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Reading the Nix language without fear

The Nix language is used to declare packages and configurations for the Nix package manager.

You will quickly encounter Nix language expressions that may look very complicated. Yet, the language has only few basic constructs which can be combined arbitrarily.

Using the Nix language in practice entails multiple things:

  • language: syntax and semantics
  • standard libraries: builtins and nixpkgs/lib
  • generic build mechanisms: stdenv, trivial builders, ...
  • composition and configuration mechanisms: override, overrideAttrs, overlays, callPackage, ...
  • ecosystem-specific packaging mechanisms: buildGoModule, buildPythonApplication, ...
  • NixOS module system: config, option, ...

This guide only covers syntax and semantics, and will direct you to resources for learning the other components.

What will you learn?

This guide should enable you to read typical Nix language code and understand its structure.

It shows the most common and distingushing patterns in the Nix language:

  • assigning names and accessing values
  • declaring and calling functions
  • referencing file system paths
  • working with character strings
  • built-in functions and the standard library
  • using build inputs and build results

It does not explain all Nix language features in detail. See the Nix manual for a full language reference.

What do you need?

  • Familiarity with software development
  • Familiarity with Unix shell, to read command line examples
  • Install the Nix package manager, to run the examples

Basic Concepts

Imagine the Nix language as JSON with functions.

The purpose of Nix language is to define structured data. Functions help with conveniently producing more complex data, and assigning names allows manipulating complex data as units.

To that end, every valid piece of Nix language code is an expression. Evaluating a Nix expression produces a single value. Every Nix file (.nix) contains a single expression.

:::{note} To evaluate means to transform an expression according to the language rules until no further simplification is possible. :::

Running examples

All examples in this guide are valid Nix files that you can run yourself.

The following example is a Nix expression adding two numbers:

1 + 2

Use nix-instantiate --eval to evaluate the expression in a Nix file.

echo 1 + 2 > file.nix

nix-instantiate --eval file.nix

:::{note} nix-instantiate --eval will evaluate default.nix if no file name is specified.

echo 1 + 2 > default.nix

nix-instantiate --eval


Use nix repl to evaluate Nix expressions interactively (by typing them on the command line):

nix repl
Welcome to Nix 2.5.1. Type :? for help.
nix-repl> 1 + 2

Names and values

There are two ways to assign names to values in Nix: attribute sets and let expressions.

Assignments are denoted by a single equal sign (=).

Attribute set { ... }

An attribute set is an unordered collection of name-value-pairs.

Together with primitive data types and lists, attribute sets work like objects in JSON and look very similar.

Nix language JSON
  string = "hello";
  integer = 1;
  float = 3.141;
  bool = true;
  null = null;
  list = [ 1 "two" false ];
  attribute-set = {
    a = "hello";
    b = 2;
    c = 2.718;
    d = false;
  }; # comments are supported
  "string": "hello",
  "integer": 1,
  "float": 3.141,
  "bool": true,
  "null": null,
  "list": [1, "two", false],
  "object": {
    "a": "hello",
    "b": 1,
    "c": 2.718,
    "d": false


  • Attribute names usually do not need quotes.1
  • List elements are separated by white space.2 :::

Recursive attribute set rec { ... }

You will sometimes see attribute sets declared with rec prepended. This allows access to attributes from within the set.


rec {
  one = 1;
  two = one + 1;
  three = two + 1;
{ one = 1; three = 3; two = 2; }


  one = 1;
  two = one + 1;
  three = two + 1;
error: undefined variable 'one'

       at «string»:3:9:

            2|   one = 1;
            3|   two = one + 1;
             |         ^
            4|   three = two + 1;

{ref}We recommend to avoid recursive sets <rec-expression> and to use the let expression instead.

let ... in ...

Also known as “let expression” or “let binding”

let expressions allow assigning names to values for repeated use.


  a = 1;
a + a

As in attribute sets, names can be assigned in any order. In contrast to attribute sets, the expressions on the right of the assignment can refer to other assigned names.


  b = a + 1
  a = 1;
a + b

Only expressions within the let expression itself can access the newly declared names. We say: the bindings have local scope.


  a = let x = 1; in x;
  b = x;
error: undefined variable 'x'

       at «string»:3:7:

            2|   a = let x = 1; in x;
            3|   b = x;
             |       ^
            4| }

Attribute access

Attributes in a set can be accessed with a dot (.) and the attribute name.


  attrset = { x = 1; };

Accessing nested attributes works the same way.


  attrset = { a = { b = { c = 1; }; }; };

The dot (.) notation also works when assigning attributes.


  attrset = { a.b.c = 1; };
{ a = { b = { c = 1; }; }; }

with ...; ...

The with expression allows access to attributes without repeatedly referencing their attribute set.


  a = {
    x = 1;
    y = 2;
    z = 3;
with a; [ x y z ]
[ 1 2 3 ]

The expression

with a; [ x y z ]

is equivalent to

[ a.x a.y a.z ]

Attributes made available through with are only in scope of the expression following the semicolon (;).


  a = {
    x = 1;
    y = 2;
    z = 3;
  b = with a; [ x y z ];
  c = x;
error: undefined variable 'x'

       at «string»:10:7:

            9|   b = with a; [ x y z ];
           10|   c = x;
             |       ^
           11| }

inherit ...

With inherit one can assign existing names to attributes of the same name. It is for convenience to avoid repeating the same name multiple times.


  x = 1;
  y = 2;
  inherit x y;
{ x = 1; y = 2; }

The fragment

inherit x y;

is equivalent to

x = x; y = y;

It is also possible to inherit attributes from another set with parentheses (inherit ( ... ) ...).


  a = { x = 1; y = 2; };
  inherit (a) x y;
{ x = 1; y = 2; }

The fragment

inherit (a) x y;

is equivalent to

x = a.x; y = a.y;


Functions are everywhere in the Nix language and deserve particular attention.

Functions take exactly one argument.

x: x + 1

Argument and function body are separated by a colon (:).

Wherever you see a colon (:) in Nix language code:

  • on its left is the function argument
  • on its right is the function body.

Calling a function with an operand means writing the operand after the function.


(x: x + 1) 1

Nix functions have no name when declared. We say they are anonymous, or call such a function a lambda.

We can assign functions a name as to any other value.


  f = x: x.a
f { a = 1; }

Arguments can be chained.

x: y: x + y

This can be used like a function that takes two arguments, but offers additional flexibility.

The above function takes one argument and returns a function y: x + y with x set to the passed value.


  f = x: y: x + y;
f 1

The <LAMBDA> indicates the resulting value is an anonymous function.

Applying that to another argument yields the inner body x + y, which can now be fully evaluated.

  f = x: y: x + y;
f 1 2

Attribute set argument

Also known as “keyword arguments”.

Nix functions can explicitly take an attribute set as argument.

{a, b}: a + b

The argument defines the exact attributes that have to be in that set. Leaving out or passing additional attributes is an error.


  f = {a, b}: a + b
f { a = 1; b = 2; }

Default attributes

Also known as “default arguments”.

Arguments can have default values for attributes, denoted with a question mark (?).

{a, b ? 0}: a + b

Attributes in the argument are not required if they have a default value.


  f = {a, b ? 0}: a + b
f { a = 1; }


  f = {a ? 0, b ? 0}: a + b
f { } # empty attribute set

Additional attributes

Additional attributes are allowed with an ellipsis (...):

{a, b, ...}: a + b


  f = {a, b, ...}: a + b
f { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; }

Named attribute argument

Also known as “@ pattern”, “@ syntax”, or “at syntax”:

{a, b, ...}@args: a + b + args.c


args@{a, b, ...}: a + b + args.c

where the passed attribute set is given a name, and some of its attributes are required.


  f = {a, b, ...}@args: a + b + args.c
f { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; }

This can be useful if the passed attribute set also needs to be processed as a whole.

File system paths

Nix language offers additional convenience for file system paths.3

Absolute paths always start with a slash (/):


Paths are relative when they contain at least one slash (/) but to not start with one. They are relative to the file containing the expression:


One dot (.) denotes the same directory. This is typically used to denote the current directory:


Two dots (..) denote the parent directory.

Search path

Also known as “angle bracket syntax”.


The value of a named path is a file system path that depends on the contents of the $NIX_PATH environment variable.

In practice, <nixpkgs> points to the file system path of some revision of the Nix package collection. For example, <nixpkgs/lib> points to the subdirectory lib of that file system path.

Character strings

String interpolation

Also known as “antiquotiation”.

  name = "Nix";
"hello ${name}"
"hello Nix"

Indented strings


You will recognize indented strings by double single quotes. Equal amounts of prepended white space are trimmed from the result.


"one\n two\n  three\n"

Using existing functions

There are two widely used libraries that together can be considered standard for the Nix language. You need to know about both to understand and navigate Nix language code.

We recommend to at least skim them to familiarise yourself with what is available.


Nix comes with many functions that are built into the language.

:::{note} The Nix manual lists all Built-in Functions and shows how to use them. :::

These functions are available under the builtins constant. Example:


Most of them are implemented in the Nix language interpreter itself, which means they usually execute faster than their equivalents implemented in the Nix language.


The Nix package collection nixpkgs contains an attribute set called lib, which provides a large number of useful functions.

:::{note} The nixpkgs manual lists all Nixpkgs library functions. :::

These functions are accessed through pkgs.lib. Example:


Building software using side effects

So far we have only covered what we call pure expressions: declaring data and transforming it with functions.

Building software requires interaction with the outside world, which we call side effects.

There are two main side effects in the Nix language that are relevant here:

  1. Reading files from the file system as build inputs
  2. Writing files to the file system as build outputs

See the Nix Pills series for a detailed explanation on how Nix the package manager builds software using library functions and packages from the Nix package collection.


You should now be able to read Nix language code for simple packages and configurations, and come up with similiar explanations of the following examples.


{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, ... }:
  name = "example";
pkgs.mkShell {
  inherit name;
  src = ./.;


  • This expression is a function that takes an attribute set as an argument.
  • If the argument has the attribute pkgs, it will be used in the function body. Otherwise, the default value of importing from the search path <nixpkgs> and calling the resulting function with an empty attribute set will be used.
  • The variable name is bound to the string value "example".
  • The attribute mkShell of the pkgs set is a function that is passed an attribute set as argument. Its return value is also the result of the outer function.
  • The passed attribute set has the attributes name (set to "example") and src (set to the current directory).

(This example declares a shell environment.)


{ config, pkgs, ... }: {
  imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ];
  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ git ];
  # ...


  • This expression is a function that takes an attribute set as an argument. It returns an attribute set.

  • The argument must at least have the attributes config and pkgs.

  • The returned attribute set contains an attribute imports and a nested attribute set environment with an attribute systemPackages. imports is a list with one element: a path to a file next to this Nix file, called hardware-configuration.nix.

    :::{note} imports is not the impure built-in import, but a regular attribute name! :::

  • systemPackages will evaluate to a list with one element: the git attribute of the pkgs set.

  • The config argument is not used.

(This example is a NixOS configuration.)


{ lib, stdenv }:

stdenv.mkDerivation rec {

  pname = "hello";

  version = "2.12";

  src = builtins.fetchTarball {
    url = "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-${version}.tar.gz";
    sha256 = "1ayhp9v4m4rdhjmnl2bq3cibrbqqkgjbl3s7yk2nhlh8vj3ay16g";

  meta = with lib; {
    license = licenses.gpl3Plus;


This expression is a function that takes an attribute set which must have exactly the attributes lib and stdenv. It returns the result of evaluating the function mkDerivaion, which is an attribute of stdenv, applied to a recursive set. The recursive set passed to mkDerivation uses its own version attribute in the argument to the built-in function fetchTarball. The meta attribute is itself an attribute set, where the license attribute has the value that was assigned to the nested attribute lib.licenses.gpl3Plus.

(This example is a (simplified) package declaration from nixpkgs.)

Next steps

  1. Details: Nix manual - attribute naming rules ↩︎

  2. Details: Nix manual - lists ↩︎

  3. Details: Nix manual - primitive data types ↩︎