use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use ratatui::crossterm::style::Stylize; use std::{ env::set_current_dir, fs::{self, create_dir}, io::{self, Write}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; use crate::{ cargo_toml::updated_cargo_toml, embedded::EMBEDDED_FILES, info_file::InfoFile, term::press_enter_prompt, }; pub fn init() -> Result<()> { let rustlings_dir = Path::new("rustlings"); if rustlings_dir.exists() { bail!(RUSTLINGS_DIR_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERR); } let mut stdout = io::stdout().lock(); let mut init_git = true; let manifest_path = Command::new("cargo") .args(["locate-project", "--message-format=plain"]) .output()?; if manifest_path.status.success() { let manifest_path: PathBuf = String::from_utf8_lossy(&manifest_path.stdout).trim().into(); if Path::new("exercises").exists() && Path::new("solutions").exists() { bail!(IN_INITIALIZED_DIR_ERR); } if fs::read_to_string(manifest_path)?.contains("[workspace]") { // make sure "rustlings" is added to `workspace.members` by making // cargo initialize a new project let output = Command::new("cargo").args(["new", "rustlings"]).output()?; if !output.status.success() { bail!("Failed to initilize new workspace member"); } fs::remove_dir_all("rustlings")?; init_git = false; } else { bail!(IN_NON_WORKSPACE_CARGO_PROJECT_ERR); } } stdout.write_all(b"This command will create the directory `rustlings/` which will contain the exercises.\nPress ENTER to continue ")?; press_enter_prompt(&mut stdout)?; create_dir(rustlings_dir).context("Failed to create the `rustlings/` directory")?; set_current_dir(rustlings_dir) .context("Failed to change the current directory to `rustlings/`")?; let info_file = InfoFile::parse()?; EMBEDDED_FILES .init_exercises_dir(&info_file.exercises) .context("Failed to initialize the `rustlings/exercises` directory")?; create_dir("solutions").context("Failed to create the `solutions/` directory")?; fs::write( "solutions/", include_bytes!("../solutions/"), ) .context("Failed to create the file rustlings/solutions/")?; for dir in EMBEDDED_FILES.exercise_dirs { let mut dir_path = String::with_capacity(10 +; dir_path.push_str("solutions/"); dir_path.push_str(; create_dir(&dir_path) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to create the directory {dir_path}"))?; } for exercise_info in &info_file.exercises { let solution_path = exercise_info.sol_path(); fs::write(&solution_path, INIT_SOLUTION_FILE) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to create the file {solution_path}"))?; } let current_cargo_toml = include_str!("../dev-Cargo.toml"); // Skip the first line (comment). let newline_ind = current_cargo_toml .as_bytes() .iter() .position(|c| *c == b'\n') .context("The embedded `Cargo.toml` is empty or contains only one line")?; let current_cargo_toml = current_cargo_toml .get(newline_ind + 1..) .context("The embedded `Cargo.toml` contains only one line")?; let updated_cargo_toml = updated_cargo_toml(&info_file.exercises, current_cargo_toml, b"") .context("Failed to generate `Cargo.toml`")?; fs::write("Cargo.toml", updated_cargo_toml) .context("Failed to create the file `rustlings/Cargo.toml`")?; fs::write(".gitignore", GITIGNORE) .context("Failed to create the file `rustlings/.gitignore`")?; create_dir(".vscode").context("Failed to create the directory `rustlings/.vscode`")?; fs::write(".vscode/extensions.json", VS_CODE_EXTENSIONS_JSON) .context("Failed to create the file `rustlings/.vscode/extensions.json`")?; if init_git { // Ignore any Git error because Git initialization is not required. let _ = Command::new("git") .arg("init") .stdin(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .status(); } writeln!( stdout, "\n{}\n\n{}", "Initialization done ✓".green(), POST_INIT_MSG.bold(), )?; Ok(()) } const INIT_SOLUTION_FILE: &[u8] = b"fn main() { // DON'T EDIT THIS SOLUTION FILE! // It will be automatically filled after you finish the exercise. } "; const GITIGNORE: &[u8] = b"Cargo.lock target/ .vscode/ "; pub const VS_CODE_EXTENSIONS_JSON: &[u8] = br#"{"recommendations":["rust-lang.rust-analyzer"]}"#; const IN_INITIALIZED_DIR_ERR: &str = "It looks like Rustlings is already initialized in this directory. If you already initialized Rustlings, run the command `rustlings` for instructions on getting started with the exercises. Otherwise, please run `rustlings init` again in another directory."; const RUSTLINGS_DIR_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERR: &str = "A directory with the name `rustlings` already exists in the current directory. You probably already initialized Rustlings. Run `cd rustlings` Then run `rustlings` again"; const IN_NON_WORKSPACE_CARGO_PROJECT_ERR: &str = "\ The current directory is already part of a cargo project. Please initialize rustlings in a different directory."; const POST_INIT_MSG: &str = "Run `cd rustlings` to go into the generated directory. Then run `rustlings` to get started.";