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tutorial, callPackage, override, package, customise, parameters, nix, nixpkgs


Package parameters and overrides with callPackage

Nix ships with a special-purpose programming language for creating packages and configurations: the Nix language. It is used to build the Nix package collection, known as {term}Nixpkgs.

Being purely functional, the Nix language allows declaring custom functions to abstract over common patterns. One of the most prominent patterns in Nixpkgs is parametrisation of package recipes.


Nixpkgs is sizeable software project on it's own, with coding conventions and idioms that have emerged over the years. It has established a convention of composing parameterised packages with automatic settings through a function named callPackage. This tutorial shows how to use it and why it's beneficial.

What will you learn?

  • Using callPackage to invoke package recipes that follow Nixpkgs conventions
  • Overriding package parameters
  • Creating interdependent package sets

What do you need?

How long does it take?

  • 45 minutes

Automatic function calls

Create a new file hello.nix, which could be a typical package recipe as found in Nixpkgs: A function that takes an attribute set, with attributes corresponding to derivations in the top-level package set, and returns a derivation.

:caption: hello.nix
{ writeShellScriptBin }:
writeShellScriptBin "hello" ''
  echo "Hello, world!"

:::{dropdown} Detailed explanation hello.nix declares a function which takes as argument an attribute set with one element writeShellScriptBin. writeShellScriptBin is a function that happens to exist in Nixpkgs, a build helper that returns a derivation. The derivation output in this case contains an executable shell script in $out/bin/hello that prints "Hello world" when run. :::

Now create a file default.nix with the following contents:

:caption: default.nix
  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
pkgs.callPackage ./hello.nix { }

Realise the derivation in default.nix and run the executable that is produced:

$ nix-build
$ ./result/bin/hello
Hello, world!

The argument writeShellScriptBin gets filled in automatically when the function in hello.nix is evaluated. For every attribute in the function's argument, callPackage passes an attribute from the pkgs attribute set if it exists.

It may appear cumbersome to create the extra file hello.nix for the package in such a simple setup. We have done so because this is exactly how Nixpkgs is organised: Every package recipe is a file that declares a function. This function takes as arguments the package's dependencies.

Parameterised builds

Change the default.nix to produce an attribute set of derivations, with the attribute hello containing the original derivation:

:caption: default.nix
  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
  hello = pkgs.callPackage ./hello.nix { };

When building the attribute hello, by accessing it with the -A / --attr option, the result will be the same as before:

$ nix-build -A hello
$ ./result/bin/hello
Hello, world!

Also change hello.nix to add an additional parameter audience with default value "world":

:caption: hello.nix
  audience ? "world",
writeShellScriptBin "hello" ''
  echo "Hello, ${audience}!"

This also does not change the result.

Things get more interesting when changing default.nix to make use of this new argument. Pass the parameter audience in the second argument to callPackage:

:caption: default.nix
   pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
-  hello = pkgs.callPackage ./hello.nix { };
+  hello = pkgs.callPackage ./hello.nix { audience = "people"; };

This attribute is passed on to the argument of the function defined in hello.nix: The same syntax can also be used to explicitly set the automatically discovered arguments, such as writeShellScriptBin, but that doesn't make sense here.

Try it out:

$ nix-build -A hello
$ ./result/bin/hello
Hello, people!

This pattern is used widely in Nixpkgs: For example, functions which represent Go programs often have a parameter buildGoModule. It is common to find expressions like callPackage ./go-program.nix { buildGoModule = buildGo116Module; } to change the default Go compiler version. Nixpkgs is therefore not simply a huge library of pre-configured packages, but a collection of functions package recipes for customising packages and even entire ecosystems (for example "All Python packages using my custom interpreter") on the fly without duplicating code.


callPackage adds more convenience by allowing parameters to be customised after the fact using the returned derivation's override function.

Add a third attribute hello-folks to default.nix and set it to hello.override called with a new value for audience:

:caption: default.nix
   pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
+rec {
   hello = pkgs.callPackage ./hello.nix { audience = "people"; };
+  hello-folks = hello.override { audience = "folks"; };

:::{note} The resulting attribute set is now recursive (by the keyword rec). That is, attribute values can refer to names from within the same attribute. :::

override passes audience to the original function in hello.nix - it overrides whatever arguments have been passed in the original callPackage that produced the derivation hello. All the other parameters will remain the same. This is especially useful and can be often found on packages that provide many options to customise a package.

Building hello-folks attribute and running the resulting executable will again produce a new version of the script:

$ nix-build -A hello-folks
$ ./result/bin/hello
Hello, folks!

A real-world example is the neovim package recipe, which has has overridable arguments such as extraLuaPackages, extraPythonPackages, or withRuby. Currently these parameters are only discoverable by reading the source code, which can be found by following the link to 📦 Source on search.nixos.org/packages.

Interdependent package sets

You can actually create your own version of callPackage! This comes in handy for package sets where the recipes depend on each other.

:::{note} The following examples do not show the "called" files, as they are not necessary for understanding the principle. :::

Consider the following recursive attribute set of derivations:

:caption: default.nix
  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
rec {
  a = pkgs.callPackage ./a.nix { };
  b = pkgs.callPackage ./b.nix { inherit a; };
  c = pkgs.callPackage ./c.nix { inherit b; };
  d = pkgs.callPackage ./d.nix { };
  e = pkgs.callPackage ./e.nix { inherit c d; };

:::{note} Here, inherit a; is equivalent to a = a;. :::

Previously declared derivations are passed as arguments to other derivations through callPackage.

In this case you have to remember to manually specify all arguments required by each package in the respective {term}Nix file that are not in Nixpkgs. If ./b.nix requires an argument a but there is no pkgs.a, the function call will produce an error. This can become quite tedious quickly, especially for larger package sets.

Use lib.callPackageWith to create your own callPackage based on an attribute set.

:caption: default.nix
  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
  callPackage = pkgs.lib.callPackageWith (pkgs // packages);
  packages = {
    a = callPackage ./a.nix { };
    b = callPackage ./b.nix { };
    c = callPackage ./c.nix { };
    d = callPackage ./d.nix { };
    e = callPackage ./e.nix { };

This requires some explanation.

First of all note that instead of a recursive attribute set, the names we operate on are now assigned in a let binding. It has the same property as recursive sets: Names on the left can be used in expressions on the right of the equal sign (=). This is how we can refer to packages when we merge its contents with the pre-existing attribute set pkgs using the // operator.

Your custom callPackages now makes available all the attributes in pkgs and packages to the called package function (the same names from packages taking precedence), and packages is being built up recursively with each call.

The last bit may make your head spin. This construction is only possible because the Nix language is lazily evaluated. That is, values are only computed when they are actually needed. It allows passing packages around without having fully defined it.

Each package's dependencies are now implicit at this level (they are still explicit in each of the package files), and callPackage resolves them automagically. This relieves you from dealing with them manually, and precludes configuration errors that may only surface late into a lengthy build process.

Of course this small example is still manageable in the original form. And the implicitly recursive variant can obscure the structure for software developers not familiar with lazy evaluation, making it harder to read for them than it was before. But this benefit really pays off for large constructions, where it is the amount of code that would obscure the structure, and where manual modifications would become cumbersome and error-prone.


Using callPackage does not only follow Nixpkgs conventions, which makes your code easier to follow for experienced Nix users, but it also gives you some benefits for free:

  1. Parametrized builds
  2. Overrideable builds
  3. Concise implementation of interdependent package sets


Next steps

  • - learn to package your own projects with Nix
  • - learn to wield the functional programming magic behind NixOS