use anyhow::{bail, Result}; use crossterm::style::Stylize; use std::io::{stdout, Write}; use crate::app_state::{AppState, ExercisesProgress}; pub fn run(app_state: &mut AppState) -> Result<()> { let exercise = app_state.current_exercise(); let output =; { let mut stdout = stdout().lock(); stdout.write_all(&output.stdout)?; stdout.write_all(&output.stderr)?; stdout.flush()?; } if !output.status.success() { bail!("Ran {exercise} with errors"); } println!( "{}{}", "✓ Successfully ran ".green(), exercise.path.to_string_lossy().green(), ); match app_state.done_current_exercise()? { ExercisesProgress::AllDone => println!( "🎉 Congratulations! You have done all the exercises! 🔚 There are no more exercises to do next!" ), ExercisesProgress::Pending => println!("Next exercise: {}", app_state.current_exercise()), } Ok(()) }