use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use crossterm::style::{style, StyledContent, Stylize}; use std::{ fmt::{self, Display, Formatter}, io::{Read, Write}, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; use crate::{in_official_repo, terminal_link::TerminalFileLink, DEBUG_PROFILE}; pub const OUTPUT_CAPACITY: usize = 1 << 14; fn run_command( mut cmd: Command, cmd_description: &str, output: &mut Vec<u8>, stderr: bool, ) -> Result<bool> { let (mut reader, writer) = os_pipe::pipe().with_context(|| { format!("Failed to create a pipe to run the command `{cmd_description}``") })?; let (stdout, stderr) = if stderr { ( Stdio::from(writer.try_clone().with_context(|| { format!("Failed to clone the pipe writer for the command `{cmd_description}`") })?), Stdio::from(writer), ) } else { (Stdio::from(writer), Stdio::null()) }; let mut handle = cmd .stdout(stdout) .stderr(stderr) .spawn() .with_context(|| format!("Failed to run the command `{cmd_description}`"))?; // Prevent pipe deadlock. drop(cmd); reader .read_to_end(output) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read the output of the command `{cmd_description}`"))?; output.push(b'\n'); handle .wait() .with_context(|| format!("Failed to wait on the command `{cmd_description}` to exit")) .map(|status| status.success()) } pub struct Exercise { pub dir: Option<&'static str>, // Exercise's unique name pub name: &'static str, // Exercise's path pub path: &'static str, pub test: bool, pub strict_clippy: bool, // The hint text associated with the exercise pub hint: String, pub done: bool, } impl Exercise { fn run_bin(&self, output: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<bool> { writeln!(output, "{}", "Output".underlined())?; let bin_path = format!("target/debug/{}",; let success = run_command(Command::new(&bin_path), &bin_path, output, true)?; if !success { writeln!( output, "{}", "The exercise didn't run successfully (nonzero exit code)" .bold() .red() )?; } Ok(success) } fn cargo_cmd( &self, command: &str, args: &[&str], cmd_description: &str, output: &mut Vec<u8>, dev: bool, stderr: bool, ) -> Result<bool> { let mut cmd = Command::new("cargo"); cmd.arg(command); // A hack to make `cargo run` work when developing Rustlings. if dev { cmd.arg("--manifest-path") .arg("dev/Cargo.toml") .arg("--target-dir") .arg("target"); } cmd.arg("--color") .arg("always") .arg("-q") .arg("--bin") .arg( .args(args); run_command(cmd, cmd_description, output, stderr) } pub fn run(&self, output: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<bool> { output.clear(); // Developing the official Rustlings. let dev = DEBUG_PROFILE && in_official_repo(); let build_success = self.cargo_cmd("build", &[], "cargo build …", output, dev, true)?; if !build_success { return Ok(false); } // Discard the output of `cargo build` because it will be shown again by the Cargo command. output.clear(); let clippy_args: &[&str] = if self.strict_clippy { &["--", "-D", "warnings"] } else { &[] }; let clippy_success = self.cargo_cmd("clippy", clippy_args, "cargo clippy …", output, dev, true)?; if !clippy_success { return Ok(false); } if !self.test { return self.run_bin(output); } let test_success = self.cargo_cmd( "test", &[ "--", "--color", "always", "--nocapture", "--format", "pretty", ], "cargo test …", output, dev, // Hide warnings because they are shown by Clippy. false, )?; let run_success = self.run_bin(output)?; Ok(test_success && run_success) } pub fn terminal_link(&self) -> StyledContent<TerminalFileLink<'_>> { style(TerminalFileLink(self.path)).underlined().blue() } } impl Display for Exercise { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.path.fmt(f) } }