Remo Senekowitsch dc0ffbe16e Replace hashbrown with ahash
hashbrown is already used in the standard library, but we want the
improved performance of the different hash algorithm.
Using ahash directly conveys this intent more clearly.
2024-08-08 11:12:17 +02:00

328 lines
12 KiB

use ahash::{HashSet, HashSetExt};
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Error, Result};
use std::{
fs::{self, read_dir, OpenOptions},
io::{self, Read, Write},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
process::{Command, Stdio},
use crate::{
cargo_toml::{append_bins, bins_start_end_ind, BINS_BUFFER_CAPACITY},
exercise::{RunnableExercise, OUTPUT_CAPACITY},
info_file::{ExerciseInfo, InfoFile},
// Find a char that isn't allowed in the exercise's `name` or `dir`.
fn forbidden_char(input: &str) -> Option<char> {
input.chars().find(|c| !c.is_alphanumeric() && *c != '_')
// Check that the `Cargo.toml` file is up-to-date.
fn check_cargo_toml(
exercise_infos: &[ExerciseInfo],
cargo_toml_path: &str,
exercise_path_prefix: &[u8],
) -> Result<()> {
let current_cargo_toml = fs::read_to_string(cargo_toml_path)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to read the file `{cargo_toml_path}`"))?;
let (bins_start_ind, bins_end_ind) = bins_start_end_ind(&current_cargo_toml)?;
let old_bins = &current_cargo_toml.as_bytes()[bins_start_ind..bins_end_ind];
let mut new_bins = Vec::with_capacity(BINS_BUFFER_CAPACITY);
append_bins(&mut new_bins, exercise_infos, exercise_path_prefix);
if old_bins != new_bins {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
bail!("The file `dev/Cargo.toml` is outdated. Please run `cargo run -- dev update` to update it. Then run `cargo run -- dev check` again");
bail!("The file `Cargo.toml` is outdated. Please run `rustlings dev update` to update it. Then run `rustlings dev check` again");
// Check the info of all exercises and return their paths in a set.
fn check_info_file_exercises(info_file: &InfoFile) -> Result<HashSet<PathBuf>> {
let mut names = HashSet::with_capacity(info_file.exercises.len());
let mut paths = HashSet::with_capacity(info_file.exercises.len());
let mut file_buf = String::with_capacity(1 << 14);
for exercise_info in &info_file.exercises {
let name =;
if name.is_empty() {
bail!("Found an empty exercise name in `info.toml`");
if let Some(c) = forbidden_char(name) {
bail!("Char `{c}` in the exercise name `{name}` is not allowed");
if let Some(dir) = &exercise_info.dir {
if dir.is_empty() {
bail!("The exercise `{name}` has an empty dir name in `info.toml`");
if let Some(c) = forbidden_char(dir) {
bail!("Char `{c}` in the exercise dir `{dir}` is not allowed");
if exercise_info.hint.trim_ascii().is_empty() {
bail!("The exercise `{name}` has an empty hint. Please provide a hint or at least tell the user why a hint isn't needed for this exercise");
if !names.insert(name) {
bail!("The exercise name `{name}` is duplicated. Exercise names must all be unique");
let path = exercise_info.path();
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to open the file {path}"))?
.read_to_string(&mut file_buf)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to read the file {path}"))?;
if !file_buf.contains("fn main()") {
bail!("The `main` function is missing in the file `{path}`.\nCreate at least an empty `main` function to avoid language server errors");
if !file_buf.contains("// TODO") {
bail!("Didn't find any `// TODO` comment in the file `{path}`.\nYou need to have at least one such comment to guide the user.");
if !exercise_info.test && file_buf.contains("#[test]") {
bail!("The file `{path}` contains tests annotated with `#[test]` but the exercise `{name}` has `test = false` in the `info.toml` file");
// Check `dir` for unexpected files.
// Only Rust files in `allowed_rust_files` and `` files are allowed.
// Only one level of directory nesting is allowed.
fn check_unexpected_files(dir: &str, allowed_rust_files: &HashSet<PathBuf>) -> Result<()> {
let unexpected_file = |path: &Path| {
anyhow!("Found the file `{}`. Only `` and Rust files related to an exercise in `info.toml` are allowed in the `{dir}` directory", path.display())
for entry in read_dir(dir).with_context(|| format!("Failed to open the `{dir}` directory"))? {
let entry = entry.with_context(|| format!("Failed to read the `{dir}` directory"))?;
if entry.file_type().unwrap().is_file() {
let path = entry.path();
let file_name = path.file_name().unwrap();
if file_name == "" {
if !allowed_rust_files.contains(&path) {
return Err(unexpected_file(&path));
let dir_path = entry.path();
for entry in read_dir(&dir_path)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to open the directory {}", dir_path.display()))?
let entry = entry
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to read the directory {}", dir_path.display()))?;
let path = entry.path();
if !entry.file_type().unwrap().is_file() {
bail!("Found `{}` but expected only files. Only one level of exercise nesting is allowed", path.display());
let file_name = path.file_name().unwrap();
if file_name == "" {
if !allowed_rust_files.contains(&path) {
return Err(unexpected_file(&path));
fn check_exercises_unsolved(info_file: &InfoFile, cmd_runner: &CmdRunner) -> Result<()> {
"Running all exercises to check that they aren't already solved. This may take a while…\n",
thread::scope(|s| {
let handles = info_file
.filter_map(|exercise_info| {
if exercise_info.skip_check_unsolved {
return None;
s.spawn(|| exercise_info.run_exercise(None, cmd_runner)),
for (exercise_name, handle) in handles {
let Ok(result) = handle.join() else {
bail!("Panic while trying to run the exericse {exercise_name}");
match result {
Ok(true) => bail!(
"The exercise {exercise_name} is already solved.\n{SKIP_CHECK_UNSOLVED_HINT}",
Ok(false) => (),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
fn check_exercises(info_file: &InfoFile, cmd_runner: &CmdRunner) -> Result<()> {
match info_file.format_version.cmp(&CURRENT_FORMAT_VERSION) {
Ordering::Less => bail!("`format_version` < {CURRENT_FORMAT_VERSION} (supported version)\nPlease migrate to the latest format version"),
Ordering::Greater => bail!("`format_version` > {CURRENT_FORMAT_VERSION} (supported version)\nTry updating the Rustlings program"),
Ordering::Equal => (),
let info_file_paths = check_info_file_exercises(info_file)?;
let handle = thread::spawn(move || check_unexpected_files("exercises", &info_file_paths));
check_exercises_unsolved(info_file, cmd_runner)?;
enum SolutionCheck {
Success { sol_path: String },
RunFailure { output: Vec<u8> },
fn check_solutions(
require_solutions: bool,
info_file: &InfoFile,
cmd_runner: &CmdRunner,
) -> Result<()> {
println!("Running all solutions. This may take a while…\n");
thread::scope(|s| {
let handles = info_file
.map(|exercise_info| {
s.spawn(|| {
let sol_path = exercise_info.sol_path();
if !Path::new(&sol_path).exists() {
if require_solutions {
return SolutionCheck::MissingRequired;
return SolutionCheck::MissingOptional;
let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(OUTPUT_CAPACITY);
match exercise_info.run_solution(Some(&mut output), cmd_runner) {
Ok(true) => SolutionCheck::Success { sol_path },
Ok(false) => SolutionCheck::RunFailure { output },
Err(e) => SolutionCheck::Err(e),
let mut sol_paths = HashSet::with_capacity(info_file.exercises.len());
let mut fmt_cmd = Command::new("rustfmt");
for (exercise_info, handle) in info_file.exercises.iter().zip(handles) {
let Ok(check_result) = handle.join() else {
"Panic while trying to run the solution of the exericse {}",,
match check_result {
SolutionCheck::Success { sol_path } => {
SolutionCheck::MissingRequired => {
"The solution of the exercise {} is missing",,
SolutionCheck::MissingOptional => (),
SolutionCheck::RunFailure { output } => {
"Running the solution of the exercise {} failed with the error above",,
SolutionCheck::Err(e) => return Err(e),
let handle = s.spawn(move || check_unexpected_files("solutions", &sol_paths));
if !fmt_cmd
.context("Failed to run `rustfmt` on all solution files")?
bail!("Some solutions aren't formatted. Run `rustfmt` on them");
pub fn check(require_solutions: bool) -> Result<()> {
let info_file = InfoFile::parse()?;
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
// A hack to make `cargo run -- dev check` work when developing Rustlings.
check_cargo_toml(&info_file.exercises, "dev/Cargo.toml", b"../")?;
} else {
check_cargo_toml(&info_file.exercises, "Cargo.toml", b"")?;
let cmd_runner = CmdRunner::build()?;
check_exercises(&info_file, &cmd_runner)?;
check_solutions(require_solutions, &info_file, &cmd_runner)?;
println!("Everything looks fine!");
const SKIP_CHECK_UNSOLVED_HINT: &str = "If this is an introduction exercise that is intended to be already solved, add `skip_check_unsolved = true` to the exercise's metadata in the `info.toml` file";