use anyhow::{Context, Error, Result}; use std::{ fs::{create_dir, OpenOptions}, io::{self, Write}, }; use crate::info_file::ExerciseInfo; /// Contains all embedded files. pub static EMBEDDED_FILES: EmbeddedFiles = rustlings_macros::include_files!(); #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub enum WriteStrategy { IfNotExists, Overwrite, } impl WriteStrategy { fn write(self, path: &str, content: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { let file = match self { Self::IfNotExists => OpenOptions::new().create_new(true).write(true).open(path), Self::Overwrite => OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .write(true) .truncate(true) .open(path), }; file.with_context(|| format!("Failed to open the file `{path}` in write mode"))? .write_all(content) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to write the file {path}")) } } // Files related to one exercise. struct ExerciseFiles { // The content of the exercise file. exercise: &'static [u8], // The content of the solution file. solution: &'static [u8], // Index of the related `ExerciseDir` in `EmbeddedFiles::exercise_dirs`. dir_ind: usize, } // A directory in the `exercises/` directory. pub struct ExerciseDir { pub name: &'static str, readme: &'static [u8], } impl ExerciseDir { fn init_on_disk(&self) -> Result<()> { // 20 = 10 + 10 // exercises/ + / let mut dir_path = String::with_capacity(20 +; dir_path.push_str("exercises/"); dir_path.push_str(; if let Err(e) = create_dir(&dir_path) { if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists { return Ok(()); } return Err( Error::from(e).context(format!("Failed to create the directory {dir_path}")) ); } let mut readme_path = dir_path; readme_path.push_str("/"); WriteStrategy::Overwrite.write(&readme_path, self.readme) } } /// All embedded files. pub struct EmbeddedFiles { /// The content of the `info.toml` file. pub info_file: &'static str, exercise_files: &'static [ExerciseFiles], pub exercise_dirs: &'static [ExerciseDir], } impl EmbeddedFiles { /// Dump all the embedded files of the `exercises/` directory. pub fn init_exercises_dir(&self, exercise_infos: &[ExerciseInfo]) -> Result<()> { create_dir("exercises").context("Failed to create the directory `exercises`")?; WriteStrategy::IfNotExists.write( "exercises/", include_bytes!("../exercises/"), )?; for dir in self.exercise_dirs { dir.init_on_disk()?; } for (exercise_info, exercise_files) in exercise_infos.iter().zip(self.exercise_files) { WriteStrategy::IfNotExists.write(&exercise_info.path(), exercise_files.exercise)?; } Ok(()) } pub fn write_exercise_to_disk(&self, exercise_ind: usize, path: &str) -> Result<()> { let exercise_files = &self.exercise_files[exercise_ind]; let dir = &self.exercise_dirs[exercise_files.dir_ind]; dir.init_on_disk()?; WriteStrategy::Overwrite.write(path, exercise_files.exercise) } /// Write the solution file to disk and return its path. pub fn write_solution_to_disk( &self, exercise_ind: usize, exercise_name: &str, ) -> Result { let exercise_files = &self.exercise_files[exercise_ind]; let dir = &self.exercise_dirs[exercise_files.dir_ind]; // 14 = 10 + 1 + 3 // solutions/ + / + .rs let mut solution_path = String::with_capacity(14 + + exercise_name.len()); solution_path.push_str("solutions/"); solution_path.push_str(; solution_path.push('/'); solution_path.push_str(exercise_name); solution_path.push_str(".rs"); WriteStrategy::Overwrite.write(&solution_path, exercise_files.solution)?; Ok(solution_path) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use serde::Deserialize; use super::*; #[derive(Deserialize)] struct ExerciseInfo { dir: String, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct InfoFile { exercises: Vec, } #[test] fn dirs() { let exercises = toml_edit::de::from_str::(EMBEDDED_FILES.info_file) .expect("Failed to parse `info.toml`") .exercises; assert_eq!(exercises.len(), EMBEDDED_FILES.exercise_files.len()); for (exercise, exercise_files) in exercises.iter().zip(EMBEDDED_FILES.exercise_files) { assert_eq!( exercise.dir, EMBEDDED_FILES.exercise_dirs[exercise_files.dir_ind].name, ); } } }