefix.to_string() + c.command.as_str() {
// if inpt == Rc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().prefix.to_string() + c.command.as_str() {
// let a = Rc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().prefix.to_string();
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok() .unwrap().into_inner().ok().unwrap().prefix.to_string();
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().prefix.to_string();
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().prefix.to_string();
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap();
// let a = (*Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().read().unwrap());
// let a = (*Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().read().unwrap()).prefix.to_string();
// let a = self.prefix.to_string();
// let a = boxed_bot.clone();
// if inpt == a.into_inner().ok().unwrap().prefix.to_string() + c.command.as_str() {
// if inpt == a.into_inner().ok().unwrap().prefix.to_string() + c.command.as_str()
let a = boxed_bot.lock().await;
// if inpt == a.into_inner().prefix.to_string() + c.command.as_str() {
if inpt == a.get_prefix() + c.command.as_str() {
confirmed_bot_command = true;
// [x] prefix + alias
for alias in &c.alias {
if inpt == self.prefix.to_string() + alias.as_str() {
// if inpt == self.prefix.to_string() + alias.as_str() {
// if inpt == Rc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().prefix.to_string() + alias.as_str() {
// if inpt == Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok() .unwrap().into_inner().ok().unwrap().prefix.to_string() + alias.as_str() {
// Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner()
// if inpt == Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().prefix.to_string() + alias.as_str() {
// if inpt == Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot).ok().unwrap().read().unwrap().prefix.to_string() + alias.as_str() {
// if inpt == self.prefix.to_string() + alias.as_str() {
// let a = boxed_bot.clone();
let a = boxed_bot.lock().await;
// if inpt == a.into_inner().ok().unwrap().prefix.to_string() + alias.as_str() {
// if inpt == a.into_inner().prefix.to_string() + alias.as_str() {
if inpt == a.get_prefix() + alias.as_str() {
confirmed_bot_command = true;
@ -364,24 +639,80 @@ impl BotInstance
// match self.botmgrs.identity.to_owned().can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) {
// match self.botmgrs.identity.can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) {
match self.botmgrs.identity.clone().can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) {
// match self.botmgrs.identity.clone().can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) {
// let botref = Rc::clone(&botmgr);
// if let Rc(botmgr) = botref {
// ()
// }
// match self.botmgrs.identity.clone().can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) {
// match boxed_bot.clone().into_inner().botmgrs.identity.clone().can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) {
// match Rc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().botmgrs.identity.can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) {
//let boxed_bot1 = Arc::clone(&boxed_bot);
//let a = boxed_bot1.into_inner().ok().unwrap();
// match boxed_bot1.into_inner().ok().unwrap().botmgrs.identity.can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) {
// match Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone())
// .ok()
// .unwrap().into_inner().ok().unwrap().botmgrs.identity.can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) {
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok() .unwrap().into_inner();
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap();
// Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner()
// match a.botmgrs.identity.can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) {
// match Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot).ok().unwrap().read().unwrap().botmgrs.identity.can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) {
// match self.botmgrs.identity.can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) {
// match (boxed_bot.clone().into_inner().ok().unwrap()).botmgrs.identity.can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) {
// let a = boxed_bot.clone();
// let a = boxed_bot.lock().await;
// // let a = a.read().ok().unwrap().botmgrs.identity;
// let a = a.get_identity();
// // let a = a.lock().await.can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()) ;
// match a.lock().await.can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()).await {
let le = boxed_bot.lock().await;
// let le = le.lock().await;
let le = le.get_identity().await;
let le = *le;
let le = le.lock().await;
let le = le.clone();
let le = le.can_user_run_PRVMSG(&msg, c.required_roles.clone()).await;
match le {
// Ok(Permissible::Allow) => (),
Permissible::Allow => {
println!("Executed as permissible");
c.execute(self.botmgrs.clone(), msg.clone()).await;
// c.execute(bot, msg.clone()).await;
// if let bot = Rc::<RefCell<BotInstance>>::clone(*bot) {
// c.execute(bot, msg.clone()).await;
// }
// let boxed_bot = Arc::new(RwLock::new(self));
c.execute(boxed_bot.clone(), msg.clone()).await;
Permissible::Block => println!("User Not allowed to run command"),
Permissible::Block => {
println!("User Not allowed to run command")
// _ => (),
// c.execute(self.chat.clone(), msg.clone()).await;
crate::core::botmodules::BotAction::L(l) => l.execute(self.botmgrs.clone(), msg.clone()).await,
crate::core::botmodules::BotAction::L(l) => {
// if let bot = Rc::clone(&bot) {
// l.into_inner().execute(bot, msg.clone()).await
// }
//let bot = Rc::clone(&bot).into_inner();
// l.execute(boxed_bot.clone(), msg.clone()).await
// let boxed_bot = Arc::new(RwLock::new(self));
l.execute(boxed_bot.clone(), msg.clone()).await;
_ => (),
@ -5,6 +5,18 @@ use std::collections::HashMap;
use crate::core::identity;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use std::future::Future;
use futures::lock::Mutex;
use crate::core::botinstance::{self, BotInstance};
use std::rc::Rc;
use async_trait::async_trait;
@ -43,8 +55,6 @@ pub enum ChType {
pub use ChType::Channel;
use twitch_irc::message::PrivmsgMessage;
use crate::core::botinstance::{self, BotInstance};
enum StatusLvl {
@ -57,7 +67,8 @@ pub enum ModStatusType {
// #[derive(Clone)]
pub enum BotAction
@ -66,7 +77,8 @@ pub enum BotAction
impl BotAction {
pub async fn execute(&self,m:botinstance::BotManagers,n:PrivmsgMessage){
// pub async fn execute(&self,m:botinstance::BotManagers,n:PrivmsgMessage){
pub async fn execute(&self,m:Arc<Mutex<BotInstance>>,n:PrivmsgMessage){
match self {
BotAction::L(a) => a.execute(m,n).await,
@ -77,13 +89,14 @@ impl BotAction {
pub trait BotActionTrait
fn add_to_bot(self, bot:BotInstance);
fn add_to_modmgr(self,modmgr:&mut ModulesManager);
async fn add_to_bot(&self, bot:BotInstance);
async fn add_to_modmgr(self,modmgr:Arc<Mutex<ModulesManager>>);
// #[derive(Clone)]
pub struct BotCommand {
pub module : ModType,
pub command : String, // command call name
@ -96,20 +109,26 @@ pub struct BotCommand {
impl BotCommand
pub async fn execute(&self,m:botinstance::BotManagers,n:PrivmsgMessage){
// pub async fn execute(&self,m:botinstance::BotManagers,n:PrivmsgMessage){
// pub async fn execute(&self,m:Rc<&botinstance::BotManagers>,n:PrivmsgMessage){
pub async fn execute(&self,m:Arc<Mutex<BotInstance>>,n:PrivmsgMessage){
impl BotActionTrait for BotCommand
fn add_to_bot(self, mut bot:BotInstance) {
let mgr = &mut bot.botmodules;
async fn add_to_bot(&self, mut bot:BotInstance) {
// let mgr = &mut bot.botmodules;
// let mut mgr = *mgr.lock().await;
// let mut mgr = &mut mgr;
fn add_to_modmgr(self, modmgr:&mut ModulesManager) {
async fn add_to_modmgr(self, modmgr:Arc<Mutex<ModulesManager>>) {
// modmgr.add_botaction(self.module.clone(), BotAction::C(self))
let modmgr = *modmgr.lock().await;
modmgr.add_botaction(self.module.clone(), BotAction::C(self))
@ -125,18 +144,53 @@ pub mod bot_actions {
use std::boxed::Box;
use std::pin::Pin;
use crate::core::botinstance::{BotManagers, Chat};
use std::rc::Rc;
use crate::core::botinstance::{BotInstance, BotManagers, Chat};
use twitch_irc::message::PrivmsgMessage;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use futures::lock::Mutex;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Chat,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
//pub type ExecBody<F> = Box<dyn Fn(Chat,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=F> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(BotManagers,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(BotManagers,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Rc<&BotManagers>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Rc<&BotInstance>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Rc<RefCell<BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Rc<RefCell<BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Rc<RefCell<&BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Arc<&BotInstance>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Arc<RefCell<&BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(RefCell<&BotInstance>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Rc<RefCell<BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Arc<Mutex<BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Arc<BotInstance>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Arc<RefCell<BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
// pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Arc<RwLock<BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
pub type ExecBody = Box<dyn Fn(Arc<Mutex<BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
//pub fn asyncbox<T,F>(f: fn(Chat,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody<F>
// pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(Chat,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(BotManagers,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
// pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(BotManagers,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
// pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(Rc<&BotManagers>,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
// pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(Rc<RefCell<BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
// pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(Rc<RefCell<&BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
// pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(Arc<&BotInstance>,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
// pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(Arc<RefCell<&BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
// pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(Rc<RefCell<BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
// pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(Arc<Mutex<BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
// pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(Arc<BotInstance>,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
// pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(Arc<RefCell<BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
// pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(Arc<RwLock<BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
pub fn asyncbox<T>(f: fn(Arc<Mutex<BotInstance>>,PrivmsgMessage) -> T) -> ExecBody
T: Future<Output=()> + Send + 'static,
//T: Future<Output=()> + Send + 'static
T: Future<Output=()> + Send + 'static
Box::new(move |a,b| Box::pin(f(a,b)))
@ -157,21 +211,24 @@ pub struct Listener
impl Listener
pub async fn execute(&self,m:botinstance::BotManagers,n:PrivmsgMessage){
pub async fn execute(&self,m:Arc<Mutex<BotInstance>>,n:PrivmsgMessage){
impl BotActionTrait for Listener
fn add_to_bot(self, mut bot:BotInstance) {
let mgr = &mut bot.botmodules;
async fn add_to_bot(&self, mut bot:BotInstance) {
// let mgr = &mut bot.botmodules;
let mgr = bot.botmodules;
fn add_to_modmgr(self, modmgr:&mut ModulesManager) {
// fn add_to_modmgr(self, modmgr:&mut ModulesManager) {
async fn add_to_modmgr(self, modmgr:Arc<Mutex<ModulesManager>>) {
let modmgr = *modmgr.lock().await;
modmgr.add_botaction(self.module.clone(), BotAction::L(self))
@ -182,6 +239,8 @@ impl BotActionTrait for Listener
struct Routine {}
// #[derive(Clone)]
pub struct ModulesManager
statusdb: HashMap<ModType,Vec<ModStatusType>>,
@ -191,7 +250,7 @@ pub struct ModulesManager
impl ModulesManager
pub fn init() -> ModulesManager
pub fn init() -> Arc<Mutex<ModulesManager>>
@ -203,19 +262,31 @@ impl ModulesManager
botactions : act,
// initialize core modules
crate::core::identity::init(&mut mgr);
// :: [x] initialize core modules
// crate::core::identity::init(&mut mgr);
let a = Arc::new(Mutex::new(mgr));
// let a = a.clone();
// initialize custom crate modules
crate::modules::init(&mut mgr);
// crate::modules::init(&mut mgr);
// let a = a.clone();
println!(">> Modules Manager : End of Init");
// mgr
pub fn rbotactions(self) -> HashMap<ModType,Vec<BotAction>> {
pub fn modstatus(&self, _:ModType, _:ChType) -> ModStatusType {
// Example usage : botmanager.modstatus(
// BotModule("GambaCore"),
@ -1,21 +1,32 @@
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::error::Error;
use crate::core::botmodules::{ModulesManager,Listener,BotModule,BotActionTrait, BotCommand};
use crate::core::botmodules::bot_actions::actions_util;
use crate::core::botinstance::{self};
use crate::core::botinstance::{self,BotInstance};
use futures::lock::Mutex;
use twitch_irc::message::{Badge, PrivmsgMessage};
use crate::core::botmodules::ChType;
use crate::core::botinstance::ArcBox;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
fn adminvector() -> Vec<String> {
pub fn init(mgr:&mut ModulesManager)
// pub fn init(mgr:&mut ModulesManager)
pub fn init(mgr:Arc<Mutex<ModulesManager>>)
BotCommand {
@ -32,7 +43,8 @@ pub fn init(mgr:&mut ModulesManager)
async fn cmd_promote(bot:botinstance::BotManagers,msg:PrivmsgMessage) {
async fn cmd_promote(mut bot:Arc<Mutex<BotInstance>>,msg:PrivmsgMessage)
//println!("(#{}) {}: {}", msg.channel_login, msg.sender.name, msg.message_text);
println!("Called cmd promote");
@ -63,6 +75,8 @@ pub fn init(mgr:&mut ModulesManager)
//let bot = Rcbot;
let mut argv = msg.message_text.split(" ");
@ -84,21 +98,104 @@ pub fn init(mgr:&mut ModulesManager)
match arg1 {
Some(a) if a == String::from("admin") => {
Some(a1) if a1 == String::from("admin") => {
// - BotAdmins can promote admin to give BotAdmin UserRole
let a = bot.identity.getspecialuserroles(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), Some(ChType::Channel(msg.channel_login.to_lowercase())));
//let mut bot = Rc::clone(&bot);
// let a = bot.botmgrs.identity.getspecialuserroles(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), Some(ChType::Channel(msg.channel_login.to_lowercase())));
// let a = Rc::try_unwrap(bot).ok().unwrap().into_inner().botmgrs.identity.getspecialuserroles(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), Some(ChType::Channel(msg.channel_login.to_lowercase())));
// let a = Rc::try_unwrap(bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().botmgrs.identity.getspecialuserroles(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), Some(ChType::Channel(msg.channel_login.to_lowercase())));
// let a = Rc::try_unwrap(bot).ok().unwrap()
// // .borrow_mut()
// .into_inner()
// .botmgrs
// .identity
// .getspecialuserroles(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(),
// Some(ChType::Channel(msg.channel_login.to_lowercase())));
// let p = Rc::try_unwrap(bot.clone())
// let p = Arc::try_unwrap(bot.clone())
// .ok()
// .unwrap()
// //.into_inner()
// //.to_owned()
// // .get_mut()
// .into_inner();
// // .ok()
// // .unwrap();
// // let p = p.ok().unwrap();
// let p = bot.lock().await.get_identity();
// let p = p.lock().await;
// let ta = p.getspecialuserroles(String::from("Hello"), Some(ChType::Channel(msg.channel_login.to_lowercase()))).await;
// // let ta = *ta.await;
// let ta = *ta.lock().await;
// if let Some(a) = ta {
let p = bot.lock().await.get_identity();
let mut p = p.lock().await;
let ta = p.getspecialuserroles(String::from("Hello"), Some(ChType::Channel(msg.channel_login.to_lowercase()))).await;
if let Some(a) = ta {
if let Some(a) = a {
if a.contains(&UserRole::BotAdmin) {
println!("BotAdmin allowed to promote admin");
match bot.identity.promote(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), None, Some(UserRole::BotAdmin)) {
// Success(_) => {
// ;
// },
ChangeResult::Success(a) => println!("Succesfully promoted : {a} ;"),
ChangeResult::Failed(a) => println!("Failed to promote : {a} ; "),
ChangeResult::NoChange(a) => println!("No Changes Made : {a} ; "),
// let bota = Rc::clone(&bot);
// let bota = Rc::get_mut(&bota);
// match bota.botmgrs.identity.promote(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), None, Some(UserRole::BotAdmin)) {
//let mut bot = Rc::clone(&bot);
// let bot = Rc::<&botinstance::BotInstance>::get_mut(&mut bot);
// let mut bot = Rc::make_mut(&mut bot);
// let mut bot = Rc::make_mut(&bot);
// match Rc::<&botinstance::BotInstance>::get_mut(bot) {
// Some(bot) => {
// match bot.botmgrs.identity.promote(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), None, Some(UserRole::BotAdmin)) {
// // Success(_) => {
// // ;
// // },
// ChangeResult::Success(a) => println!("Succesfully promoted : {a} ;"),
// ChangeResult::Failed(a) => println!("Failed to promote : {a} ; "),
// ChangeResult::NoChange(a) => println!("No Changes Made : {a} ; "),
// }
// },
// None => (),
// }
//let bot = Rc::<botinstance::BotInstance>::make_mut(bot);
// match Rc::<IdentityManager>::make_mut(&mut Rc::new(bot.botmgrs.identity)).promote(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), None, Some(UserRole::BotAdmin)) {
// match Rc::try_unwrap(bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().botmgrs.identity.promote(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), None, Some(UserRole::BotAdmin)) {
// match Arc::try_unwrap(bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().ok().unwrap().botmgrs.identity.promote(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), None, Some(UserRole::BotAdmin)) {
// match Arc::try_unwrap(bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner().botmgrs.identity.promote(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), None, Some(UserRole::BotAdmin)) {
// match bot.read().ok().unwrap().get_identity().promote(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), None, Some(UserRole::BotAdmin)) {
// let a = bot.get_mut();
// match a.get_identity().promote(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), None, Some(UserRole::BotAdmin)) {
// let a = (*bot).clone();
// let a = bot.lock().await.get_botmgrs().clone();
// let a = bot.lock().await;
// let mut mutex = Arc::clone(&bot);
// match mutex.get_mut().get_identity().promote(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), None, Some(UserRole::BotAdmin)) {
// slet ee = ArcBox(bot);
// println!("tester: {:?}",(*bot).lock().await.get_prefix());
// let mutex = Arc::clone(&bot);
// let mut mutex2 = Arc::new(*mutex).into_inner().get_identity();
// let mut mutex2 = Arc::clone(&mutex).into_inner().get_identity();
// let a = (*bot).lock().await.get_identity();
// let mut a = a.lock().await;
let p = bot.lock().await.get_identity();
let mut p = p.lock().await;
let ta = p.promote(msg.sender.name.to_lowercase(), None, Some(UserRole::BotAdmin)).await;
match ta {
// Success(_) => {
// ;
// },
ChangeResult::Success(a) => println!("Succesfully promoted : {a} ;"),
ChangeResult::Failed(a) => println!("Failed to promote : {a} ; "),
ChangeResult::NoChange(a) => println!("No Changes Made : {a} ; "),
@ -151,7 +248,7 @@ pub fn init(mgr:&mut ModulesManager)
async fn cmd_demote(mut _chat:botinstance::BotManagers,_msg:PrivmsgMessage) {
async fn cmd_demote(mut _chat:Arc<Mutex<BotInstance>>,_msg:PrivmsgMessage) {
println!("Called cmd demote");
@ -172,7 +269,7 @@ pub fn init(mgr:&mut ModulesManager)
async fn getroles(bot:botinstance::BotManagers,msg:PrivmsgMessage) {
async fn getroles(bot:Arc<Mutex<BotInstance>>,msg:PrivmsgMessage) {
println!("Called cmd getroles");
@ -224,17 +321,57 @@ pub fn init(mgr:&mut ModulesManager)
let targetchnl = arg2;
match targetchnl {
// // let a = bot.read().ok().unwrap().get_identity();
// let a = bot.lock().await;
// // let a = a.lock().await;
// // let a = a.get_identity().await;
// let a = a.botmgrs;
// // let a = *(*a).lock().await;
// let a = *a.lock().await;
// let a = a.identity;
// let a = *a.lock().await;
// let a = bot.clone();
// let a = a.into_inner();
// let a = a.botmgrs;
// let a = a.into_inner();
// let a = a.identity;
// let a = a.into_inner();
let a = bot.clone();
let a = a.lock().await;
let a = a.get_identity().await;
// let a = a.lock().await;
let sproles = match targetchnl {
None => {
let a = bot.identity.getspecialuserroles(String::from(targetuser),None);
println!("Retrieved User Roles >> {:?}",a);
// let bot = Rc::clone(&bot);
//let bot = Arc::clone(&bot);
// let a = bot.botmgrs.identity.getspecialuserroles(String::from(targetuser),None);
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(bot).ok().unwrap().into_inner().ok().unwrap();
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner();
// let a = a.botmgrs.identity.getspecialuserroles(String::from(targetuser),None);
// let a = a.ok().getspecialuserroles(String::from(targetuser),None);
// let a = bot.read().ok().unwrap().rIdentity().getspecialuserroles(String::from(targetuser),None);
// println!("Retrieved User Roles >> {:?}",a);
Some(targetchnl) => {
let a = bot.identity.getspecialuserroles(String::from(targetuser), Some(ChType::Channel(String::from(targetchnl))));
println!("Retrieved User Roles >> {:?}",a);
// let bot = Rc::clone(&bot);
// let bot = Arc::clone(&bot);
// let a = bot.botmgrs.identity.getspecialuserroles(String::from(targetuser), Some(ChType::Channel(String::from(targetchnl))));
// Arc::try_unwrap(boxed_bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner()
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(bot).ok().unwrap().into_inner().ok().unwrap();
// let a = Arc::try_unwrap(bot.clone()).ok().unwrap().into_inner();
// let a = a.botmgrs.identity.getspecialuserroles(String::from(targetuser), Some(ChType::Channel(String::from(targetchnl))));
// let a = bot.read().ok().unwrap().rIdentity().getspecialuserroles(String::from(targetuser),None);
// println!("Retrieved User Roles >> {:?}",a);
// bot.read().ok().unwrap().rIdentity().getspecialuserroles(String::from(targetuser),None)
println!("Retrieved User Roles >> {:?}",sproles);
// let a = bot.identity.getuserroles(String::from("ModulatingForce"), Some(ChType::Channel(String::from("ModulatingForcebot"))));
// println!("{:?}",a);
@ -271,7 +408,8 @@ pub enum Permissible {
pub struct IdentityManager {
special_roles_users : HashMap<String,Vec<UserRole>>, // # <-- (!) This must be String instead of ChType because we're checking a User not a Channel
// special_roles_users : HashMap<String,Vec<UserRole>>, // # <-- (!) This must be String instead of ChType because we're checking a User not a Channel
special_roles_users : Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String,Vec<UserRole>>>>, // # <-- (!) This must be String instead of ChType because we're checking a User not a Channel
// parent_mgr : Box<crate::core::botinstance::BotManagers>,
//parent_mgr : Option<Box<crate::core::botinstance::BotManagers>>,
@ -298,7 +436,7 @@ impl IdentityManager {
IdentityManager {
special_roles_users : a,
special_roles_users : Arc::new(Mutex::new(a)),
//parent_mgr : None,
@ -306,7 +444,8 @@ impl IdentityManager {
// [ ] Maybe I should create a can_user_run version that simply takes PrvMsg, but then calls can_user_run directly
// pub fn can_user_run_PRVMSG(self,msg:&PrivmsgMessage,cmdreqroles:Vec<UserRole>) -> Result<Permissible,Box<dyn Error>>
pub fn can_user_run_PRVMSG(self,msg:&PrivmsgMessage,cmdreqroles:Vec<UserRole>) -> Permissible
// pub fn can_user_run_PRVMSG(&self,msg:&PrivmsgMessage,cmdreqroles:Vec<UserRole>) -> Permissible
pub async fn can_user_run_PRVMSG(self,msg:&PrivmsgMessage,cmdreqroles:Vec<UserRole>) -> Permissible
// println!("(#{}) {}: {}", msg.channel_login, msg.sender.name, msg.message_text);
@ -331,11 +470,28 @@ impl IdentityManager {
// ChType::Channel(msg.channel_login.to_owned()),
// sender_badge,
// cmdreqroles
return self.can_user_run(msg.sender.name.to_owned(),
) ;
// return self.can_user_run(msg.sender.name.to_owned(),
// let a = Arc::new(Mutex::new(self));
// let mut a = a.lock().await;
// let a = **a;
// let a = a.can_user_run(msg.sender.name.to_owned(),
// ChType::Channel(msg.channel_login.to_owned()),
// sender_badge,
// cmdreqroles
// ) ;
// let a = *self;
// let a = Arc::new(Mutex::new(a));
// let a = a.lock().await.can_user_run(msg.sender.name.to_owned(),
// ChType::Channel(msg.channel_login.to_owned()),
// sender_badge,
// cmdreqroles
// ) ;
// return a;
) ;
@ -344,7 +500,7 @@ impl IdentityManager {
pub fn can_user_run(mut self,
pub async fn can_user_run(&self,
@ -424,7 +580,8 @@ impl IdentityManager {
// let Some((k,v)) = self.special_roles_users.get_key_value(usr);
// match self.special_roles_users.get_mut(&usr.to_lowercase()) {
match self.special_roles_users.get(&usr.to_lowercase()) {
// match self.special_roles_users.get(&usr.to_lowercase()) {
match self.special_roles_users.lock().await.get(&usr.to_lowercase()) {
Some(usrroles) => {
// println!("contains mod : {}", usrroles.contains(&UserRole::Mod(channelname.clone())));
// println!("contains supmod : {}", usrroles.contains(&UserRole::SupMod(channelname.clone())));
@ -437,6 +594,7 @@ impl IdentityManager {
// usrroles.push(UserRole::Mod(channelname.clone()));
// a.push(UserRole::Mod(channelname.clone()));
@ -463,7 +621,7 @@ impl IdentityManager {
println!("Mod Role required");
if let Some(a) = self.special_roles_users.get(&usr.to_lowercase()) {
if let Some(a) = self.special_roles_users.lock().await.get(&usr.to_lowercase()) {
if a.contains(&UserRole::Mod(channelname.clone())) || a.contains(&UserRole::SupMod(channelname.clone())){
// return Ok(Permissible::Allow);
return Permissible::Allow
@ -476,7 +634,7 @@ impl IdentityManager {
if cmdreqroles.contains(&UserRole::SupMod(ChType::Channel(String::new()))) {
if let Some(a) = self.special_roles_users.get(&usr.to_lowercase()) {
if let Some(a) = self.special_roles_users.lock().await.get(&usr.to_lowercase()) {
if a.contains(&UserRole::SupMod(channelname.clone())) {
// return Ok(Permissible::Allow);
return Permissible::Allow
@ -490,8 +648,8 @@ impl IdentityManager {
println!("Eval cmdreqroles with botadmin : {}",cmdreqroles.contains(&UserRole::BotAdmin));
if cmdreqroles.contains(&UserRole::BotAdmin) {
println!("special roles get : {:?}",self.special_roles_users.get(&usr.to_lowercase()));
if let Some(a) = self.special_roles_users.get(&usr.to_lowercase()) {
println!("special roles get : {:?}",self.special_roles_users.lock().await.get(&usr.to_lowercase()));
if let Some(a) = self.special_roles_users.lock().await.get(&usr.to_lowercase()) {
println!("special roles contains BotAdmin: {}",a.contains(&UserRole::BotAdmin));
if a.contains(&UserRole::BotAdmin) {
// return Ok(Permissible::Allow);
@ -503,20 +661,31 @@ impl IdentityManager {
pub fn promote(mut self,trgchatter:String,channel:Option<ChType>,trg_role:Option<UserRole>) -> ChangeResult {
pub async fn promote(&mut self,trgchatter:String,channel:Option<ChType>,trg_role:Option<UserRole>) -> ChangeResult {
// Note : If channel is none, getspecialuserroles() returns all roles for the user
// let chatterroles = self.getspecialuserroles(trgchatter, channel);
let chatterroles = self.getspecialuserroles(trgchatter.clone(), channel.clone());
// let chatterroles = self.getspecialuserroles(trgchatter.clone(), channel.clone());
// let chatterroles = *self.getspecialuserroles(trgchatter.clone(), channel.clone()).await;
// let chatterroles = chatterroles.lock().await;
// // let chatterroles = *chatterroles;
// let chatterroles = chatterroles.unwrap();
let emptyvec = vec![];
let chatterroles = match chatterroles {
Some(a) => a,
_ => &(emptyvec),
let chatterroles = self.getspecialuserroles(trgchatter.clone(), channel.clone()).await;
// let chatterroles = chatterroles.lock().await;
// let chatterroles = *chatterroles;
let chatterroles = chatterroles.unwrap();
// let emptyvec = vec![];
// let chatterroles = match chatterroles {
// Some(a) => a,
// _ => &(emptyvec),
// };
match trg_role {
@ -528,6 +697,7 @@ impl IdentityManager {
// # otherwise, trg_role for the given chnl is not assigned to the trgchatter
// chatterroles.push(UserRole::Mod(trg_chnl.clone()));
.expect("Error getting roles")
@ -615,7 +785,7 @@ impl IdentityManager {
ChangeResult::Success(String::from("TEST > Promotion Successful"))
pub fn getspecialuserroles(&self,chattername:String,channel:Option<ChType>) -> Option<&Vec<UserRole>> {
pub async fn getspecialuserroles(&self,chattername:String,channel:Option<ChType>) -> Option<Vec<UserRole>> {
// let a = chattername.to_lowercase();
@ -637,7 +807,21 @@ impl IdentityManager {
// println!("{a}");
// let b = self.special_roles_users.lock().await.get(&a);
// match b
// {
// Some(b) => Some(*b),
// None => None,
// }
let b = self.special_roles_users.lock().await.remove(&a);
let outp = b;
// let b = Arc::new(Mutex::new(outp));
// let b = Arc::new(Mutex::new(b));
// b
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ pub mod core;
pub mod modules;
use std::process::Output;
use crate::core::botinstance::ArcBox;
use crate::core::botinstance::BotInstance;
@ -11,6 +13,8 @@ pub async fn main() {
let bot = BotInstance::init();
println!("ERROR : EXIT Game loop");
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ pub use crate::core::botmodules::ModulesManager;
// use crate::core::botinstance;
pub use crate::core::botinstance::BotInstance;
use std::sync::Arc;
use futures::lock::Mutex;
// [ ] Load submodules
@ -25,7 +26,8 @@ mod experiments;
// // F: std::future::Future + Send,
// // F : Send,
// F : Send + ?Sized,
pub fn init(mgr:&mut ModulesManager)
// pub fn init(mgr:&mut ModulesManager)
pub fn init(mgr:Arc<Mutex<ModulesManager>>)
// Modules initializer loads modules into the bot
// this is achieved by calling submodules that also have fn init() defined
@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ use std::future::Future;
use crate::core::botmodules::{ModulesManager,Listener,BotModule,BotActionTrait, BotCommand,ChType};
use crate::core::botmodules::bot_actions::actions_util;
use crate::core::botinstance::{self};
use crate::core::botinstance::{self,BotInstance};
use futures::lock::Mutex;
use twitch_irc::message::PrivmsgMessage;
use crate::core::identity;
@ -25,8 +26,13 @@ use crate::core::identity;
use rand::Rng;
use std::rc::Rc;
pub fn init(mgr:&mut ModulesManager)
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
// pub fn init(mgr:&mut ModulesManager)
pub fn init(mgr:Arc<Mutex<ModulesManager>>)
@ -69,7 +75,7 @@ pub fn init(mgr:&mut ModulesManager)
async fn good_girl(mut bot:botinstance::BotManagers,msg:PrivmsgMessage)
async fn good_girl(mut bot:Arc<Mutex<BotInstance>>,msg:PrivmsgMessage)
println!("In GoodGirl() Listener");
//println!("(#{}) {}: {}", msg.channel_login, msg.sender.name, msg.message_text);
@ -82,6 +88,13 @@ async fn good_girl(mut bot:botinstance::BotManagers,msg:PrivmsgMessage)
// let roll = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1..=5);
// let mut bot = Rc::clone(&bot);
// let mut bot = Rc::get_mut(&mut bot);
// let bot = match bot {
// Some(bot) => bot,
// None => (),
// }
if msg.sender.name == "ModulatingForce" // && msg.message_text.contains("GoodGirl")
@ -92,17 +105,42 @@ async fn good_girl(mut bot:botinstance::BotManagers,msg:PrivmsgMessage)
let rollwin = rand::thread_rng().gen_ratio(1,5);
if rollwin {
println!("In GoodGirl() > Win");
bot.chat.say_in_reply_to(&msg,String::from("GoodGirl xdd ")).await;
// let bot = Rc::get_mut(&bot).expect("Error");
// bot.botmgrs.chat.say_in_reply_to(&msg,String::from("GoodGirl xdd ")).await;
// Rc::<botinstance::BotInstance>::get_mut(mut bot)
// if let Some(bot) = Rc::<&botinstance::BotInstance>::get_mut(bot) {
// match bot{
// Some(bot) => {
// bot
// .botmgrs
// .chat
// .say_in_reply_to(&msg,String::from("GoodGirl xdd ")).await;
// }
// None => (),
// }
// Arc::try_unwrap(bot).ok().unwrap().botmgrs.chat.say_in_reply_to(&msg, String::from("GoodGirl xdd ")).await;
let a = bot.clone();
// let a = a.read().ok().unwrap();
// let a = a.lock().await.get_botmgrs();
// let a = a.lock().await.rChat();
let a = (*bot).lock().await.get_botmgrs();
let a = a.lock().await.rChat();
let mut a = (*a).lock().await;
// a.rbotmgrs().chat.say_in_reply_to(&msg, String::from("GoodGirl xdd ")).await;
// a.lock().await.say_in_reply_to(&msg, String::from("GoodGirl xdd ")).await;
a.say_in_reply_to(&msg, String::from("GoodGirl xdd ")).await;
async fn testy(mut _chat:botinstance::BotManagers,_msg:PrivmsgMessage)
async fn testy(mut _chat:Arc<Mutex<BotInstance>>,_msg:PrivmsgMessage)
println!("testy triggered!")
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