notohh 193f2480d7
flake.nix: update
license: update

pkgs: remove scls

nix: update inputs and insecure pkgs

tsuki: init gaming file

blocky: update blocklist

pgres: add dbs

home: update themes

programs: init opencomposite

media: remove spotify-player

helix: update theme and scls

tsuki: remove stylix

overlays: set chatterino tag to null
2025-01-12 20:52:09 -05:00

120 lines
2.8 KiB

}: {
home.packages = [inputs.scls.defaultPackage.${pkgs.system}];
programs.helix.languages = {
language = with pkgs; [
name = "nix";
auto-format = true;
language-servers = ["scls" "nil"];
formatter = {
command = lib.getExe alejandra;
args = ["-q"];
name = "rust";
auto-format = true;
language-servers = ["scls" "rust-analyzer"];
formatter = {
command = lib.getExe rustfmt;
args = ["--edition" "2021"];
name = "lua";
auto-format = true;
language-servers = ["scls" "lua-language-server"];
formatter = {
command = lib.getExe stylua;
name = "python";
auto-format = true;
language-servers = ["scls" "ruff"];
formatter = with pkgs; {
command = lib.getExe ruff;
args = ["format" "-q"];
name = "typescript";
auto-format = true;
language-servers = [
name = "typescript-language-server";
except-features = ["format"];
formatter = with pkgs; {
command = lib.getExe deno;
args = [
name = "toml";
auto-format = true;
language-servers = ["scls" "taplo"];
formatter = with pkgs; {
command = lib.getExe taplo;
args = ["fmt" "-"];
name = "json";
auto-format = true;
language-servers = ["scls" "biome"];
formatter = with pkgs; {
command = lib.getExe biome;
args = ["format"];
language-server = with pkgs; {
scls = {
command = "simple-completion-language-server";
config = {
feature_snippets = true;
feature_paths = true;
rust-analyzer.config = {
checkOnSave.command = "clippy";
inlayHints = {
closingBraceHints.enable = false;
parameterHints.enable = false;
typeHints.enable = true;
nil = {
command = lib.getExe nil;
typescript-language-server = with pkgs.nodePackages; {
command = lib.getExe typescript-language-server;
args = ["--stdio"];
lua = {
command = lib.getExe lua-language-server;
taplo = {
command = lib.getExe taplo;
args = ["lsp" "stdio"];
ruff = {
command = lib.getExe ruff;
args = ["server" "--preview"];