Prototype 1.0

Prototype 1.0

Application Features :

Playable Game :

  • At least 1x Playable Chat Game - #1
  • [optionally] Retrieves data from Web API
  • [optionally] Persistent Storage through Database connectivity & schema design

User Controls - Persona Roles :

  • Users
    • Regular Users / Chatters can run User Level Commands of a Started/Running Game/Module
  • Channel Bot Moderators
    • Default Control Rules for Channel Moderators to be Channel Bot Moderators
    • Channel Bot Moderators can : start/end <games/modules> , status
    • Channel Bot Moderators can run elevated administrative commands : e.g., allow/block <game> , silence/quiet , enable/disable <game> , debug
  • Channel Bot Super Moderators & Broadcasters
    • Channel Bot Super Moderators & Broadcasters can run same elevated admin commands, but also : promote Mod <user>
    • Broadcasters can set Super Moderators : promote supMod <user>
    • Broadcasters can also Demote : demote <chatter,mod,supMod> <user> will set the user to the target permissions level ; if level is not provided, it will demote to the next least elevated persona role level
    • Broadcasters & Super Moderators can Whisper for Bot to Join/Leave
  • Bot Application Admins
    • Bot App Admins can have the bot Join/Leave , silence/quiet , enable/disable <game>, debug , but they cannot allow/block <game> (note : if a Bot App Admin needs this access, they must first promote themselves to a Channel Bot Moderator , and ensure to remove this access later unless they're truly moderating this channel )

Developer Features :

  • Easier Twitch Message Rate Limit handling - #3
  • Defined Template or Method to define commands that will be restrained by User Controls : #4 , #7
  • Defined Template or Method for Routines - #5
  • Defined Template or Method for Listeners
  • Enhanced Debugging : define debug log levels for stderr - #10

Internal Automation :

  • Twitch OAuth refresh automation - #2
  • [optional] Automated Testing , such as Bot Test Run to see if the bot runs at compilation
No due date
29% Completed
WIP: Adjust Custom Modules Loader
Some checks failed
ci/woodpecker/pr/cargo-checks Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/cron/flake-update Pipeline failed
Individual Lead
Phase 1.0
Requirements > Drafting